IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Oh yeah forgot about the CHONK that is the MMK2, destroying ears and dreams LOL. As for the U12T, it reminds me of the Ultra but better bass + treble detail and layering. The mid-scoop (affects vocals) really does my library dirty though, so as impressive as it technically is, it just doesn’t work for me - wouldn’t call it boring, but just more of an all rounder. But yeah, let us know at CanJam which set we should throw our money at next :joy:

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I have done a similar thing 20 minutes ago.

I EQed my S12Pro to Olina FR

then I listened to S12Pro EQed and then Olina, hoping for a similar sound (Isn’t that Oluv’s statement, by the way); after like 3 seconds of listening to the bass section, it was obvious the 2 sets sounded nothing alike.

I don’t have any gear to go as far as you regarding FR feedback loop (ie a coupler), si my expremient has some limitations, but the differences are so obvious I think going further would be a waste of time.

I had fun though, getting my S12 EQed like Teas :smile:

I’ll join @Ohmboy in “the Way of no-EQ” then.


I did another test round with the Moondrop Quarks DSP and the OG S12 too (S12 tuned to the Quarks signature). The differences are very easy to hear. Planars play a completely different sport. It’s like oil and water. Different speed, timbre etc. very distinctive.


But why not try some totl tunings? On Precogs squig are some crazy expensive sets.
64 Audio Tia Trio is a good one I found, Moondrop S8 is top notch, Softears RSV and Volume. Seeaudio Bravery AE, Oriolus Trailli.

Vision Ears, Elysium X, Symphonium Helios etc.

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…. You know what?! Not a bad idea :sunglasses:

You know it, brother. There are so many sets I need to get in my ears. The curiosity is genuinely something that keeps the hobby fresh for me, but it looks like I’m blowing that right out of the water all in one weekend come February :upside_down_face:

It’s a good thing this hobby moves faster than the speed of light, however.

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Why not: after all, if it’s fun and you like the sound of it :slight_smile:
But (I say that as a warning to any believer of the Oluv’s theory that says everything is in the tuning) don’t get fooled and think it gives you an idea of what the trageted set sounds like.

Nonetheless, I may try some EQ with Olina and see where it brings me, could end up with something cool too.

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Don’t blow your load too fast :joy: Market is going at a crazy rate, who knows what bargains we’ll be getting next year :sunglasses:

Also, I was wondering if I can use your sexy DM pic in my next video :wink:


Nymz is letting the cat of our relationship out of the bag, and Jay is asking Dom for nudez.

HFGF: After Dark is getting out of hand


Hell yeah, brother - check your messages! :pray: I am flattered!

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You don’t have to announce you’re sliding into his DMs. We know you’re hooking up already


I was lucky to find a used set as they were a short limited release.
My goal with the Azul was to use them for classical, instrumental and vocals music (and even rock) which is about 50% of my library.
Turns out they are very close to my neutral target, maybe a tiny bit brighter. They sound very detailed and well separated for orchestral pieces. They have a tiny bit of warmth in the mid-bass which helps render accurate cello’s and organ’s low notes.
For a 2BAs set, the timbre is exceptional.
The fit is great with a medium sized shell and an average length nozzle.
Accessories are good with a zippered faux leather case and a very nice lightweight cable.
The one downside is the quality of the bass. For other genres that requires bass and sub-bass it’s not very good but i have other sets for that.
It has ended my search for a nice detailed set with good timbre that can replay my favorite from Vivaldi, Bach and so on.



Oh btw did you get the buds yet? I forgot to ask


I did. They’re magnificent


It’s done :hot_face: :hot_face:


Cross posting here: Earbuds Discussion Thread - #348 by ttorbic


So, I was planning to get the XENNS UP which is prized ~720 USD this week but I noticed someone selling the MEXT for ~540 USD. I’m curious to know what you guys think about the 2 sets and what you’d recommend. I’ll be pairing it with the Mojo 2 and this will be an upgrade to my current IEM the Hook-X. I’ve read some reviews about them but how do they compare against each other?

Just go for the MEXT. Trust me.

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Thanks for the Rec. If possible, could you share some very brief impressions/differences between them? or maybe why you prefer the Mext?