IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

uhhhh, thats VERY poor luck…


Lol, yes indeed.

wow, that’s a bad luck streak right there.

Tanchjim seems very good.

My favourite brand is Fiio and Penon.


If that was me, I might have just said “fuck it, failing 3 times in a row is unacceptable, no more Moondrop for me”.

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Uummmm no comment here for me



Seems to not be able to catch lightning again after the Oxygen.

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AHAHAHAHAH. I know right?

Now seriously, I don’t have prefered brands tbh. I have prefered IEMs or products, but I don’t believe in star quality when you have lots of models.

They did with Hana… all they had to do was to copy O2 sauce on a cheaper driver :man_shrugging:

Lol, this is exactly what I did. No more MoonDrop products form me.

I gave the MoonDrop Starfield to my BF and he loves them. I also bought him a FiiO Btr5 to go with the Starfield.

My first MD product was Variations. 1 thing is for sure, they know shit about cables. Horrible.


2021 version, a lot of people were beta testers for them with the “old” Hana (including me). Which I am not happy about…


I totally I agree.

Tbh for me I have no idea why I adore Kinera products. I mean the packaging is like a chocolate box, and it is cute.


Yeah. I know about that, sorry to hear. They can’t seem to replicate or upgrade O2 sauce, anyway. I think Hana 2021 was meant to keep them on par with market, tbh.

Tanya is called a great set for the price. I have a pair incomming, let’s see.

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Kinera has a lot of class. And gets sunkissed by Zeos. But I’m not sure about going blind on Nanna tbh.

Look at this review

Zeos hyped them alot but I don’t really buy my things based on his opinion which I do respect his opinion, and I do appreciate his hard work.


They cant tune stuff…

Except maybe the Nanna…

Nanna sounds good, but doubt it sounds 800usd good when the market has TOTL at 500-700.

I might be proven wrong one day.

I like Zeos, don’t watch him much anymore. But for me it’s entertainment purposes only. Everything I bought on his recs is up for sale. But he got me into the hobby, so i’m thankfull


Yeah, I agree. Everyone has different taste, when it comes to sound, and music.

The Nana doesn’t worth more than $500 IMO.
That almost the same price I paid for them.

Shour EJ07M worth the money tbh they ask for it IMO.

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What should i Say? My hifiman he400i wasn’t on sale for more than a year before they got replaced by a new cheaper and better version :unamused:

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But the 400i is good isn’t it?

The old Hana wasn’t to me…