IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I was quite tempted lol.
(it is actually an hybrid though.)

Yeah, still different but does resemble it a bit.


Because of the box, right?

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What, no. Of course not
tenor (3)


The hybrid part was what nixed it for me. Same for the Prism, though the Prism is beautiful looking.

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Lack of tech made me look away.

Although it seems that See Audio has pretty good tuning, which is why I accepted the review unit on the Bravery. Hoping it is tuned as good as the Yume but with better tech since it got 4 BAs.

Penon? You’re kidding right?

I’m going Unique Melody.

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I am just avoiding BA treble unless I run out of other tech or Single DD IEMs.

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Fiio and Penon in the same phrase and you think I’m serious? lol

From what has been in my ears, it’s either UM or 64audio

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Sonion and Sony BAs are pretty good to me though.

I was about to come over there and kick your ass! :slight_smile:

I am with you bro! I can’t stand BA treble unless they are tuned like the Mangird Tea, right on the verge of perfect smoothness by not turned up to the point where they sound like shit. It’s THE reason the Tea is my favorite hybrid. It has to have relaxed treble to be enjoyable if it’s BAs doing the treble or it just sounds bad and harsh. Unless you’re a treble head/someone who enjoys listening to nails on chalkboards for fun.

(has sonion BAs, thats the reason lol.)

You guys will kill me but im prolly getting RSV :joy:

Maybe I should give hybrids one last chance and just get a pair of the Teas. The thing is I like treble it is just that BA treble gets uncomfortable quite fast for me.

What is that?

I’m glad you don’t know, else you’d be pissed.


Nah, you’re not missing out on anything when you have the Oracle. That’s why the Tea is my rec up until the Oracle.


I do love the smooth treble of the ESTs in my Oracle, EST112 and Variations.

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Hey! If you’re into full BA sets, I won’t fault you. It’s great when someone knows their preferences. The problem is, I know mine and they are set in stone and I will avoid BA like the plague unless they are doing mids only. I’d rather go single DD than an all BA set. They sound so fake and harsh to me personally.

Me too!

But I did just discover a new secret weapon in the UM 3DT last night with its 3 dynamic drivers. It has some serious treble detail but it sounds awesome! It sounds so much more realistic but without the soft characteristic of EST drivers. It’s like real treble. I’m equating it to Z1R treble since it’s the same driver type.


From what I know, it has very very good timbre and coherency for a BA iem.