IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

That is a stellar deal! If not for SA6 I would buy it in a sec!

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Iā€™ll just compound them and make a purple pill. Not many DD sets Iā€™ve heard have the absolute speed and fast decay I crave from BA Bass for those slamming fast drums sets and crazy snappy bass guitars. Planar would get me there most likely but most are to aggressive in the treble for me or lack proper bass quantity. Iā€™ve got a modded S12, aka Fat Earth, coming from Micheal Bruce thatā€™s supposed to be killer for metal. If it does what Glam did to EDM for me the Fat Earth will be the destroyer of sets for Metal.


If the issue with planar is the treble you are gonna love this set. Itā€™s def got the speed of Planar in the bass but the treble is DD like imo


Iā€™m super stoked for it to arrive. Already got a six pack paired to go with my first listen in case things chaotic on my listening session. Thanks for giving me opportunity to purchase it from you seeing itā€™s so limited.

This just may be me this weekend hopefully:



Yeah, the Impact has the best vocals of any set Iā€™ve heard so far. The treble was so nice and clean and crisp but never overdone. The bass was punchy and textured for BA, but still woulda been better with DD. I feel the stage was nice and big but not as good as SoundRhyme SR8 or UM Mext.

It plays busy tracks so well and you can crank up the volume and it holds it all together and never loses coherency when itā€™s blasting.


Found this IEM display stand and printed it today. Didnā€™t come out to bad. Only issue is it doesnā€™t work great for thicker cables unless you scale it up beforehand.

This is not my design and credit goes to original creator. If your interested in printing one here is the link.


Regulars here know my love for the Glamdring. If you donā€™t it slaps hard and nasty for EDM with a ridiculously wide, endless soundstage and CRANKABILITY. Unfortunately itā€™s harder to acquire and may be out of your price range. Donā€™t tell MB the following but, @GooberBM has discovered the secret sauce in the sound and given you a easier more accessible baby Glam, at a fraction of the price, with a modded P1 Max. Thatā€™s right folks you heard me right. Donā€™t just take my word for it off the graph. Just got done with an A/B and I can say itā€™s eerily similar. They slap you just as nasty and take you for a wild ride. Iā€™m out time to go on wild ride.


That said, if you have the budget for Glamdring, get it. Support MB because his set IS better, and heā€™s a boss!!!


This is why I do what I do. I hope I help people find good stuff, no matter their budget :smiling_face::grin::heart::green_heart:



Penon 10th anniversary the Jury is out on these, need a bit more time to fully make my mind up if these are for me the sound definitely changes with tip and cable rolling maybe I just need to hit on the right combination. Iā€™ve heard say that tri Clarion tips work so Iā€™ve ordered some time will tell


wouldnā€™t mind a baby glamdring, aslongas it grows up :v::sunglasses::+1:

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Let us know what you end up thinking. The 10th never ended up working for me and I really wanted it to. For starters the bass just had this odd characteristics to it that was noticed immediately. Think it was @rattlingblanketwoman who described it as thumpy and it just never clicked as being idea to anything in my library. Overall the treble also had to much bite and made guitars to forward. They seemed to be out of place in the staging of the band. In the end there just wasnā€™t anything in my library and to my preferences that it ever clicked. Iā€™m still hopeful that one day a Penon IEM will wow me but, the hunt is still on. Iā€™d be curious what tracks you find enjoyable on it if you find any tips that make it work. Itā€™s always interesting to see how others tuning preferences align to IEMs Iā€™ve heard and didnā€™t enjoy.


I admittedly get fired up and jump aboard the hype train when a tuning really clicks. The Glam is definitely more refined and technical in most areas. Another way to say it is itā€™s just more confident in its abilities. Staging and imaging are better and has more width and depth. It takes on a more holographic sound. Bass is also tighter with more punch that seems to dig deeper. The mods bass is a little looser and decays longer. Maybe due to the differences in the shell material.

You couldnā€™t pry Glam from my cold dead hands. Michael deserves tremendous credit and respect for the magic he pulled out of S12 Pro. Especially considering how much I was turned off by it unmodded. If anyone is looking for itā€™s type of tuning hands down if they can afford it support his effort. This mod though, especially if you have a P1 Max already, will give a great taste of what to expect from Glam. Itā€™s this eerie similar tuning that will ready you for the outer body experience of Glam.


Donā€™t know the seller but a good price if youā€™re in the EUā€¦


Can someone move this to the deals thread?
Where are the mods when you need them?
Lol just kidding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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love to get one but not had an answer from him on discord yet, expect heā€™s busy. tried the og s12 & thought it was crap. fingers crossed for getting a glamdring :crossed_fingers:

That driver they all use is likely the reason you see the same effect on modding it.

Kinda forgot I should have sent my modded timeless with the saber 3 to @Sonofholhorse


A guy called jc in my server just found the next cheapo cable rec.

Its like a third of the price of the XINHS cable.

Cable comparison with the XINHS cable, can you tell which one is which?
(I lost that bet lol.)



XINHS is the top one

ā€œę™“夜Pro is visually the exact same as xinhs. But yea the cheap one is visually different. Feels different as well, slightly stiffer. But very worth it for half the price of Xinhsā€

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