IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

As soon as I listened to both of them and then put back on the Blon BL03, I was like “Well, I guess I’m never listening to the Blons again.” I prefer the Dekoni tips and paired them with my BTR5 and Qudelix-5K over LDAC.

Firstly, both J1UR and J1UX are VERY different in frequencies. The X stands for extra bass, and it’s plainly obvious even after 5 seconds of listening. But it does come at the price of treble detail. Depending on the genre and what I played, I would prefer one over the other. If I only had to choose one I’ll stick with J1UR though.

Comfort is great thanks to the tips. Imaging is good. Instrument separation is great. Soundstage is better than what I expect out of an IEM. When I need bass slam they slam. When I play my sibilant tracks they avoid sibilance. Resolution/clarity is unlike anything I’ve heard on an IEM, but I also have very little IEM experience so take that with a grain of salt. These compete with my headphone collection and I’m happy I bought them.

Edit: another thing: I recommend getting an aftermarket cable for these as well. The included cable is certainly nice, but the shape of the MMCX connector (slim metal) makes it seem impossible to remove from the IEM since you can’t get a good grip on them. I’m still struggling with removing them.


I have for years had a pair of xiaomi piston 2, monoprice 8320 and soulsound 0-18 iems. I just started getting use to them being in my ears and enjoy the sound. How much has quality changed over the years. I paid $24 for my Piston 2…what level of quality will that get you now. I was thinking of getting the Blon bl-03, Cca c12, Kz ks10 pro or Cvj cs8. I’m a headphone audiophile and been doing research on iem’s. Any info on iem’s, ear tips, or wires would be appreciated.

aaa the piston 2, nostalgic lol.

The blon 03 soundwise is what I would recommend in the budget range. But the fit is really bad and the bad tips/cables makes it very hard to get a good fit so it might be a bad choice for one of your first iems.

I think that a easy way to start is by looking at ranking lists and then go from there since there is so much to know here:!5518&ithint=file%2Cxlsx&authkey=!ANx0oFPRoOms_Ng

Here are a few lists (including my own :joy:).

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Thanks! Alot of these I ain’t heard of or researched, those Blon 03’s would be perfect if it didn’t have bad shape, bad cable, and bad tips.

np, yes I agree. The 03 would be a great iem and very easy to recommend to people if it didnt have such a bad fit.

so i have a job now… basically i can now try out IEMs and stuff since i have multiple dollars now… what would be good headphones to start out with to see what i want

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If you haven’t tried any hifi headphones then the hd600 and 650 are a rite of passage, from there you will know what you want typically. What iems you like may may help as well, what are,you into atm?

More specifically, the HD6xx

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already have tried the 58X (which are very similar)

This is true, I had both and can agree with that.

its OK… its not mind blowing and i dont feel like im getting bliss in music or anything but thats partially the very relaxed sound compared to a bass and treble heavy sound of my music

Well if you want to further accent the bass and treble over that a v signature may be the thing. I dont do much v 8n headphones, but some good ones ive had personal experience with are triple over ears, trx ph, and maybe the dt1990. Ph were the only disappointmrnt sound wise since I could not deal with the treble personally, and comfort wise the triple over was not the best, but it’s 9k for an hour or 2 for me at least.

Here are some of my bad experience with linsoul and why I will never buy from anything related to them again:



The final audio sound Fantastic so far

The bass is deep but not overpowering and it’s all clear and feels nice

What sound do you call this so I can headphones like this

Clear but also bassy

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Don’t know if this is the place to ask but I got a gift card for 250 on amazon. I wanted to know if anyone has any iem recommendations. Uh I have a preference towards something that has detail and I can like hear everything while being wide and still having a nice amount of bass not bassy but it’s like there. Any recommendations would help. Thanks to who responds.

I’m kinda looking at these but not sure how they sound but people say they are wide and have good separation between instruments.

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check one @Rikudou_Goku or BGGAR tier list and see their sound description

Think I’m gonna go with the moondrop blessing 2 unless someone has another opinion they could give me

Maybe worth waiting on the new Tin P2 reviews to come out?..The P1 is amazing for detail and speed, slightly light on bass but it’s impactful with a narrow’ish soundstage, but rumour has it the new P2 is better extended in the bass department and hopefully a wider soundstage, a more ‘full on’ planar sound?

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I’m holding out for Tin P2 reviews. Have the P1 (which I lurve)

Also, waiting for Lz A7 reviews to come dropping in by the bucket load.
(That and for Amazon UK to get their act together)

I want to upgrade my starfields/ kz 10Pro. Since, I am now starting to hear the lacking in the respective iems.

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Any idea when they arrive?