IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Personally, I would go with a neutral or bright-neutral iem for gaming. As having a boosted bass/v-shaped isnt good because you want as tight bass as possible (so you can pinpoint where the explosion/gunshot happened).

Yeah I get why most prefer that sort of signature for gaming, although personally I donā€™t tend to get too distracted by bass etc I find it helps me when I game using most of my normal headphones.

Iā€™d probably not recommend the Jomo just based off of the signature and no English reviews, but it does interest me due to not being able to read about them and how Jomo stuff is generally pretty good.

Well, having a bass boosted signature is more fun at least. :joy:

Yep, which at the least, Iā€™d enjoy for music, just would be hesitant to spend over Ā£400 on an iem that I have no idea what to expect with

fully agree

Iā€™ll look into the aww set. I canā€™t find myself jumping on a set that expensive and not really knowing much about it at all. The aww looks interesting donā€™t really need that mic on the cable though. Iā€™ll look into what other people say about the aww set and base my decision on that. Thanks for bother the suggestions

Iā€™m actually wanting to look at getting something on the warm and bassier side wo compliment my SSR, as I find myself reaching for them over my other IEMs due to how sweet they are.

The SSP is going to release soon so that might be interesting for you (it is bass boosted SSR, but dont know if they will keep the 3k peak or reduce it).

But the Fiio FH3 and the LZ A7 are extremely good choices, particularly the A7 has TOTL tuning. :+1:t2:

Iā€™ll probably get the SSP then just to try it out, didnt know that was coming

As for the FH3, I donā€™t find it all that great personally, I reach for the SSR over it every time. Iā€™ll look into the A7 but not really looked into more yet, just started looking really

The A7 is a very versatile iem that can change its sound to your liking with its tuning filters/switch. It is the iem to beat in the 300 usd range currently.

I actually prefer an IEM with a big bass signature for my online gaming; there is nothing more rewarding when playing solitare and hearing the big boom when putting a card downā€¦ :rofl: :rofl:


Do you think that the A7 would be good for gaming because I was also looking at that one after reading your review.

Yeah it is. But the Final Audio E500 is much cheaper (and you might want those Type E tips anyway for your other iems). So I suggest that you start with it first.

Ok will do. If I feel like I want more I might jump on the A7

I have actually found that it helps me distinguish what surfaces someone is on due to having a bit more bass, so like enemies on wood floors are clearer.

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Hello, can someone guide me through this? Out of all my IEMs and headphones (nothing crazy), I highly prefer the audeo pfe 121 due to fit for long sessions and the sound signature - balanced and relaxed coupled with clarity and enough bass punch but not overly fatiguing nor does the bass bleed into the details. Itā€™s broken now and I just couldnā€™t justify spending money on an older model in 2020. Which of the following do you thank has similar characteristics as mentioned above (considering the others as an upgrade too):
Moondrop Starfield
Fiio FH3
Fiio FD1 or EA1 (how much of an upgrade would FH3 be from this?)

Iā€™m also open to suggestions.

The ThieAudio Legacy 3 also has good imaging. I would get it via Amazon, where fulfilled by Amazon, so returns are easy if there is a problem with it, The UM MEST has amazing ā€œsurroundā€ imaging, so perhaps the Mini MEST is a great option as well (as long as you donā€™t suffer from tinnitus).

I did have the legacy 3 at one point but I didnā€™t really enjoy it like how others seemed to be loving it so I returned them to amazon but thanks for the suggestion. For the mini mest Iā€™ll wait till reviews of it are out that I could check out and determine whether I would want it or not. Iā€™m almost set on going with the LZ A7 as the item Iā€™m getting.

I got the final audio e500 the left side started distorting and sounded really bad second day in. Not upset though cause I love the tips it came with. They are by far the most comfortable and sounding tips I have tried. I donā€™t think theyā€™re ever getting replaced

Also does anyone know where I can buy a nice long mmcx cable for my iems. Where I can lean back in my chair and still have a nice amount of length left still