IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I believe they are included in the Tanchjim Tanya as well. So I guess you are only paying 15 usd for the Tanya if you want the filters as well.


I couldn’t find any impressions for PMV PP on this forum. Anyone got them? Graph looks similar to Trailli.

HBB gave it a “No review” pass sort of deal. I think those two IEMs have the same driver, he might have said that.


I don’t think I have ever run my BTR5 above 45 ( of 60 ) and then with the source below 70%. My typical listening level is probably closer to 40-50% and usually I have my music player turned down to half as well. The idea of having all the dials turned up is a bit scary.

I like being able to hear, no matter what my wife says.

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Hey y’all. I was wondering if someone could post some timestamps in songs they use to determine the coherence of a set of IEMs and what it is they specifically notice in good/bad sets. This is still one of those things I have a hard time putting my finger on.


Like many people on here have said before me, it all really depends on your library and what you’re looking for and what you like in a set. But you need to use your own judgement when making that call and think about what songs do you have that have been played hundreds or thousands of times while you’re listening. Songs you know in and out and very intimately that you know exactly when the drums start thumping or the trumpets or guitars or that particular scream in a track.

Most if not all of these things will be subjective and there are very few songs that “objectively” test a IEM’s capabilities, like one that Resolution mentioned in the Mangird Tea thread, Kill Jill by Big Boi at 1:05 there are 3 sub bass hits that play where good sets with a well tuned sub bass emphasis will make you feel the sub bass and those without it won’t. For example my relatively inexpensive ATH-CKS550XiS can juuuuust about get that 3rd super low hit, but that’s because they’re tuned for “solid bass”, but even then I’m not sure if it’s just me thinking I can feel that sub bass hit.

So take a look at your library and what songs you enjoy listening to the most, if you have a variety of styles and genres then spread out to those as well. Slow and fast tracks, simple and busy, bass and mids focused, etc. Because in the end it’s what sounds good to you that matters most


I’m really excited about both 7Hz Timeless amd Moondrop Kato. Unfortunately I can only afford either of them at this point so I’m not much sure. Maybe since I’ve never owned a planar I am currently leaning towards Timeless. But so far it looks a bit dry per my tastes. Would appreciate it if any owners who have received their Timeless can share some detailed impressions. TIA.

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It is really about picking music you know , just find pieces you like that test things you care about.

@NarrowProgram mentioned some notes from Kill Jill by Big Boi, and while that could be a great song for it, I wouldn’t know what it should sound like. NarrowProgram also did a great job of explaining the issue. For sub bass, I tend to use Angel by Massive Attack, since I am familiar with it.

To test the response I use Freewill by Rush, it has solos starting around 3:00, and I know what they sound like. Any set that can reproduce that section right can keep up with nearly anything.

Just find the handful of things you know, and you will add or remove to that list over time. I tend to keep notes on the time, and what I am test for, but maybe that is just because I am older, and worried I will forget things.

Ok I did the Kill Jill by Big Boi test with:

  • Blon BL05s (not bad but the sub bass was pretty distant, vocals are def the highlight),

  • CAL headphones (a tiny bit more sub bass than the Blon but everything Nelsen sounds worse),

  • Final Audio 2000 (finally heard the sub bass properly but the whole sound feels veiled).

What I’m looking for in my next upgrade is a sound signature like the BL05s bit with a lot more clean bass and sub bass. I listened to a lot of EDM, hip hop (male vocals) and classical.

Should I get one set that plays all my library or get two, one balanced and one for bass heads?


The thing about Blons is that sub-bass isn’t focused. That makes them more musical, but they do lack sub-bass punch. Final Audio focuses a lot on soundstage so too much air can make it feel like the upper-end is veiled–more like distant.

FH3 has a slight sub-bass focus, good vocals without coming out screaming, and are good all-rounders. For EDM and Hip-hop, I think the signature is great. Good overall bass hit and some softness in the highs to lessen fatigue.


Mele, Oxygen, Mangird Tea


I already have a playlist for that. The problem with coherence is that I just don’t know what to look for, so when I hear something different I don’t know whether it’s the coherence or whether it’s something else that is the differing factor. I can hear difference in tuning, detail, soundstage and imaging, but those are pretty self-explanatory and easy to pick up. Timbre is a bit more difficult but I know what to look for, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to hear/notice when a set has bad coherence. I don’t have two sets that are identical in everything but coherence so it’s rather difficult to pinpoint what I’m looking for.
At the end of the day it’s rather inconsequential since the only factor you should choose an IEM by is whether you enjoy it of course, but I’m just interested.

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Yeah with that? I would rather not get mugged wearing those. Also I would not mind sacrificing aesthetics for a better sound overall. Win-win for me when I have IEMs that don’t draw attention to most people (unless those people are into this hobby like us.)

Also in my opinion, I don’t like the look of it xD

Please, it’s always the Tea. ONLY THE TEA!!

Hey, no bully. I have comissions with Mangird.


Lol, it looks like that

I wish. 300usd golden bracket baby.

Just think about it… B2 - B2D - Tea - Oxygen - Lz A7 - Sony N3 - etc etc

You can’t go wrong, you just need to find your tuning :slight_smile:


I know I am just joking with you…

For me I like TANCHJIM products tbh
Never been a fan of MoonDrop products
After replacing my Starfield 3 times. I know it is not an expensive IEM, but still I care about QC

Plus won’t buy anything from them.

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What happened?

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The first one was a faulty unit. I mean there is no sound coming from the drivers at all.

The second, ane third one the driver died after 3 weeks for the second one, and 2 months for the third one.

I think it is just a bad luck