IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I’ve tried the fh5 the fh3 the mangird tea and those fit me the best. None of those ever hurt my ear

I think you should do some more research on some other iems then.

Tin hifi t2 plus
Tanchjim Hana (if you aren’t treble sensitive at 3k)
Are some other iems that have good soundstage and technicalities. (although I don’t have the T2 plus)

The tin t2 plus were not nice at all. They didn’t sound good in my opinion. Everything was in my face all the time. I gave them to my little sister who didn’t have any iems

I see. Crinacle and other people likes them so I thought they were good.

Usually if you want a big soundstage and technicalities, you want to find something on the brighter side, rather than something warm and bassy.

They are fine. I can see how some people could like them but to me they were just a bombardment of sounds right into my ear.

Sounds like you might be treble sensitive. And if you want a big soundstage with a warmer and more non offensive sound, all I know is the lz a7 and the Sony xba-z5.

Yeah. I’ll keep looking into it for now. There has to be like one thing I can get on amazon that can do what I need. If anything I would take for an iem just to have good instrument separation.

Well, good luck I guess.

Easiest way to find something with good technicalities is to find brighter stuff. OR, iems with exotic drivers (non-DD/BA) as they tend to be great at technicalities.

If EQ is an option for you, I would recommend the Shuoer Tape since the technicalities are quite insane, but the Tape Pro is coming out soon (on 11/11 it should be) so not a wise choice to go for the original right now.

I’ll keep the shouer tape in mind too then. Thanks for the help and recommendations though

Well, since the pro is coming out soon I wouldnt really rec the original pro (and you need eq for it too).

I need to sleep now so good luck. :+1:

Just for me to understand. What is actually meant with technicalities ? I read this word very often but I still don’t really know what it actually means. Is it about the hardware or is something sound wise meant with it?

Technicalities can actually mean different things for different people.

But for me technicalities include soundstage, imaging, details, instrument separation and timbre.


Great way to describe it, at least for me, as these elements are exactly those that matters to me. Especially the soundstage and detail, but can I get the other elements as well, I have found the perfect IEM/Headphone.

Luckily for me, no IEM/Headphone is perfect, so it is a never ending quest :laughing:

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Thank you, got it :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

No problem. :smiley:

Look into this IEM

Just slightly over 250 if u can pull that off. It’s phenomenal, no problem with fit issue as it has a nice small nozzle and you can play with the tuning quite a bit. Possibly the best iem in the price range too. Just superb technical abilities, speed, slam, detail, separation, tonality everything is great

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Oh yeah! Completely forgot about that, but if they are in the US that should be a great iem.

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Yeah just alot of guessing on my part if he’s in the US lol. But have no other info to work with

Yeah I’m in the US. I’ll give these a try. They’re on Amazon so I can use th gift card. Thanks for the recommendation

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Let’s fucking goooooooooooooo!!! lol. dude these are super dope, curious as to what you’ll think of em. let me know how it goes!