IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Thankyou bro for taking the time to write this up, I think best bet is to wait for Deuce to show up to make a decision, I just see all the hype and get that fomo.


You are welcome!:sunglasses:
Estrella is a fantastic sounding and technically competent set.
It really can compete with higher priced stuff and does not need to shy away from a comparison against Monarch MKIII for example.
I can only speak from memory but @n00kie will be the next one after me to review Estrella and can chime in to make a direct comparison with Monarch III.
Separation is its strong suit and is on par if not better than my Kinda Lava…stage is also a little larger from first days impression, still need to A/B directly though.
Probably not a bad Idea to wait for Deuce reviews but you can’t really go wrong with Estrella from a technical and value point of view.
If you are someone that uses EQ (just in case) it’s an easy rec


I’ve been seeing this a lot from the EM6L, sound so smooth the nozzle falls right off

on another note, KE4 and Explorer to me are both the same flavors in a way from FR sniffin, so I’m excited to get both at some point and try em since I just donated my Orch Lite to my friend

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please compare with B3 and hype2
i need this view

I can’t :smiling_face_with_tear:

(bla bla bla 10 characters)

I’ve reviewed the Sound Rhyme SP01 the latest under $100 banger. I really love this single DD with its ibasso shell and quality driver. Peacock obscura reviews - #24 by Andy_Pickard


Beautiful shell


dunno how long it’s been with S08, would be a perfect IEM if not for the fit not being great on me

if it fit well, I’d honestly sell a lot of other sets

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I was feeling adventurous, so I picked up the Dunu Da Vinci. They should be here tomorrow. I’m pretty excited about this one, I think this set will be a great compliment to the 2 I currently have.


If only Project M wasn’t sibilant to me, I’d actually buy this for my friend

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Some of my humble and quick impressions, if you’re interested:

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Nice to hear some more about those, they really flew under the radar at release… seemed like very little chat about them.

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same picture basically lol, enjoying these a ton, I was worried it’d be more veiled compared to S08 but these have been good so far


NICE! Honestly one of my favorite sets. Not that they’re the most technically capable but they are capable of enjoyable long-term listening across the genre collective in my library anyway.

They work really well for me on the Hiby R4, they’re my go to set for that DAP. Also quite nice on the dx180. I haven’t tried them on my M300.

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I only got an M300 for mobile and a schiit stack for desktop lol

I’m absolutely loving them, they’re incredibly relaxing sound wise and just an enjoyable time. Fit I’m getting to make friends with, then again I’m just forcing default tips lol

edit: I’m pretty sure explorer graph wise has a bit more midbass but the way S08’s planar bass hit is just so satisfying to me as well, I gotta find tips to make it fit perfect on me

I know it’s not supposed to be that technical but I think I’ve found the lowest I enjoy treble wise, this is great


If anyone has Cadenza 4 and a mic, could you try to graph it with shallow insertion??
I’m using wide bore and short tips like the Whizzer SS20.
Thanks in advance!

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What’re you hoping to learn? Shallow insertion will primarily affect the treble, and in a way that’s highly dependent on the shape of your ear canal, and where couplers are already unreliable. What we can glean from measurements has serious limitations, as much as we wish it weren’t so.

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For sure, I know that graphs are not the whole story.

I just find the treble better balanced with shallow insertion and was curious to see what it may look like on a coupler. I know that my ear anatomy will be different than the coupler…

As a side note, Z300 and QKZ xHBB graphs almost identical but the Z300 sounds warmer and has weird treble peaks somewhere but the QKZ is fine.

Just shift the graph a bit to the left and thats usually how a shallower insertion would graph.

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Hey guys. The Da Vinci is here. I want to try them, obviously, but there is a problem. The nozzles on these things are pretty big, and the tips won’t fit over them. I’m not sure what to do!

Anyone have this issue before? If so, what did you do? I’m thinking I might have to stretch the tip somehow…