IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

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For the Fleetwood Mac lovers out there, this simple little cover just showers over my faceā€¦ really highlights a good midrange. Had to share :sweat_smile:


I love this. Iā€™m proud.


Oh, i have a 80% done FF mini review. I can cancel it now, you can take over :joy:


Well damn this is mighty gracious of you. Itā€™s so awesome seeing all this kindness. Giving all these wholesome gentleman I chance to experience all these sets.


Iā€™m tempted to throw a few more in the mix once the current gear gets back. Say the UP, Meteor and Mahina. Not all at once though. On a side note the P1 Max should be here today. Hoping it goes well on first listen.


I feel like I need to get more sets so I can contribute more to the network. I would love to hear the UP and Meteor at some point. Iā€™ve never heard an all BA set yet.


So excited for your impressions of the P1 Max. Dom left me his Timeless and now Iā€™m hearing why itā€™s the OG.

Can you let me get more gear to share in return, before you offer up your mid-fi monsters! God, youā€™re being so generous HAHA!

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I was not a fan of all BA sets especially for bass. SA6U was the first that grew on me and now Iā€™m in love with the set and Meteor absolutely destroyed the bass notion.


Well speaking of the devil. I was busy installing my new car stereo setup and didnā€™t realize it was delivered. Put that on pause and now got the P1 Max in my ears. Hereā€™s my 5 minutes thoughts. HeyDay is going up for sale.

This is the planar that is staying. Damn it you and @domq422 hit the nail on the head saying Iā€™d like it.


Oh man ā€¦ the meteor is on my god damn listā€¦ I have say, let me acquire something of value so I can offer it to you before ANYONE else wants to throw $1500 worth of IEMs at me, please :smiling_face_with_tear:

I. Am. Not. Worthy. Absolute legend, you are, Mags :handshake:


Yo, Iā€™m SO GLAD that rec worked for you, brother.

P1 Max is a hard sell because TinHifi botched up that by not making it $100 on launch. But it is such a good planar that got lost in the weeds. Glad you love it!

Now, my commission will be some time to love your Meteors HAHAHA!


YES! I knew Brandon and I were onto something :sunglasses: Iā€™m so happy and relieved theyā€™re your jam, man - amazing.

Happy listening, killer :call_me_hand:

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@MMag05 You mad lad. I would like to sign up to hear the Meteor as well, please! :raising_hand_man: Love yaā€™ll!

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Itā€™s not even a compromise simply to add a planar in my mix. Itā€™s absolutely killing all my initial test. My only small complaint is it could use a little more bass in some songs. For its price though I can forgive that and plus, a quick flick of X-Bass fixes it. All my troubled issues with treble in planars is none existent on this set and hits my preference well. Iā€™m also sensing a little bit of special sauce on the set. Going to need a little time to identify what it is.


I obviously know I didnā€™t start this sense of sharing and community (and many other communities in the hobby do this kind of thing), but Iā€™m feeling like Iā€™m kinda in the center of starting something different in our group.

Itā€™s scary to know how our different presences here is making something like shipping so much of the gear we love around happen. This is bonkers and so fucking cool!


Iā€™ll have Dom and Brandon ship you the SA6 U after theyā€™re done with them :slight_smile:


Itā€™s the mids. It has DM-level mids (the DMs are just a little bit better from memory. Iā€™d have to A/B them directly), because the bass and treble donā€™t get in the damn way. Itā€™s the only mid-centric planar in the bunch that came out the last couple of years, so itā€™s totally different than the rest.

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Absolutely take your time, brother. I felt that the Maxes were special for the simple fact that you get all of the benefits of a planar, without the typical planar draw backs. They almost have a DD timbre to them, it also tremendously that they are smooth as silk in the playback. And I have to agree with @GooberBM the tuning is done in such a way where the bass and the treble leaves the mids relatively untouched comparatively speaking to other Planars. I think Tin did a great job, and itā€™s unfortunate these were over shadowed in the way that they were. While I prefer the timeless over them because of the extra energy the treble provides, thereā€™s no doubt that the Maxes are a beautiful compromise between planar benefits, and traditional DD benefits. Enjoy em, my Dude!


Good God! Theyā€™re only getting better. Threw on some FA Type E tips and itā€™s glorious. These just became my favorite set to listen to Stick Figure with. Which is saying a lot as he is my favorite group and contributes to huge majority of my listening when Iā€™m just trying to vibe.