IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Oh wait is that x8p Heritage Edition?

tenor (3)

No, itā€™s a heavily modified He6se V2. Resolution edition. :wink:

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200 (1)

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These sites, if you guys found something let me know.

And sorry for not replying, the account is new and i ran out of quotes.

Holy, I havenā€™t seen these sites yet. Are these Romanian sites?

Muziker is originally from Czech or Slovakia, if Iā€™m not mistaken

Yes, kind of and

Yes they are but now we have like the same shipping company and takes the same as i was from their place or they were in my country.

And, again, sorry for speaking so late, the waiting time is horrible, like a day.

Iā€™ve picked these sites because they are the only ones i know that sells hi-fi stuff and is categorized.

Yes, like Lexus and Toyota.

Crins most favourite IEMā€™sā€¦.


Just in case anyone is looking:

Shure Aonic 5

Good deal on them in the UK at the moment @ Ā£339

I bought a pair of Tri Starseas and they arrived today.

Although they sound great they seem to have driver flex, Iā€™ve tried the other tips but no change. Are they faulty? :confused: some male vocals sound recessed but that may just be the tuning.

Hi and welcome to HFGF :smiley:
Driver flex is quite common with sets that use DDā€™s especially if they have little or no venting, itā€™s not a fault but can be annoying when trying to fit them, it should stop once theyā€™re fitted :+1:

Canā€™t answer this one as Iā€™ve not heard that set hopefully someone will chime up who has :+1:


Hey there!

Thanks for the reply! and yes this forum has been amazing! soo glad I found it :slight_smile:

thatā€™s reassuring thank you!


I somehow stopped receiving new notifications for this thread. Reading up now I see your comment about the non-existing vents of the RSV. On Head-Fi I had questioned whether this would be a problem for long (5-8 hr) listening sessions as I would expect. Also, since Iā€™m mostly spending my time in the tropics and sub-tropics I thought it might become a potential health issue over time. The reply on Head-Fi was that foams would cure all problems but you seem to be a bit less optimistic on that. Is it time to take off yet another IEM of my shortlist to err on the safe side of sorry? Tnxā€¦


Itā€™s sometimes a bit difficult to interpret and for that reason I have put the ThieAudio Oracle on my shortlist a couple of times while taking it off the next day :slight_smile: What BGGAR describes as ā€œneutralā€ may be the same as my ā€œbass boostā€ so itā€™s difficult to interpret whether thatā€™s the case or not.

For the other poster: Do yourself a favour and look up the incredible reviews for the Kiwi Ears Orchestra, which seems to have the politeness you (we) are looking for while having great technicals as well and a good fit. I mean, if theyā€™re loved by such a wide range of reviewers while comparatively lacking in bass they must be something special. I learned theyā€™re the first product of one of the main tuners for different companies that apparently has found out not everyone is keen on the usual frequency targets.



I know this wasnā€™t for me, but you make me want to try that one. I havenā€™t tried any all BA units. And the kiwi ears orchestra, dunu sa6 and moondrop s8 are all high on my list for BA. Only so many resources available to try things out. :frowning:

Really, itā€™s the only IEM Iā€™ve read and watched reviews for (like a dozen or so) for which not a single reviewer said anything bad. Literally the worst line came from BBGAR when he said that they ultimately were lacking a bit in the bass, while still praising 'em through the roof. Now exactly that part I translate into a big plus as I donā€™t want any boosted bass. So the only things I take offensive of (is that how you say it in English?) are some practical things:

  • Itā€™s a first product of a new company (although from one of the most well-known tuners)
  • Lack of ear tips in the box
  • 2 pin connector, not recessed

Even though I donā€™t like the ā€œfirst productā€ part at all and was trying to find reasons to take it off my shortlist, I failed. Now compare that to the list of Noā€™s that I have for basically any other IEM between, say, $250-$750. Still I keep trying to find great competitors. Maybe THATā€™s my new hobby - LOL. Saves a lot of money tooā€¦ :wink:




Thatā€™s how I was when I bought the Zen. I actually ruled out all the IEMs we are currently talking about to narrow down to the Zen. (Not sure kiwi was out yet, but sa6 and s8 were both on the short list)

Mostly because I couldnā€™t find much said that was bad about any of them. At least nothing that wasnā€™t easily more preference than capability.

I am currently interested in all one driver IEMs. I want to determine if itā€™s a mix of types of drivers or crossovers that effects the coherency I care about.

Itā€™s so much fun to shop! Even if I am just looking.