On my sets , it’s the other way around. Doscinco has a bit more body and volume, not just the bass either, it’s quite obvious…yet DaVinci may hit a tad lower.
Tonality wise they are similar yet, Doscinco is an even more intimate listen, which can be too intense for some. You are in the room or onstage. The notes are fuller, more fleshed out. DaVinci may be the safer rec because of that.
Doscinco Lite anyone?
Yeah sorry my bad. After a/bing, the Doscinco does have more bass. The doscinco hits more like a sledgehammer, where as the Davinci is like… A heavy yoga ball. Idk lol
I was really starting to question just how different the Doscincos are…Ziigaat tells me there was no retune, which of course leaves QC as the culprit… but hope they get it together.
What do you mean by intense? Bright?
Not brighter, but harder hitting (punchy) and more immersive across the entire spectrum, not just the bass. You are IN the music more so as opposed to say, listening as an audience with a little distance between. I am, and know of musicians who value this , yet also know folks who think its too close or, intense. For most of my library I love that, but there are times I need a break from that intensity, just like some clubs I’ve been in.
I hope that helps
this is re: da vinci?
Doscinco is described
That’s the Doscinco I know of - loved it because of that warm intimate presentation to the bass, the slam especially is sooo satisfying mmm
Iirc, you like the Cincotres more right?
Nah I like the OG Doscincos more as the tuning is more unique. Cincotres I would recommend more because it’s more of an all rounder
I think either one would make a solid rec for an all rounder, depending on the library, or listening.
I did own both, but found the Dos better for far more of what I listen to.
A lot of music out of the 70s for example, are not nearly as full bandwidth or punchy as more modern recordings. Live music truly lights up with that set. Grateful Dead - you bet. Male vocals come through more complete.
Now thinking about DaVinci and Cinco, I feel Davinci is the more complete tuning. Kind of in between the other 2. I couldn’t agree with the dip around 300 HZ , it took too much with it.
I’ll enter that contest…Im thinking of buying another set just to see if I can get something more agreeable
Same reason I like Doscincos, Tea, P1 Max, and Cinno. I tend to be drawn to the ones that are just a little different. I broke down and ordered the Aful Explorer for that reason, it seems like the treble is a bit different, which usually works for me.
@John_W_Clark Agree 100%. People been telling me to grab the Dita Project M because of its tuning, said it was really unique… and looking at the graph it definitely is lol
Anyone have a unit they’re willing to loan or sell lol?
That upper treble looks spicy.
I am older than you, but I can still hear to nearly 15k, and don’t like the “extra” above 8k or so. I am very protective of my hearing, and rarely crank it up to “Jay levels”. My hearing is good enough that my grandkids refer to it as my “Vulcan hearing”.
I also find foam uncomfortable. I think they are designed for people that use medium size ear tips, and I am typically a small.
Weird to see a Kinera that cheap, and the tuning doesn’t look bad, so I am curious to hear about it.