IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Yap. Some people prefer it over U12T even. The caveat is the cherry for Resolution… No vent :’)

(the deal breaker for me as well, besides the huge shell.)

Meh, not falling for it. Nope. No BAs for me. :slight_smile:

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Softears is supposed to be “premium” offer of Moondrop, so it’s automatic no for me

Wait, Softears is MD? What…

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They arent related in the same way KZ and CCA are sister companies.

They do share the same factory and they are in a good relationship I believe. Moondrops BAs are used in the softears I believe.



Agreed, as someone who currently views my two of my goto IEMs as the Aria and the SSP, they really don’t get how to make a cable.

The SSP cable has no twist or anything going on, and my 80s era Walkman might have been comparable. They use the same cable on the SSR too.

The Aria cable transmits noise through the cloth covering, which looks nice, but clearly wasn’t tested.

A $35 KZ come with nicer cables, which is weird to say.


I only own Variations, never owned any other, but I can only imagine…


None of their cables are particularly good… though the Variation’s might be the worst one of them. The others work… mostly.

People should be aware of this. Most people think that just because they pay top dollar, cables are top dollar as well.

Only 2 good stocks cables that even match the IEM I’ve goten up to today in my collections were FD5 and… Mele. 350usd and 50usd.

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Even more insane is that Moondrop sells cables… for money and not cheap money.

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wonder why Kato has a “free” cable upgrade on the pre-order lol… But that stock cable must be a bliss.

No info on the regular cable as far as I know.

I wouldn’t say Mele’s cable is “good” it’s acceptable.

Better then most OEM cables, but that is a very low bar to reach.

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Mele cable is ok. But compared to stuff like the others I saw? It’s closer to Penon Totem.

Just to name a few: Fh3, Land, Variations, Lokahi, Blon-03, Tin-t2, Teas (after revision), etc etc


I wonder when this one gets released? Looking at the config i guess around $400 price range?

I’ll say it: Moondrop OEM cables are shit.