IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Turning HFGF into secret Santa this :smile:


Those are some PK buds I gifted to him. Cable is (supposedly) an original sennheiser cable that I bought from taobao. :joy:


Ahh jeez, dude - you gotta stop! I swear, you’re far too nice of a guy, honestly everyone on this forum is so kind and nice. I hope to be an elder statesman someday around these parts and I can too gift dreams to people. Because the feeling it provides to receive something from just pure kindness is something I cannot describe. It’s both strange accepting something so valuable and legendary (Like the DM) & humbling beyond belief.

@nymz thank you, buddy - I’ll absolutely take amazing care of them. I cannot wait to sit down and have the opportunity to tip roll and enjoy them. I hope they’re as special to me as they were to others!

@Rikudou_Goku @MMag05 ahhh! Thank you for clearing that up! :sweat_smile: once I noticed the Senn logo, I truly felt both stupid and confused … “why would he send me Senn buds?!” :smiling_face_with_tear:


haha, Sennheiser doesnt use that PK shell anyway. :rofl:


@Rikudou_Goku I’m not ashamed to admit that I would of never known that and I would have happily, ignorantly lived my life thinking “Man, those all Black Senn buds were pretty damn good…” :rofl:

On a side note, after the holidays when the bank account is a touch more liberated, I may be in your DMs requesting a pair of Lancers because … :exploding_head: I was listening to them last night and the amount of sheer detail and separation they have, coupled with (To my ears at least) as near to perfect-as-you-can-get tuning, I think I must have a pair in my stable. Would they still be available by chance?



Yo, we’re still on for Wednesday right? Right??? Right?!?!


Of course, its not discontinued or anything. Worst that can happen is if I dont have any stock (driver or shell, etc…) then the waiting time could be 3-4 weeks.



I’ll text you now!


Awesome, that’s great to hear. They are quite an achievement for the asking price, dude … I mean, seriously. In terms of the Techs, I’d say they rival and in some cases even beat out my Timeless in pure detail retrieval. Stage and imaging is a blood bath. I was pretty shocked last night to say the least.

Side note Part II - The berserker 2 has such an interesting sound as well. While for me they’re a bit too relaxed and maybe even dark in the initial listen - But if you keep them in your ears and give them a chance, the stage depth is something that I have yet to experience with any set. Including the Monarch MKII. They are very very interesting. The space you get with that style of tuning is bonkers but you have to let your brain and ears adjust to it.


Hi! For long nozzles / deep insertion, small. For the majority of fits, medium.

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Few quick impressions of the OG DM. (Also, I took some photos of them, disregard if you’d like, I think they’re simple but also unique and work is slow today.)

MiM Dark Magician The Legend

So I get it now.
As the FR would suggest, they are aiming towards a nearly flat low end (slightly boosted) complimented by a colored lower mid range. The rise that starts around 30hz continues into about 1kHz corrects it self right at the rise to the gain region gives the DM subtle but textured mid bass and slightly warm, textured lower mids. Male vocals have enough body to not sound thin, and female vocals - well, female vocals took my breath away.
The amount of detail, texture, and space in the mid range is something that needs to be heard in order to understand.

Vocals are just the absolute star of the show with this set. And it’s not that they are in your face, but they are on the front line in terms of the mix but also, just … the detail and clarity of voices was truly stunning. This is something I have only heard coming from the Monarch MKII. The Monarchs are special to me because of the way they render the mid range and vocals - it is as natural, clear and spacious as I’ve ever heard (which isn’t saying much, but it is a phenomenon that I have to mention).

These have far less Sub Bass than the Monarch’s, causing your ears and brain to really focus on all of the subtle details and nuances of the vocalist and it is truly something special. The kicker with this set for me, is that the DD is rendering Kick drums and bass guitar correctly, it isn’t all powerful and slamming, but the texture and quality is there, causing me to feel at ease with my needs for mid bass.

Upper mids are done perfectly for me. Never shouty. Never harsh. Never sibilant. My HRTF hot spot from experience seems to be around 3kHz (give or take a few Hz) and I can find a relaxing but still engaging and enjoyable listen with the DM.

Treble is a tough spot for me to really nail down and regurgitate thoughts on, so I won’t even waste your time. I don’t experience any sharpness with Timeless for example, while others have stated it has overly sharp treble, so I’ve just chalked it up to me not being sensitive to treble unless it’s obscenely boosted (maybe the Stellaris would give me a run for my money?). This also leads me to the conclusion that maybe my ears have a blind spot in the treble region. My lack of experience with other sets and critical listening may contribute to me not really being able to distinguish a good treble response to a bad one, so take this into consideration please.

While Macro Details are plenty, the DMs may be lacking in micro details a touch compared to the other sets I have (Timeless and Monarch’s) but honestly - that just doesn’t matter to me. These do have that special way of producing those vocals and that to me is where I find the most emotion when I listen to them. I’ll do some more listening to see if this thought is true or not. I’ll come back to this.

The cable is cloth covered, slightly microphonic? But it is lightweight and seemingly nicely made. Really no complaints from me, I’m not what you would call picky when it comes to cables. I can deal with this one.

Fit however, is somewhat of an issue. While my ear canals are small, my outer ear is quite large so the shell swims around a bit. The shells are tiny. Like, really tiny. I’ll take a picture next to the monarch’s tonight if I get the chance. Seal wasn’t too much of an issue for me. Once I opted for the large size Radius Deep Mounts, the sticky texture of those provided a nice comfortable seal, but it did take some tip rolling.

That’s it. Take everything I say with a huge grain of salt, please. I’m just having a bit of fun here with my thoughts and I hope it’s nothing more than a bit of entertainment for some of you!

Thank you again to @MMag05 and the anonymous User who gifted these to me. They will be part of my rotation from this point forward as I don’t think I can sacrifice this kind of vocal clarity with my other IEMs. These are just … special.

Thank you for reading, Gents :call_me_hand: have an amazing day!


What I’m hearing is “fall in love at your own peril, because you can pry these from my cold, dead hands” :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Amazing pictures @domq422! They seem to really capture the same sense of the set



Yes - this conclusion, I approve :rofl:


Thanks, man! I really appreciate that :call_me_hand::metal:

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I need you to take pictures for all my reviews.

That’s all.


Yeah, Dom is good for that. Pics are fantastic!


We finally have another major reviewer with a Penon Serial review. Haven’t watched it yet, but I feel like the title is a spoiler lol


Great write-up, man. Your text makes me definitely feel I missed something by not taking the DM.

Having textured and detailed vocals is my main purpose in audio. The only set that wowed me for this was the OG tea, but it sadly died on me.


Fly me out to Portugal, my friend and let’s do it! :sweat_smile:

No but seriously, thank you so much - I really appreciate that compliment, brother :pray: