IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I can only speak to the FH3 and Starfields. The Starfields are definitely more laid back and smooth. The FH3 are fun and are more capable of scaling with better amplification. If you go new I’d go with the FH3. But if you prefer the sound signature of the Starfields I’d get them used. I can’t comment on your other listed options though. GL with buying

Im sorry to hear that. It seems their QC on the E500 might be bad.

But glad you seem to like the tips as much as I do.

since we are pretty close to 11/11 now, I would suggest you wait before you get anything else.

LZ A7 is the one I would rec you the most, but the Shuoer Tape Pro can be awesome (not released yet).

Any idea about the new TRI Starsea? Find it on the market now =))

Shanling AE3

Seems to use vented BA´s for the entire setup. Wonder how good it sounds like, the Audiosense T800 with the vented bass ba sounds the closest to a dd bass for an all ba iem that I have heard.

oh yeah and also sonion only BA´s. Which is a first I believe.


Does anyone have or heard the hisenior b5, and does the trn ba5 have that temporary ba failure from moisture still? Did they fix it?

I need an iem recommendation but one that I can get only on amazon since I have a gift card there for $250. My whole budget is $450. I was planning on getting the LZ but I need something to arrive soon. I would prefer it to be nice and wide with good technicalities and for the instrument separation to be good. Any recommendations would help. Thanks for the help and others whole also make recommendations.

You are honestly very limited on amazon if you are looking for “fullfilled by amazon” stuff. The LZ A7 is available there and that would be my nr 1 rec, and the tanchjim oxygen which would have been my second rec isnt available at all.

Although I havent personally tried the Etymotic ER2XR, It is very popular and is actually on sale right now.

Thanks I’ll look into it right now. I tried the LZ on amazon but even though it says in stock I asked linsoul through amazon and they told me they are actually out of stock. And I need something soon. I was really hoping for the LZ but it’s gonna take too long to get here.

Can you use the gift card on a used Sony xba z5? That is actually quite similar to the lz a7.

Let me check and see real quick

They are there but cost $550 and that’s without tax

I meant a used pair. A new set is too expensive.

$460 is the cheapest used on amazon

Ouch, I got mine for 300 usd (if we ignore the shipping fee and tax) from Amazon Japan.

The Moondrop blessing 2 has a pretty wide and good technicalities, if you can use it (huge fit). But I recommend the oxygen over it.

Yeah they have the blessing 2 but they say it takes like 3 to 5 weeks for it to ship out.

Guess demand is still high for it.

I honestly don’t know any other worthy recs that have a big soundstage and good technicalities.

What iems do you currently have?

I have the tin t2 and the blon 03. Blon doesn’t fit well and hurts having them in. And the t2 are cutting into my ears. It’s the one I am currently using as a place holder but I have to shove tissue between them and my ear so they stop cutting into me. And that’s the only 2 iems I have

Oh shit. Sounds like your ears are quite small.

That cuts off even more iems for you…

Ehm… I only know of etymotic iems that are smaller than those like the er2se or the er2xr.

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I don’t think my ears are small cause I have used bigger iems and they do fit fine. I think it’s just the angle that the iems go in at. Like any time I talk they rub against my ear but if I don’t talk or show any emotions they are fine but that’s impossible