IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Thanks for featuring my pic, brother! Another Jay classic this is, love this style of review I have to be honest. It’s fresh - keep at it!

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The honor is mine brother! Glad you like it! More on the way :face_with_peeking_eye:

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The MEXT is like a budget version of the MEST. It has to make do without ESTs and so it has a softer treble presentation.

The MEXT offer a more lush and wide soundstage with a heavier bass and is very relaxing/musical.

The MEST is a more technically accurate, dynamic and more of a visceral listen.

The MEXT will offer a more immersive listen than the UP.

Stage is kind of cramped on the UP and can’t compete in terms of 3D sensation.

The UP has quite strong pinna gain (which I’m sensitive to) while the MEXT has quite a relaxed pinna gain. Bass quality is hard to say, the Beryllium in the UP is very good. But the MEXT has a better tuned bass:

As you can see, the tuning as a whole is almost polar opposite. I much prefer the MEXT tuning and I’m certain most do.

To conclude, the MEXT is in another league.


Awesome, will get the Mext.

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Congratulations! I have always thought that MEXT are better than UP, although I have not heard them. I also always thought MEST OG was better than MEST MK2. :wink:

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I actually heard the Mest MKII, it was for a brief time but I liked the overall sound. It’s treble was a bit weird/different not sure in good or bad way from the limited time but it sounded light weight if that makes sense. Maybe that’s how ESTs sound? Anyway it was pretty good overall.

I read that the Mext have a similar signature to the Mest MKII but with a bit more Bass and different treble presentation because of no ESTs, so it will be interesting how it will perform.

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Since EQ has been discussed a lot recently - how do people feel/does anyone use Crossfeed (eg Jan Meier) &/or Spacializers/Realizers?

With Atmos being more & more prominent - especially with an increasing number of Atmos mastered files submitted for streaming services which lower quality playback is then derived from - being able to virtualize surround sound environments probably gets more essential than the cottage industry / high end DIY options that currently exist.

To expand on the concepts: Please ignore if your familiar.

Crossfeed being (simple explanation) a way to put directional listening into headphones - the addition of a delayed and attenuated L or R channel fed/mixed to the other channel to mimic the delivery of sound that we would normally hear from a speaker or live reproduction where sound on our left also is heard by our right ear fractionally later and lower. Practically this can move the soundstage out of your head and in front of you for older recordings with hard panning. Ifi incorporate some of this in Xspace/3Dspace etc… (apologies I can never remember the correct name for that function)

Example -

Realization/Spacialisation is a step further and adds looking at the accurate placement of the sound in a 3D landscape. Then converting this so that it runs multiple channels back into stereo for headphones. The last stage would also apply to surround formats (eg atmos) being per channel transposed to headphone use instead of truncated to stereo only.

Example -

I use the Jan Meier crossfeed plugin for PEACE. None of the spacialization stuff I’ve tried sounded any good to me.


I have not used softwear crossfead that much but did try the one that comes with the Chord Mojo 2 for a decent amount of time.

Personally, don’t care much for it and have mostly preferred to turn it off.

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Not too sure about crossfeed but Amazons Atmos/3D whatever you call it is wack with IEM’s not tried HP’s :sleeping: and if you have a dope 2 speaker set up why would you?.. :thinking:


And done, Mext should arrive in ~6 days.

Are there any tip recommendations for it? For me, most of the times, the stock tips fit just fine so I have not invested in aftermarket tips much. I have the Spinfit CP360, Final Type-E, Azla Sednaearfit Standard and some random generic tips.

I’ve heard good things about CP145 tips, should I get those if I have CP360 or maybe is it better to invest in some other tips like W1, Spring, Tanchjim T-APB…

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I use HeSuVi on top of PEACE/EQ APO just to use HeSuVi’s version of crossfeed (I skip the setup process for 7.1 after install, and then install for each DAC in the configurator.) Found it superior to Jan Meier and XFEED for the Soekris 2541. I use it for better center density for vocals (and older recordings) with my headphones, never found it ideal for IEMs though YMMV.


My thoughts as well in terms of crossfeed for IEMs.

Qudelix has some form of crossfeed algorithm. Not sure which one. Seems fine for headphones but mostly made them seem less wide which I didn’t prefer.


Sometimes, I just hate this hobby. Can I say so? Cause I mean it!


You want me to serve your crow cold or hot?

Whatever makes it go down easier when you eat it!


Oooh shit! Does anybody else smell smoke?

…cause somebody just got burned! :fire::fire::fire::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’ll see myself out.


Hi. No more impressions about the Prestige? A review from normal users is still missing.

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Seems like Knowles won against Bellsing.

Dunno the effect it will have for Chifi in the US though.
(kinda hard to enforce this ban I think.)


I have been super busy attending to last minute details and business before I head out on tour on Monday so I just haven’t gotten around to posting something yet. I definitely will though and I’ll try to do it today or tomorrow. :+1:


This comment was probably unintended to be cool as f*** but it is.

Good luck on tour, dude :call_me_hand: