IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Hehe, obviously listening levels vastly vary between people. I am listening to the MH1, which is currently my reference iem (far superior than the famed FH3 imho), on the BTR5 in High Gain at 40-50/60 usually and with some recordings BTR5 really needs to be pushed at full volume… Am I deaf? Not at all… :yum: I can’t bare the FH3 beyond 30-35 actually. And I have talked to people that listen to it at low gain at 20-30!!!
On the 3a I have to go full volume if I plug the FH3 straight to the jack. And sometimes it’s not enough.
And yes, the MH1 really shines with lots of power.
I really hesitate trying anything hyped after the fiasko that was the FH3 for me.

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The FH3 wasn’t at all to my taste either. I’ve tried it twice and it was an easy choice to resell both times.
I’ve tried the MH1C and can confirm it’s phenomenal what Sony can do with their microdriver. :+1:

I should repeat that I can’t remember what output on the 3a in particular was like, that could explain everything anyway.

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I am only keeping that unnatural thing the FH3 is, just in case I run out of juice on the BTR5 and need to listen to something asap! :sweat_smile:

It sounds like i dodge a bullet by not getting the FH3 after all

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You listen to the FH3 on high gain at 30? Are you sure you are okay? If I connect my btr5 to my windows pc and listen to Spotify (volume normalisation=off) with all the software stuff at 100% volume, I cannot go beyond like 22 on the btr5.
This and the fact that you don’t like the FH3 almost make me wonder whether there’s something wrong with your set…

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Maybe different age. You hearing get worse with time. Specially if you have been blasting you whole life.

30 on High gain on balanced BTR5 would bust my ears, tho


It depends tbh…

Some IEMs required abit more power even on balanced…

For example
Final E5000, and NAN NA

NAN NA 60 ohms

Using btr5 with them on High gain around 30 to 32 Tidal… Spotify, and YouTube music around 25 to 27

True, fully agree. But I own BTR5 and Fiio FH3 (both for sale by the way).

Was really commenting on this pair!

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Ohh okay ,

Never owned anything from Fiio other than Btr5…

Hope u can sell them both without losing too much…

BTW- they shipped my 7hz timeless :blush:


Congratz! :slight_smile:

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Likewise… Max is 28 on high gain. Higher if some quiet tunes. 25 ish is comfortable level.

I use my FH3 with the BTR5 in low gain on 21 sometimes also 22.
Bitperfect UAPP

Wow, I’m afraid what are you doing isn’t very healthy, sooner or later you’ll develop tinnitus. Once you develop/get it, you’re fcked. :neutral_face:
Did you perhaps go to the doctor and examinations?


Anyone here has any experience with Softears RSV? Man trying to get one for myself.

OMG, seriously, that can’t be healthy. If you value your hearing and want to retain it in the future, you really should reconsider what you’re doing to yourself now.


He should be more worried about tinnitus rather than just hearing loss lol.


As you know, I’ve had to deal with some issues with my hearing, or at least my ears and it’s scary especially if you take this hobby seriously. Thankfully it’s feeling more and more I’ve turned the page, but I’m being very careful.


the same filters for the TANCHJIM Oxygen, and Tanya?

I can’t find TANCHJIM filters on AliExpress?

Only Penon sells them as far as I know.

And no, they are different from the Moondrop filters.

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Thank you…