IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Ah man - yeah I remember reading your comment regarding your tea - my condolences, brother. That must of been tough. I can tell you right now that if one of my sets that have been close to my heart died on me, I’d be devastated. I have a weird thing where I get attached to tech … so buying another set just wouldn’t be the same. Does that make sense?

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I hope that one day you can try the DMs and maybe get your Tea back brother.


My Aful performer 5s were supposed to arrive today and I was curious when I didn’t get any sms updates so I checked my order only to find out Amazon cancelled it a few days ago :man_facepalming: noooooo

Why Amazon why (,:



That really really sucks!

I did notice that a few days after it went live, the Amazon listing died. Maybe it’s possible they oversold the units?

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Maybe demand has outweighed supply? There is an awful lot of hype surrounding them for the money.
Sucks that they would just cancel it on you, though.

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Could definitely be the case! And I wouldn’t have minded at all had they just let me know it may be canceled but man they really just cut the order completely and didn’t give me any kind of heads up or anything. It really sucks, I was pretty stoked on getting them

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That’s a huge shame if that’s the case

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you were supposed to get yours already? mine is supposed to be here on the 15th

Sweet Enola Gay is it dangerous out on these budget streets.

If you ever want to save up for mid/hi/summit-fi, you gotta quit the habit in the budget range.

Fucking death by a 1000 paper cuts, man. The bodies are just piling up, man!


Mine honestly might have been a placeholder date in the system until it was forced to cancel it, would make the most sense considering they only canceled it 2 days ago

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No …. NOOOOOO :upside_down_face: damn Amazon. This has happened to me in the past. No email. No notification. No nothing.



I just had this happen to me with a Wan’er. It was said to be shipped, but Amazon never got the tracking info from Hifigo, and then the day it’s supposed to arrive, nothing. The refund process was painless so I didn’t care. But if I had this happen with something like Performer 5? I’d cry


Hmmm I wonder if it’s a HiFiGo issue and not an Amazon issue then :thinking:

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Now see this is why them being in your hands now is so great. I’d never been able to lay down thoughts like yours our even @nymz . Very well written and agree on pretty much all points. Oh and woozers those pictures are drop dead gorgeous! Really doing the “Lady of The Night” some justice.

Man just keep giving us more pictures and reviews like the DM. I’m pretty sure if I hung those at work I’d get asked to take them down. To much hotness going on in those photos.



Don’t encourage me, Mmag. You’re making me think about if my pretty words went with Dom’s pretty pictures…

We’d be dangerous


First all - The Mask?! :white_check_mark: I love that movie and this gif made me literally laugh out loud :sweat_smile:

Secondly- Thank you, my dude, sincerely I am so grateful for everyone’s compliments on my photos - that’s always been my first love, she gets upset when I leave for extended periods of time but I have to admit - I always have her on my mind and I always go back :sweat_smile:

I shall keep providing as many photos as I possibly can, just as long as you guys enjoy them - I’m not trying to stuff them down anyone’s throats!

Thirdly and finally - This little simple write up took me a while to think of, draft, spell and grammar correct and structure to the point where I started to become anxious at the thought of doing an actual review type article like the product of @nymz and @GooberBM - you guys are absolutely talented with being able to write extended pieces and keep them engaging from start to finish. I am absolutely no where close to having half of that ability so I tip my proverbial hat to you, gentleman :tophat: for you to compliment mine means a lot, so thank you again, @MMag05 - hopefully I will have more to come in the future :handshake:


You guys are all so nice that a very small part of me almost feels like being a dick just to restore order in the universe. I’ve been hanging out at headfi for too long…Or was it the four months a spent hanging out on reddit? Nah, I’m probably just a bad person to begin with! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

Seriously though, it’s cool to see a community like this and I’m thankful that you guys let me kick it here, too. :pray::heart_eyes:


Oh, I’m balancing out the karma on Head-Fi…I got that covered, believe me


Shit dude what the hell are you talking about?!

You’re one of the coolest cats on this website, and that’s not an exaggeration! You offer so much to this thread as well and your participation and presence is much appreciated :metal::handshake:

Also, I try to stay away from Head-Fi as much as possible, unless I want my daily dose of snake oil, paid reviews, and toxicity :slightly_smiling_face:


DUDE! Someone asked for a graph comparing some SUPER flat frequency IEMs, and I found both of them in Crin’s database, so I posted the comparison. This dude is all “I laugh when I see his reviews or graphs” and got all snarky when I asked him what his opinion has to do with Crin’s graphs being valid. Like what a dick, yo! But he picked the wrong one, cause I can make time for him


I go over there for the Earbud Round-up which is full of good guys, a couple threads that are mostly music rec related, the classifieds, and some odds and ends. It is frustrating how many blatant shills are all over that site, but it has its uses and I know a lot of co folks there.

It can’t compare with the level mutual reapect and friendship I see with you guys over here and because of that I have been hanging out over here more and more. Basically, it looks like you guys are stuck with me. :wink:

And thanks for the kind words. I do my best to bring something to the table. For instance, today I have been doing some gear comparisons with a couple friends. I did some listening to my A12ts versus a friend’s U12ts for @Ohmboy (I’ll post about it a little later) and I did some listening to the Monarch Mk2, Mest Mk2, the UM Multiverse Mentor, and a few others. Still listening as we speak…