IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I assume they’d be incredible for an at home environment. While the seal and fit was perfect for me, there’s no denying that the background noise of canjam would effect the experience.

Here’s to hopefully one day getting another chance to hear them! :beer:

The OH10S is not from my squig, I dont have it.

but yes, they did not change the pinna much at all, in fact it might be brighter since it does not have a dip at 5k. (the upper limit of what u can call pinna gain.)


Isnt a solution to that problem to put some ANC headphones over the iems you are demoing over there? :joy:


That’s a 200 IQ play right there :rofl:

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My bad, I spaced on that part. Like its not bad in stock form, but too fatiguing after a time. I dont even own them anymore. I just know that bass was still prob the best ive heard still. Planar is close, but still lacks the weight to go with the speed so it doesnt feel like it impacts as hard. In iem anyway. 1mores and lcd2c are tied for headphones.(purpleheart and t20rp are DQed due to treble murder for my ears.)

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Just mod it like I have. It is my tws set (using the TRN BT20XS with it).

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You black magic evil … lmfao. What foams do you use and ill put it on my list of things to try. I can use the foams without the set in the meantime etc.

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I’ve only heard the pre-production version of the Cad 12 and it’s one of my favs. The vocals are :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: TOTL imho. Hits my preferences perfectly - too bad it’s not the retail version :confused:

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I believe its the 4x3mm High density:

You can use a 500 mesh instead of tanchjim filters if u dont have any (and if u use 500 mesh, the 6x5mm high density foam will probably be better):


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Yea, you right. I messed up the filters on my z300 since I had a volume mismatch and it turned out to be because of the filters. If I can do a slight adjustment I can get them back into their sweet zone as I really like them alot…

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Strange interference from them since you’ve been routinely complimentary of their offings.

This is true. Obviously I love my Serial but I can use like 1 out of 6 cables with it, the others are too loose even if they’re fine in other sets.


Quick tribute to the EN1000, and shoutout of thanks to @GooberBM

These are really doing it for me as my clear, wide, treble present but not bass weak set. You can tell the DD is made of something special.

I’ve recently really been appreciating clear sounding balanced sets that don’t remove bass to get there, EA500 (even with subbass roll off) and in a recent reaudition, I really really like the Olina SE. I’d say it’s like a tgxears bud in IEM form for good timbre, balance, and imaging. I rate it very highly. But if you’ve got the money, or incredibly kind friends, this “Wonder King” comes out on top.
This is a killer female vocal set for me too by the way, volume scales to provide huge textured vocals.

Although I wouldn’t unless my hand were forced, with this and the Serial I feel I have a complimentary pair that would check all the boxes. (Serial with more speaker-like bass, and a little more relaxed approach.)

There are sets that come close but ultimately would be redundant to me vs the coverage this pairing can give.

For one example I am a huge fan of Michael Bruce’s Eru, but I have to tip roll to get rid of some consonant sibilance* and at rare times even that doesn’t fully remove the problem. While that issue in how I hear things might be my longest running thorn in my side as far as sets that I love becoming non-reach-for sets (and as far as I’m aware is from the midrange gain rising in the 1-2k region, but I may be off on this and it’s not always graph justifiable) it’s a hidden blessing as far as eliminating some otherwise top runners I’d have to struggle to pick between.

*listening to singers saying “t, ch, s, sh” and wincing or having to brace for it


Hi everyone, saying hello to my new home😄

I was asked by head-fi “pay us money to become sponsor or simply shut up” so I quited that ransom site.

Anyway, is looks like this is the lobby, so I’d like to share something I’m excited to hear.

I ordered qdc’s first single DD exclusive to Japanese market from Amazon JP, the qdc SUPERIOR, yes it’s after the great lakes.

Amazon JP ships this internationally, so I paid a total of 15k JPY, 110USD including expedited DHL shipping, not a bad deal👏

I’ll leave the Amazon JP URL in case anyone interested. As far as I hear from my Japanese twitters pals who tried Superior at Japanese version of this onsite expos, it was pretty positive.


Greetings dear member of the trade. Over here, after 10 posts, you have to pay money to become a regular member. Nah, just kidding.

While I’m eager to try my first QDC I fear this dreaded cat ears/cencibel graph.

Thanks for the tip though and enjoy the free view.


Not a rant bro.
I had a similar experience 4 years ago. Why i never get Penon stuff because the block and cancel my orders.


HEXA (3BA+1LCP) and Vulkan (I recall 4BA+2DD) has different compositions, Vulkan took 10khz~13khz a more compensated approach. HEXA is more monitor style tuned one that I’d say.

Still, HEXA is amazingly well tuned and nice sounding $79 IEM, kudos to Moondrop engineers who joined the truthear projected.


Oh this explain that. Got the Neo5 and it was complicated to insert the cable… at the moment I wasn’t sure about QA since it was my first Penon purchase.


Oh hey I recognize you from your head-fi username! Welcome!! :raising_hand_man:

In fact I could be wrong but I think you’re working on your own IEM? :thinking::zipper_mouth_face:


So i have been looking for different eartips on AE. I know people prefer different but what are some highly rated ones?
What does different materials do for listening experience? like does foam enhance bass and so on. I was thinking of ordering different types and sizes. Im not sure if i use M or L because they both fit me, and they both seem a good fit.
Il take any eartip info i can get from you guys.