IEM discussion thread (Part 1)


Are u going to receive the TANCHJIM Prism?

I am curious how does it compare to the Oxygen.

You really think I will get one at that price? I aint big enough for that lol. :joy:

Although it does look like I might get the Moondrop KATO.

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KATO VS Falcon Pro

Single DD
Metal build
Tuning filters
Similar tuning?

My money, sadly, is still on O2…


KATO vs Falcon Pro vs Oxygen

Battle royale :thinking:


Lol :joy::joy::joy:

Why not!

I believe you are a wonderful person. So they should send you one.

Ummm MoonDrop good luck :grimacing:

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Thank you. Sadly this isnt how this world works lol.

Yeah, my expectations right now is:

Oxygen ? Falcon Pro > KATO

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Do you know good politicians?

Well, this hobby is about politics and sale numbers. Everything else is noise, unfortunetly.


Looking forward to that, but all things being equal in sound Dunu will get my money. Due to looks and liking the brand more.

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Oxygen has held its DD throne for 2 long years now. Wonder if the KATO or the Falcon Pro will usurp it.


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You are welcome :tulip:

Yeah, it is kinda sad tho.
Ummm I think yeah I don’t have the Falcon Pro, but I think the Oxygen will remain special.

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Sad fact :cry::pensive:

I would take an honest one at this point…

Honestly that is not a bad thing as long as it is achieved by making a better product at a good price.

That would be good, maybe then tanchjim will make a better oxygen like they did with the new Hana.

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Exactly my point.

This is a business. In every business there will always be scams, shills, beta testers, etc.



KATO = Yume tuning? :thinking:


is that good or bad? lol

Yume is well known to have TOTL tuning, praised by a lot of reviewers, but lacked in technicalities.
So probably a good thing lol.


Didnt follow it. Great to know!

Maybe but the Yume has an elevated sub sub bass using those carts as a reference