No. Stop trying to make me. I just said how much I like spending other people’s money. Don’t go spending mine!!!
But it’s a neeeeeed man, not a want
You just want me to graph all the mods I/you/we have done lately! Greedy jerkface!
With the growth of you being the budget review king you absolutely need one in your life.
someone needs to take over my old job.
This is why I keep my mods to myself. If I graph this stuff and people actually like what they see, then they want more more more.
You know how that is!
But seriously, I have different things I wanna look at (more IEMs, and I can’t stop looking at the Hiby R6 Mk III as a long term purchase). The more sideways purchases I make ($250 in cables for example ) the further away from stuff I want I get
haha yeah.
Oh right, I have a Legato and a Orchestra Lite coming from Linsoul actually.
You with a Legato to mess with?
Hide the women and children!
Not sure if I need to mod it tbh.
But VERY curious to see how it fares against THE LEGENDARY basshead set.
it definitely doesn’t need a mod in the bass! I love good treble extension so thats the only thing missing for me… and the fit. It’s dumb that I keep harping on the fit cause it seals well and stays in my ear but it just looks silly . Im spoiled by the discreetness of the IE600.
also someone should get and measure these sweet sweet trump buds
Treble extension on it looks pretty good though.
That should be better than the 800st at least. Doubt it will match it in bass though…
(looks at my IE600) … I need more treble extension
Im looking forward to your take on them!
As a basshead set (if thats what they were aiming for lol), more treble would be worse. In fact, I think this looks a bit much as it is for that use case.
totally! I think its actually a perfect amount of treble for a basshead set. vocals come through clean without sounding bright or artificial. Its an intimate presentation but the treble doesn’t pull focus away from the bass imo. It also gives you some room for bumping the volume since its not a very peaky treble imo like the Rosefinch is.
yeah, I will find out myself later I guess.
Holy sht LOL
Even more excited for the Legatos now
Do you have nozzle filters?
If you do, put some into the nozzle, and then put a set into the eartips.
You can change that upper midrange/treble profile pretty significantly.