IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Maybe I’m just not a good person to review/recommend iems. Today I was bored and dug out some of my oldest sets. a KZ ZSN-Pro & a CCA-C10. Currently listening to the C10 and honestly kind of blown away at how much I like it. They are a purple & silver color combo unlike the current version. The KZ are not far behind sound quality wise. I see looking at Amazon I bought those in 2019. So I don’t know, I guess I’m easy. Or I have Zeos syndrome and love everything. At least right now, tonight.


Does anyone have any info or opinion of the Crusader iem


I like the shield look of the face plate. It looks chonky, and I don’t think it will fit well. Tip rolling will be necessary with that stubby nozzle.

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I forgot who it was here that discovered the possible oem for Penon cables, but i found their alt store on ali.

Share the same address, as well as their legal representatives that seem related.


Truthear Nova (4+1):boom:


For the cable accessories maybe NICEHCK uses it too, the plug I see is the one used for MoonGod

Interested that they got the break of the Nova 4+1! Definitely interested in what is next for Truthear. They do solid little products. I know Shenzin is coming to Can Jam as is Hifi Go. I’ll definitely check it out if it comes there. Hell, I’ll buy one on the spot if I can.


Looks like we’ll know more soon on the Nova on the 15th.


Agreed, it seems like Truthear and Kiwi Ears are both putting interesting stuff on the market.
Hexa was good, but I already owned Galileo which is tuned very much the same. I view the Hola as the best $20 IEM on the market.


Nah, it’s an impossible task to please everyone being a reviewer. I find your experience funny because I have a similar experience to tell. I put on Softears UC on my old KZ ANV and was blown away. The stage was roughly average and the tonality wasn’t bad. The main flaw was weirdness with the staging (the sound field sometime didn’t fill like it was full – hard to describe), but comparing to Cadenza that I was gifted, I wouldn’t even miss it. Which turns me to another observation… I’m surprised at all the hype Cadenza got. It’s like a generic titanium driver. While the tonality is decent, it’s too safe in the treble, and sub-bass has less presence than my KZ ANV which was less than $10. This reviewer nailed it, " Weirdly, the frequency response measurements indicate a sub-bass centered bass boost, and while I can hear it it does not translate to a sub-bass tuned earphone for me." That also tells me not to glorify FR graphs…


Thanks everyone who has taken the time to stop our database since we’ve put it up. Just wanted to let everyone know that it will no longer receive updates as its moved over to squigs. I’ll try to get up a CNAME working to redirect so both links will be valid. For now the new link is

As always thanks to those that have given me trust with there sets to populate it so quick to include some good gems. @rattlingblanketwoman @VIVIDICI_111 @domq422 @GooberBM @Sonofholhorse @cal_lando

Hopefully this will give it a little more visibly as it’ll know be included in searches from other squigs.


Time’s up mate :joy:

Just came in for a spin :star_struck:
Wow, first impressions are seriously good


managed to get 2 pairs for 39£/ 48-49$ also on AE ‘Maryanns store’ or something like that. they will come on the slow boat though :rofl: :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

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PENON IMPACT Impressions:

Tested with Fiio K7 (favorite) and Zen Dac V2
Tri Clarion Eartips

The Impact just doesn’t do anything wrong, I don’t know what to complain about.
(Not sure yet: Maybe Pressure build up as there are not vents. Or maybe its the chonky nozzle but could become a comfort issue. Possibly solved by tiprolling)
**Correction: The irritation I felt was not inside my ear canal and not from pressure build. It was from the outside (Anti-Helix) and only on the left side so I probably placed the left earpiece a little unfortunate

For my taste, the amount of bass is just right for an all-rounder.
I tend to be a basshead myself, but I still get my money’s worth here. (If I would have bought it :stuck_out_tongue: )
But it shouldn’t be less for me.
In addition, the bass is nicely structured and very fast, metal really appeals, but so does every other genre that I have tested so far.
The Cadenza12 had a similar bass but I wanted more to balance out the sharper treble…but with the Impact that’s not necessary. Nothing stands out excessively - the sound appears natural and balanced.

The mids are absolutely amazing, rich and natural.
Female voices literally jump out at you, but never to the point that it seems unnatural.
I don’t find it to be as pronounced in male voices.
Instruments simply sound natural and absolutely enjoyable.

Impact does not try to impress with artificial overdone treble.
The treble just sounds effortless and absolutely fatigue-free, yet still very detailed and airy.

Airy is a good keyword as there is so much space between the sound layers that it is a pleasure to follow the individual instruments.
The sound layering and positioning are top notch, it’s really fun and gives the impact a bit of an analytical touch, although in my opinion it’s absolutely not an analytical Earphone but a very musical one with analytical skills.
The stage is large and at least on the same level as other TOTL IEMs I have heard so far.

Everything sounds very clear and effortless, nothing is annoying.
Tonally for me it’s an A+ and nothing less than that in terms of technical skills.

I am impressed!


IEM for metal! :wink:

It absolutely is!!!
But so it is for everything else, so far the best allrounder I´ve heard.
I like it better than U12t (from memory)



Take the blue pill and live in the illusion that all-BA sets are capable of top-notch low-end sound reproduction.
Take the red pill and acknowledge that dynamic drivers are the only way out of this bassless world.

If you take the red pill be prepared of the many Agent Smiths you’ll encounter on predominantly audio forums telling you how the next all-BA set is the best thing ever.

:grin: Just kidding, obviously there are many people loving BA sets.
For me though, after experiencing the Studio4 I won’t bother with BA sets again. If someone is interested in the EU I’ll give them away 50% off for 200€ + postage. Invoice included (26.05.2023, 1 year warranty)


Storm has me blue-pilled pretty hard, not gonna lie :joy: