IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Just received azla vivid edition tips and they may be my new favorite tip! Bass texture and general fun factor on the IE600 get a nice bump. If anyone is looking for new tips I highly rec.


Almost bought a setā€¦ good to know! May still get some then.

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They are super sticky which creates an amazing seal for me. What size tips do you usually use?

Lookinā€™ for the current best true wireless bluetooth adapter for iems that hook over ears, what are you peopleā€™s usual recommendations?

My guess is you arenā€™t going to get better than the fiio utws5


Yup. In close second is their older model, the UTWS3. In fact, you donā€™t need the UTWS5 unless youā€™ve an IEM that requires a low noise floor like the U12t. The UTWS5 is also much lower latency and potentially has support for LHDC.

All other Bluetooth hook adapters are a distant third from the UTWS3, unfortunately, including the Shure stuff.


I have the UTWS3 and for the price difference if I was looking at both I would get the UTWS5. The 3 is not bad but the 5 does improve the specs (more power, lower noise floor) plus adds some tws goodies like transparency mode iirc and it has EQ unlike the 3

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Those are both absolute trash, FWIW. The EQ doesnā€™t even have a custom profile (though itā€™s been promised in a firmware update since a long while now) so you have to pick between the usual ā€œrockā€ and ā€œpopā€ cookie-cutter nonsense. :joy:

oh wow idk why but I thought it at had at least 10 band graphical EQ

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So, havenā€™t really made a fuss about this but I wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge, massive ā€¦ absolutely GARGANTUAN thank you to both @MMag05 and an anonymous user who very kindly purchased Magā€™s OG DM and asked for them to be gifted to someone. On top of that - @MMag05 gifted me his pair of Kais which I have the intention of gifting to my buddy from work whoā€™s been looking for a bassier set.

But wait - thereā€™s more ā€¦ Mags also said screw it, Iā€™ll send you my Riku buds for you to try and just send em back after the holidays, he says ā€¦ what an absolute legend.

Both of your kindness is genuinely what the holidays is really all about.

Iā€™m a bit overwhelmed with all of these new sets coming in all at once. I donā€™t really know where to start.

Iā€™m going to shut up now.

Thank you. Seriously. Mags, youā€™re the man. Youā€™re a great dude. And to the gentleman that purchased his DM - I mean, what can I say? Iā€™m genuinely both shocked and honored.

Thank you.


Well deserved to you. Youā€™re contributions to the forum have been nothing but A class. Hopefully your friend gets sucked into the vortex with us and that you find much love with the DM.


I wanna piggyback on this and also give a massive thank you to @MMag05 for surprising me and sending me his Maestro minis to demo! This community is amazing and Iā€™m honored to be a part of it!


That is absolutely incredible - wow - enjoy that listen, brother, I bet theyā€™ll be mind blowing for sure.


Which Rikubuds did Mags send? Assassin, Lancer Berserker, Saberā€¦and?

Asking for a friend :innocent: :face_with_peeking_eye:


Assassin, Lancer, Berserker 1 & 2, Saber and one that I cannot identify :metal:

Edit: the ones I cannot identify

Edit 2: as I posted the photo I just noticed the little Sennheiser logo there ā€¦ theyā€™re a pair of ā€¦ Sennys? :man_shrugging:


Totally agree, donā€™t have utws3 but love my utws5 very good sound & no noise audible with my sensitive sets. Although Shure one has smoother operations (such as pause opens up environment mode utws5 does not)

Oh sorry those are Rikuā€™s PK buds.


Once I knew about that, I could not think of a better home than you for the Cultā€™s DM to go. Enjoy the ride brother, Iā€™m honored that they ended up in your ears.

Merry xmas :slight_smile:


By your logic, you did a 2-for-1ā€¦so I guess I have to thank you too. Cause seriously, Iā€™d never hear such a legendary set without A LOT of generosity



Oh, I wasnt the one paying for it, just the original owner of the set. The person who bought and wish to remain anonymous will get something from me in return :slight_smile:
