IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

RS10 is amazing but doesnt worth the money. Cerebus is ej07 og with better tech, but not sure its worth the extra price.

Rsv or ej07og will be ur best bet if interested in the two.

(ps: for 2k u can get U12T.)


FWIW, you may want to look at this review Derrek, where the owner compares the Blessing-2 and the RSV, just to give you the idea:


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Any thoughts on RSV vs Oracle?


Do you have an opinion on BA timbre? Reference: the b2 dusk just doesn’t sound right to me in the face of these single driver IEMs. That wasn’t true before I got them.

Different species. I’ll get rsv (or any other ba). Cant help u with oracle.

Yes, ba timbre is horrible if done wrong. Dusk/blessing2 is known for bad timbre. I flipped my lokahi because of that (and irrelevant vs teas)

Rsv is known for good timbre. U12T is master race if you rich as hell, i wont buy it.

There are some good timbre options, but on bas, u get what you pay for.

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As a coincidence, when your message came in I was reading on the RSV thread on Head-Fi:

“I noticed the sound wave attack and decay is very analog on RSV, compared to general Knowles ones, not like digital on/off, it has the mid point between on/off, like the quantum computers vs conventional binary computing. That analog attack/decay benefit RSV to generate organic sound IMO. Maybe this is the benefit of Moondrop/Softears’s diffusion field study using the german made dedicated professional devices.”

I honestly can’t tell if that solves the BA “issue” but at least we’re not the only ones.


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Also coming across this one that may be of interest for your DT3 consideration:

“I literally have the 3DT, and was trying it out… and then for awhile it seemed pretty ok. Then I put in the RSV and was like… yeah… no”

I’d still think its DD mids would be interesting?


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It’s not off the table. I get why it’s so well liked. It’s more that I haven’t been sold on the worthwhile nature of the above 1k price tag. This applies to over ears as well, the ones over that price had a hard time justifying their existence to me. Diminishing returns and all.

I also understand and appreciate the DD and Planar differences from listening to overears. EST, BA and Bone Conduction are all new and I don’t have opinions on what I like/dislike about them. Or where the value is for me. Or things about coherency.

That is good to know. It certainly wasn’t my introduction to them.

Is the mangird tea better in that regard? (that one seems low risk and worth owning)

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Tea > all.

I have to public admit i prefer 07m to Teas, but teas cost half. And yes they are comparable. I wish I had stop with Teas. Pretty sure @Resolution will agree with me here.

(I dont rec anything over 600usd because I cant justify the price. I heard mest and u12t and i didnt bought any of them).


Agree. EJ07m is an upgrade from Tea.


Moved up my list again. :wink:

Better than oxygen or 3dt?

I like bggar list and tunings. So stuff at the top of the list is intriguing to me. Xenns up is where I might land because of diminishing returns.

Different IEMs. I’d get 3DT for metal, Oxygen for female vocals, accoustic music and DD timbre. Tea does it all IMO.

If someone was going to buy Teas AND O2, I’d say buy EJ07m and have both :slight_smile:


This is exactly how I think. I prefer to skip the middle step when possible. I just need to prove BA won’t bother me for that plan. And also determine if xenns up is worth it. (Guilty pleasure bass sounds like a lot of fun to me)

Honestly, I think an earbud is higher on the priority list. I can’t use IEMs all day due to irritation. And my over ear isn’t always practical during those times. I resort to my airpods and…… well…. Yeah. Not happy about that.

And the OG EJ07 is next step above EJ07m right?

What are the difference between those sets anyway?

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Also just read your headfi review of xenns up. It both talked me into it and out of it at the same time. :wink:

Seriously though, ej07m looks better. And bass and warmth can definitely cross a line for me. I would rather not do that.


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The EJ07 won’t have as much sub bass emphasis and will sound darker vs the EJ07m.

VS the Tea, the EJ07m technicalities really show the Tea’s technical limitations.

My set…


Yes yes, nice photos for my review, yes yes.


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If you want to double-check the most positive EJ07 and EJ07M reviews then check Michael Bruce. I think they’re his favourite 2 IEMs. If you still go “Hmm…” after that then it may not be what you’re looking for after all.

Normally I go for the most critical reviews, but if you’re at a point that you want confirmation I think is the way to go.
