IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Dunu DK2001 is discontinued, but they will be releasing the successor to it in 2021.

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The TRN ba5’s volume goes up and down based on how I turn my head and face. Has this happened to anyone? Are their eartips that can fix this?

How many of you got the Blon BL-01? Seems a lot of people over at head-fi bought the 01 and the shuoer tape pro.

Got both the tape pro and the 01’s

I am considering the tape pro, but don’t think I will get them. They are great for sure, but I have a plan for Andromeda 2020, so better go for that.

Nice, I’m sure you’ll love it. Way better decision


I picked up a set. Already got my shipping notification a few days ago.

Nice, they havent shipped mine yet. :sob:

Chin up! Hopefully they will ship soon. Mine probably shipped quicker because I got my order in a few days before the 11/11 sale.

yeah, once they do it will be here quick. It is with DHL Express after all. :joy:

hey guys im wondering about what IEM’s i should get here are a few that i have been considering buying 1. the ikko oh1s 2. KZ ZSX 3. TFZ T2. Also are the ikko oh10s worth the extra 50 dollars. if there are any other recommendations please reply with them and i already have tried the tin t2’s and liked them.

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What will you be using as your source, and what kind of sound signature do you like? Music genres?


i will be using my phone and my computer. the music i like to listen to is rap and rock songs kind of like motley crue - kick start my heart since i dont know the name of the genre and i dont really know what sound signature i like becasue i dont know much about audio. also a thing that i was thinking about getting would be a dac/amp for my desk and since my budget is $150 i was wondering if you could recommend me a pair of iems and a dac/amp i dont mind if you spill 10 or 15 dollars over budget also i would perfer if the dac/amp can also have a 3.5mm mic input or be able to power a gaming headset its ok if not though

Well, those specifics certainly narrow things down on the DAC/Amp side of things. Something like a Schiit Fulla 3 for desktop would be one of few that meet your requirements at around $100. That leaves $50 for IEMs, and some common options would be KZ ZS10-PRO, Blon BL-03, Tin T2, Blon BL01, Guideray GR-i, or iBasso IT00. I’ve only heard he first three, of which my favorite is the ZS10-PRO, though I do have a pair of GR-i inbound. For rap, the BL-03 might be a better tuning, but I’d say I preferred the tuning of the ZS10-PRO for rock. Others here certainly have more experience with other stuff in the range, as I kinda jumped tiers after trying just a few entry level sets.

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im not sure if you know this but is the kz zsx worth the 9 dollars extra than the kz zs10 pro’s also ill be going with the fulla 3 you recommended after watching some reviews. also if i wait a bit my mom said she will pay for part of the iems so i might wait to see of there is a sale for the ikko oh1s or ikko oh10s so i could buy them but if not ill get the kz s10 pro or kz zsx.

Sorry, haven’t heard the ZSX, so I couldn’t say if they’re worth the extra cash. Could be worth keeping an eye on holiday sales to see what pops up, and try checking the b-stock section on Schiit’s site to maybe save a few bucks on the Fulla.

alright thanks for the help

First impressions on the Kbear Believe by my friend Baskingshark:

Hey guys, what are some IEMs recs under 500 bucks if i wanted something for desktop use exclusively. Something that could scale with sources the more you go up. For now i have the E5000 high on my list, can you provide some alternatives i could check for ?

Hi, can i ask that anyone try the shozy rouge? I like the design, and also i having a tin t4 now, does the shozy perform better?