IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Wow I don’t think I’d want or need 5 more db of bass. It’s already got insane amounts. The screen is a good change though.

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It already had too much for me, but I could see why people would like V1. I don’t see 5db more bass being a good thing even for bassheads.

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I have a green set coming any day now as part of my Black Friday HBB rec’d order…QKZ x HBB, TANGZU Wu Zetian, Cadenza, QKZ-Q1MAX cable…all to join my Hook-X HBBs. I think HBB and I have the same library.


I messed up and missed a used set for a fair price. Now I’m looking at the 15% sale and considering pulling the trigger.

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I haven’t heard them so I can’t comment but based on the graph I would be inclined to agree. However there are people in the head fi thread who are boosting bass on them 5-12db!!

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I’m jealous. Monarch Mk2 causes me too much discomfort on part of my conchae so I had to pass on owning one. I have listened to them for a couple hours in total and they are very nice.

As far as the Supermoons go, they’re my favorite planar IEM by far and I’ve heard most of the planars I’m aware of. I got mine for less than retail because I had some credit with Campfire that I needed to use one something anyways. I think they’re more than worth the price you can buy and reshell a used pair for if you’re willing to go through it. In fact, I would say if you can get them for $1300 or less then I would go for it. They have all the technical benefits of a planar driver, but with a timbre that brings you much closer to a DD.


That’s crazy! I can’t even comprehend wanting to listen to music with that kind of bass boost.

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Yeah man, too many fellow audiophiles have fallen victim to the monarch’s large shell and strange fit - I’ve gotten lucky. I blind bought them, and not only do they sound glorious to my ears, but they fit like a custom. 0 discomfort after 2-3 hours of wearing them. Seriously. I got lucky.

The super moons are so interesting to me because I can’t really understand (in my head) how a planar IEM could ever cost $1500 or so USD when you have so many amazing planar sets under $300 USD right now … I legitimately have seen a custom Supermoon on classifieds for something around $800 I believe. It was shocking. I’m not sure how much a reshell would be, but if I’m assuming correctly, $800 for even a custom Supermoon is a Fantastic deal. I’m happy you’re enjoying them, brother!


I think they’re a bit overpriced, for sure, but I do think they offer quite a few advantages over your average planar. I suppose I would say that I would equate it to the difference between your average single DD and some of your “endgame” or TOTL single DDs. Either way, I didn’t pay anything close to full price and I think it’s definitely a kilobuck level performer so I’m more than satisfied with my Supermoons.

It might also be worth noting that I think most audio gear at the higher end is significantly overpriced. That hasn’t stopped me from paying for it though…:roll_eyes:


It is done.

Words have been said.

Praises sung.

Acknowledge Cadenza…



Yes sir! UP still gets a lot of time and love. It’s definitely got a soft spot in my heart. Every time I contemplate selling it, when I new IEM comes in, I just throw it on for a few and bam! The thought goes away.


Random Crin takes on IEM stuff and Japanese quirkiness…


Finally, the chosen ones have arrived, the Kiwi Ears Cadenza. Here are my impressions on them. Disclaimer: All said by an idiot :wink:

Kiwi Ears Cadenza $35:

Packaging: 4/5
Packaging is my favorite I’ve seen from a cheaper set, lovely presentation for sure. The box is very clean looking and does it’s job of holding stuff in (I know impressive right?). Comes with all the tips you’ll ever need for them. Got the IEMs themselves and the cable. Not really much to say about the packaging, but it’s nice to unbox.

Build: 4.5/5
The Cadenza are an impressive IEM for just their build quality alone. I was already wowed by the QKZ x HBB for how nicely built the IEMs were, but these are even better. They’re made of a medical resin that feels nice to the touch. And they look absolutely gorgeous. Simple, but very classy looking. I got mine in green, and honestly am quite tempted to buy the other colors just to have them (I may or may not have a problem). The tips feel good as well. The only nit pick I have is that the nozzle is a bit wide for the tips themselves. I spent a good 2 mins just getting them on (I could just be inept, but I didn’t have that problem with most other IEMs.)
Cable: 4/5
It is the best cable I’ve had from any IEM in this price range. Even more than a cable from higher end IEMs like the Olina SE and FiiO FH3. It instantly gets bonus points from me for having an L shaped connector. It’s only problem is the cable slider doesn’t move smoothly, and feels a bit rough to slide.
Doesn’t necessarily feel like a premium built cable, but for $35? Heck yeah it’s great. Who knew you could get such a nice cable even at such a cheap price, ‘AHEM’ QKZ x HBB.

Comfort/Fit: 4.5/5
These fit great in my ears. In terms of size and shape, they’re in between the Penon Vortex and Serial. Closer to a smaller sized IEM, which is perfect for my ears. Haven’t had any issues with my demented right ear like I normally do. No complaints from me.

Sound: 4.5/5
You thought the build and fit was impressive? Well good news pal, the sound is also awesome! I would call these a jack of all trades. They do it all! You’re not gonna be slamming your face into the table from the bass, but there is enough to make stuff like Heavy Metal still enjoyable. There is no bleeding into the mids, this is a no mud zone. Vocals are amazingly clear and clean sounding. Treble feels pretty smooth, and doesn’t feel fatiguing. They do a solid job of instrument separation, it’s hard to really find anything bad about them. They’re a lovely IEM to enjoy listening to tunes with.

Overall: 4.5/5
All this hype, and don’t forget, they’re $35. I thought I was impressed with the QKZ x HBB, but these decided to show up and honestly kinda kick their asses. Sorry HBB, but you said it yourself lol, and I have to agree. They look nice, they feel great, and they sound super. It’s kinda crazy how much value you can get nowadays with IEMs, seems like it’s every week we get another IEM that throws everyone into a craze. And this time it’s the Kiwi Ears Cadenza’s turn. So every budget IEM, bow down to the new king.


Got my A12ts from 64 Audio today (and my Fiio FF5s from AE, but that’s for a different thread) and I’m loving what I’m hearing. Early hours yet, but it’s easy to see why the A12t/U12t is so well liked/respected.


Always wonder what the main tuning differences were between these two sets I‘d be most thankful if you could enlighten me…

Seasonal I thought :smile:

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Is it that the Uxxt are Universal so maybe the Axxt are custom shells? Just guessing though as these are not in my price league :person_shrugging:

The At’s are studio/stage tuning and Ut’s are audiophile tuning, I was just wondering what that equates to in layman’s terms lol.


ah, ok that makes more sense :+1:

I will have the opportunity to AB with a pair of U12t on Sunday and I’ll give you a little break down of the differences I hear. My understanding from the 64 Audio guys is that the tuning is only slightly altered because of the changes in FR created by the slight differences from the universal to custom fit and that, ultimately, they should sound almost the same. The A12ts are supposed to have some increase in bass response to compensate for loss during shows because of noise.


Well said. Totally agree with you.
The green looks pretty nice.

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