IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I have settled to Pop Black or Monitor Gold… I need some bite (upper mids/lower treble energy) to enjoy music in a lively manner.
Bass is fast and punchy, excellent mids with great details and soft rendered treble… Superb resolution among the three (bass, mids, treble).

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My local audio shop is selling the E1000 and it comes with the Type-E eartips??? Was looking for earphones with mic to use for mobile calls and the E1000 happens to have them as an option. And those eartips that @Rikudou_Goku has been talking about! Converting into USD if I want with the mic cable, it’ll be around 35USD with shipping.

I might be getting this during the upcoming sale =O


Isn’t that because that’s the only range you try tho? Lol. Because if would be in thing if you also used plenty 1k IEMs and then still mention that you find the sweet spot to be at 300. But if the highest u really try are 300 dollar ones dosent it make sense that u find that to be the sweet spot? Am I crazy here lol

It’s like if all iems I try are around the blon-03 and TIN t2 price range so I say that he sub 50 dollar price range is the sweetspot


Dunu EST112 (msrp 490 usd)
Dunu Zen (msrp 700 usd)
Sony XBA-Z5 (msrp 700 usd)
Sony MDR-EX1000 (msrp 500 usd)

So yes, I do have some above that price and IMO I still think the best price/performance range is around 300 usd.

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It’s just that you have to understand, from a 3rd person perspective how funny it sounds when you state what your sweet spot it is a range that one would assume based on previous posts that you don’t leave. And then you clarify that your opinion is based on a huge range of 76 IEMs, so one would think wow that’s a huge range indeed. Must cover the entire spectrum of IEMs, only to find out that out of those 76 literally only 4 go past 300 and even those are all still not seemingly high in the food chain

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I understand that. But I aint rich enough to go higher ATM.


Very much so fair enough

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I always have a bit of an issue with the term sweetspot. The term seems to imply that there is one pricepoint that is the best pricepoint for everyone. It very much depends on what you expect and what you can or want to spend. There are always diminishing returns if you go more expensive, and a sweetspot is very subjective IMO. Unless there are clear boundries to what an IEM needs to have or do, I think there is no such thing as a sweetspot.


So I’ve had these now for a week… I got the Final Tips last Friday and that helped and now have the balanced adapter. The tips were a substantial improvement over the others I had so thanks for that suggestion! I’d say with a proper seal I now at least can see some of the value prop on these… The bass warmth, dynamics, and thick buttery sound is enjoyable.

They have a W sound signature and perform relatively close to my Klipsch HP-3s in terms of technical capabilities and bass impact. I’ll re-iterate I’m not an “IEM guy” so I don’t have anything else close in price/performance range to benchmark them against. I do find that Noble Sultans actually pair best with my tube amp (Auris HA-2) and were that great synergies with my solid states (Holo Mammoth KTE & Phonitor E).

They sound pretty good straight out of a DAP and iphone but do scale with better amplification. I notice the bass grip / punch become much better with proper amplification.

For $3k I’d say pass but if you could get one used say closer to $1500 that is probably a fair price point. I have a few other iems in the same price range coming in the next few months so I’ll try to follow up with a comparison based upon memory.


Antdroid has an IEM tier list with a much larger collection of IEMs which range much more in cost than what @Rikudou_Goku has reviewed which might be better suited to your needs. He also has an approximated value column which I find really nice, even though it is completely subjective.

I agree that it should be difficult/impossible for anyone to define what the best value/bang for buck price bracket is when they haven’t listened to much more expensive products in order to come to any real conclusion. You need to have experience with products of widely varying prices to give a fair/accurate answer.

I think of the term sweet spot very differently. I think of it as a place that you are content with. You could go higher but why when you are plenty fulfilled at a lower price point. And you would rather not go lower since lower is missing something you value

So you won’t go higher because the higher price point is a something u want to avoid and you don’t want to go lower because the gear isn’t as good or lacking I something you like

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That’s exactly how I think about sweet spot, but that’s massively subjective and depends on a ton of factors. Therefore there is not “a sweetspot” but everyone has it’s own and it can change when circomstances change.


Yeah everyone having their own sweet spot means by definition that there is a sweet spot lol

In my opinion, if you could spend that amount of money,
then you should get “the bird”
it’s pointless to have several $2000 mediocre iems,
get the bird then be done with this hobby.

End game setup (for now):

  • the bird
  • Luxury&Precision P6 Pro
  • Cayin C9

Just to re-iterate I’m not buying any of these just getting them to demo in my home via tours. It’s an effective way for me to dip my toe in the pond without having to make purchase mistakes.

Have now clue what the bird is but I’ll have to look it up.

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oriolus traillii

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Heya all, I am looking to upgrade from my SE215 LE.
Basically looking at an overall upgrade, leaning towards better sub-bass & bass. Budget’s at $400 usd.

So far, I have 2 iems in mind…

  • Moondrop blessing 2 dusk ($330usd - only available on SZA)
  • BGVP DM8 (if i were to purchase locally, currency conversion comes up to be roughly $350usd)

Stores are close due to current covid situation, so I am not able to test them, more so the blessing 2 dusk which is only available on SZA.

I would very much appreciate any suggestions/recommendations that anyone has.

Get the Dusk and don’t look back. I have both the SE215 and the Dusk and they are not even remotely at the same level.
The Dusk is better in all aspects and you will get a very high elevation in SQ.

I have not heard the DM8, but it can only be better than the SE215 :wink:

The SE215 has long been surpassed even by the budget chi-fi. (according to my friend, Baskingshark on head-fi.