JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

What do folks think this set is worth overall :moneybag: wise in todays hectic market?


That’s an interesting questions. I personally think that while maybe it doesn’t compete in terms of techs compared to the other new releases we get now a days, like the stuff from Simgot, but it absolutely has that special character to it that most if any sets can replicate today. So, yes, it’s worth it imo just for the special presentation it has.


Thanks man I appreciate the feed back :beers: if it was your cold hard :pound: what would you be willing to part with for a mint OG?..I’ve always been interested in that set :smiley:


I would be more than happy to part with anywhere from $125-$150 all day long. Anything above that is a bit of a tough sell to me personally, but again, it’s almost like you’re collecting the infinity stones of the audio world at that point lol

I will say that Vocals and the 3-D like presentation is top class on the Tea, it’s very very good at those things. The bass is a little on the lean side if you’re into that, but it has surprisingly satisfying sub bass rumble and texture.

Just be careful with the DD inside! It’s know to die on folks due to moisture. I keep mine in a drawer with multiple silica packs lol


I have two lol…OG Andro and Z1R and I still love and listen to both regularly…I’m not chasing much IEM wise these days…I was just interested in maybe obtaining another stone to the my collection :gem: :smiley: meanwhile buds and me…



LOl what a big ass cup haha

I’m in the same boat as you, brother. I’m just chasing a few specialty sets like the Symphonium Titan but that’s actually about it. There are a few more out there I’d like to own one day, but I’m not going crazy any time soon.

In terms of those legendary IEMs I have 2, the OG Teas and the OG Dark Magicians. I’m unsure how time will treat the Monarch MK2s, but they’re still regarded to have one of the best mid-ranges of any IEM as far as I know so, maybe those can be considered one as well?


That is a full on yes. I think I paid about $260 on Drop when I got my OG Tea in 2022, and would still consider them at $200 in today’s market. I liked them enough that I bought the Tea 2 later in that year ( both were out when I bought the OG ). I have only paid over $200 for four sets, they are the Timeless, Tea, Tea2, and Doscinco. I don’t get the Timeless out very often, but the other three get lots of love.


Because of how specialized the playback is, there’s a very good argument the OG Tea is still competitive around the $200 mark, especially if you’re looking for that specific signature. I’m trying to think about it and I can’t think of another IEM that follows the same kind of sig that’s come out recently but, I assume If I do some digging I’d find one.

I just got rid of my Timeless and it was tough, I can’t lie. But it went off to a better home to get more ear time. All is well.


I just got rid of my Dark Magician OG and THAT was tough, I can’t lie. But it went off to a better home to get mroe ear time. All is well.

It’s a weird feeling but I just felt like I was done with it, as good as it is. I want to experience new things in life, I’m wired that way I guess. I’m thinking of trying the Mest MK1 for that fabled supertrippy soundstage. Only tried MK2, it is supposedly quite toned down in “Mestness” compared to MK1.


are you saying I should actually be chasing after OG Mest not Mest MK2, I got a mext still in refurb town so I’m planning ahead on grabbing a Mest and calling it quits from buying from them until I got more money.

trying to collect a good IEM from a bunch of brands

Lmao, I tripped out a bit at the fact your post almost exactly mirrored mine in terms of wording… But I get you, brother. I could personally never get rid of the OG DMs for a few reasons, the fact that you gave up yours is kind of wild. I too would also loved to get my hands on the OG MEST to experience that crazy sound stage that everyone talks about. The MEST 2 was super dope, super high res. It hit my HRTF to a tee in that regard. I think I would love the OG with all the extra treble energy.

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looks like I gotta find a way to hear both of those bad boys, speaking of HRTF is that something that can be discovered with precision or more of “try everything”

Haha, that was intentional. I was one-upping you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Even though the OG Dark Magician has TOTL vocals and timbre as far as I am concerned, I think I’m still more titillated by OCD levels of details. I want a super-natural listen, if you get what I mean. I also felt like I had “figured out” the Dark Magician, it was sounding very familiar to me in a way that made me not use it as much anymore. So, keep it and only use occasionally, or sell it to fund another experience that lies closer to my preference in terms of what kind of experience I am looking to consume?

I think IEMs with ESTs at the MEST level gives me that experience.



You’ve 1000% one-upped me, no doubt about it. You’re a mad man for giving up your OG DMs! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I totally get what you’re saying. My very special IEMs like the Monarch MK2 or DMs I specifically don’t listen to often so that I make sure to keep their allure. The timbre and vocal reproduction of the DMs are no doubt special, but the Monarchs come close with better treble and better bass imo. But there is just something about the vocals on the DM that is absurdly special… it’s hard to put my finger on it.

I really want to buy a pair of MESTs one day, but that’s down the line for sure.


Oh may I ask you, have you heard any of the MESTs? Because they are truly wild in what they do.
It’s like every song becomes an ASMR experience where each element is separated, isolated outside your head in a vacuum, resolution-enhanced with AI and then and only then presented to you for your enjoyment.

Ah man, I can’t wait to hear MEST again.

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I am Mest OG user for quite some time now (2+ years) and I can frankly say that soundstage is not that big of a deal in this set. And while I think it must be partially anatomy-related for me, but it is also related to the confirmation bias of different reviewers repeating the stuff about the crazy soundstage of this set.

I was even once asked when I listed this set if they sound like music played in the cathedral as someone was so hyped up reading all those crazy reviews. No, it is far from that in my opinion. I would say that in terms of pseudo stage size it feels much more compressed as compared to any earbud - which is fair due to the build, but it is also true even when compared to Twilight. It feels signigicantly more open (like if there was not a wall behind the sound source). To go even further - I would claim that if there is a difference between stages of sets like EA1000 and Mest it is also not easily perceivable.

What is quite peculiar about MEST for me is it’s imaging. It seems like there are multiple pseudo sound sources all around you playing different parts of the track. One would call it trippy, crazy or psychodelic, but other may say it is causing the set not to sound coherent at all. And both may be true. For me it is actually probably the only thing that keeps me reluctant on selling MEST. Don’t get me wrong- it is a fantastic, polished set all around, but it is the only feature that actually makes it stand out as compared to multiple other, much cheaper IEMs of today.

Ed: @Lexington99 ah man, you heard the set already it seems (or at least mk2). Skip everything I said, your ears let you perceive it very differently it looks. Good for you mate :ok_hand:


A little bit of both, it does help if you have different iems with different driver setups and also different tunings to see what fits you/not but also using PEQ to pin point what works for you/not.

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Appreciate you bro :smiling_face:
Sharing is what we’re here for!

Yes my ear-brain system can definitely appreciate the MEST sound. I like a separated sound.

I’ve learned a little about cables, tips, nozzle filters and of course EQ since I heard MK2, so I think I’m gonna be able to tame the lean and trebly nature of MK1 while keeping the enormous tech of the set.

If I get my hands on a set.

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OG TEA is one of my favourite sets for vocals period. Sometimes I prefer it more than the RSV and DIVA. I think it’s well worth the price personally, but I am a bit biased hehe


MEST imaging and staging is very good, definitely worth it on sale.

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