IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Ya would definitely recommend to anyone that buys a rig to also buy the soundcard from the ali seller. I had some issues with my laptop sound card that I had to fix and I think they were also mostly in the bass

You’re absolutely correct however in this case of these measuring rigs for hobbyists you’re only technically correct. I would bet with only at most a few minutes of daily use there’s no need to re-calibrate the microphones for year(s).

But, yeah, in usage in professional, especially industrial settings, sensors need much re-calibration.

Symphonium Audio Meteor 4 BA set for the evening, on loan to try out.



One of my favorite sets for Punk and Funk. Or really any genre with phat bass slaps that the vocalist isn’t the main drive of the song.

Reminder that the EA500 must be the hit of the year. Will it reach the heights and success of the Blon 03?!


The EPZ Q5 £34 is more than just it’s clone body it’s actually tuned well with plenty of treble detail and satisfying bass. I borrowed the squig link from @audioreviewnews I got this as an amusing comparison to my Meze Advar and it’s really surprised me perhaps if they had made it in a different colour it might have been taken more seriously.
I have cable rolled to a thicker silver coated copper cable and used final e tips which seal well and enhance the bass quality. These could easily become an everyday carry.


Color me interested, now


Is it true that there is an upcoming Moondrop Starfield 2 and Moondrop Chu 2 being announced? If it is I might get the v2 of the Starfields, since those were the first IEMs that I think I leveled up after upgrading from the Tin Hifi T2s and as well as the kickstarter of getting into this rabbit hole of a hobby.

Though I have to see a review from it first before I pull the trigger, because shooting in the dark without any prior basis of knowledge on things, can be a 50/50.

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Absolutely true!

Timmy on gizaudio already has a short impression up on the Chu 2 and he mentions the Starfield 2 announcement as well!


Got both on the way~

Nice, if it’s available now in my area I would most likely pull the trigger on it now and try to hear it for myself, though I think it can be an improvement or a disappointment since I still have the Simgot EA500 reigning supreme on usage along with the Heydays.

Also it’s been a while since I got a Moondrop earphone, for I have previously sold both of my Starfield and Aria the non-Snow Edition.

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The Thieaudio Monarch MKIII will be available tomorrow!


I couldn’t be more hyped :face_holding_back_tears: I just kitted my MKII out with a new cable. It’s gonna be hard letting go of the MKII to justify the MKIII! Just waiting on some reviews :muscle:


Are you considering to sell these fancy custom IEM paddings. I’ll take 10 in an assortment of acid colors :smile:


I shall let my wife know! She made it for me as I told her I needed a soft bed for the Monarchs to sit on :sweat_smile:


Talking bout fancy acid IEM padding…Albert got your back


Haha I just asked about a gold cable. That one though is beautiful just looks a bit to thick and heavy for portable usage.

I’d totally buy some little plush pillows for the IEMs for desk display. If she’s interested in making some money let me know.

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These sweet little babies are too blue lol (fingerprints be damned):

Wonderful for classic rock so far, need time to tip-roll and test both nozzles but I like both of them so far. The whole package is sick as usual, Dunu really goes all out.


Its not that bad in my opinion but then again, I love thicker cables. It’s lighter than the 41T cable, if that helps you at all, mags!

Oh dude, I will absolutely let her know and I’ll get back to you for sure!