IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Short Bus update….

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Could you list your favourites? I did not recognize them fromyour video.

(not his video)

Softears RSV


Wait… is that serious or someone making a joke photo edit?


I thought it was a joke as well, but its on their official Twitter (Weibo)


At least they sounded good … But no :)))

Lol. TRN Golden IEMs have some competition now.:joy::joy:

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Barusu! Welcome to HFGF! Great to see your name around here :slight_smile: Enjoy!

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Thanks. Nice to meet you here nymz!

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Google’s 3.5mm headphone jack commercial: :rofl:


After the Pixel 2, 3, and 4 not having them (possibly the 5 too) they really don’t have a leg to stand on.

Samsung mocked the lack of boxed charger, then did the same in their next release and deleted the mockery afterward.

I wish they *really * believed in the headphone jack. Bet the 6 won’t have one.

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But the 3a, 4a, and now the 5a does. Honestly the a line has been the smarter choice during that time as well.

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Fully agreed. Case in point: the upcoming 5a over the expensive and discontinued 5.

I have had very satisfied experiences with the 3a XL and 4a.

I love my 4a. I’m glad they are keeping the headphone jack in case I want to upgrade some day

I also thought the jack of the Pixels would matter but no… It has horrible sound quality so? Only my FH3 plays loud enough and still quality lacks. BTR5 saves the show.

I’ve been using the 4a with no DAC or AMP for everything through multiple high end IEMs, I actually prefer it to the sound when I used a dongle with the CS43131 chip. Volume between 60 and 90% has always been plenty, I guess the sets I’ve used may be quite sensitive.

To go as far as “horrible” sound quality to my mind involves a placebo, but I’m talking specifically about the 4a, I can’t speak to the 3a series or OG Pixel. Sound through the Apple dongle on my XR is not any better or worse, but has frustratingly larger volume steps.

For IEMs, especially how sensitive most are now, my experience is that source makes very little difference.


I have no idea if they use a stronger amp in 4a or how loud anyone likes their music but for me it made no sense. I don’t have many headphones or iems but AQ Nighthawks, Koss Porta Pro, KSC75, Xiaomi Hybrid HDs, Sony MH1/750 don’t get nearly enough power from the 3a to enjoy music… Maybe for sleep time. And all these perform much better in louder volumes. I am sure the jack in Pixels was not was designed for audio-files though. My Xiaomi Mi A1? Yeah, that jack pumps music alright. And some LGs I have heard… :yum:

For sure if any require more power, the 4a doesn’t have more than the average jack.

Agreed that there are some IEMs that require more power (Tin P1, Moondrop SSP, I found Clairovyance needed max or close to max volume)

Little surprised about the MH1/750 though. I think you must have a tolerance/need for much higher volume than me, in which case fair dos, I can imagine the volume being too limited if that’s so.

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