JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Warm harman, looks good, $30, nothing different, but can’t really go wrong with that :man_shrugging:


Looks like Kinera are trying to unseat the Wan’er with that set, in terms of price/tuning. I guess the truth will reveal itself in the human ear review. :headphones:


That graph looks…


Ah, classic Kinera. Boosted upper mids/darker treble, thick mid bass.

I know for a fact their house sound just doesn’t work for me, but their* IEMs are so pretty I always get sucked in lol


Stop flirting with me lol


Looks like the Aroma Jewel at home with that huge dip starting from 4k~6k lol.


Funny thing is that years ago, Kinera was mainly in the 20-100 usd range iirc.

They even had that iem at 20-30 usd that included the Final Type E tips so people used to either buy that or the Final Audio E1000 for the Type E tips.


That looks like my preference to a T


I mean it looks pretty nice for $30, very cool purple scales under the right lighting

Honestly wasn’t expecting much given how much I didn’t like the Beast and Phoenixcall, so, a welcomed release Kinera!


Finally was able to graph the Pilgrims:

Checks out, the peak around 18K is definitely noticeable, but no channel imbalance this time :+1:

Also, look at this chonky boy, build quality is SOLID:


Yo, anyone know or experience anything with Westone and NF IEMs in the last few years? Good or nah

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Westone is like glorified Shure iem, their full BA iem just sounds bad.
NF Audio, never heard from them before, HobbyTalks did review 3 of them recently, graph of those i do not like. They’re sending me the upcoming RA15 which i have lukewarm enthusiasm to receive

NF is typically brighter and mostly dont vert thier IEM’S , I asked for a couple to try the NE4 might have potential?

I’ve been looking for a bassy iem under 300. Can’t decide between ZiiGaat Doscinco and Timmy’s Davinci. I don’t think anyone compared both. Which one would be good for a bass? pretty much need for hip hop & classic rock.

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Brother, that “anyone” is literally me. I’m DungLe over Discord btw. My Doscinco is allegedly a “revamp version”. Between those 2, i like the Davinci’s bass more. It has better subbass, that lingering thing. The Doscinco will slam harder, but it’s not as full.
Go read my review :))


Ya they asked me if I wanted to review their stuff but seem a bit iffy

@introvertguy I’ll do a comparison for both of them once I get back, but based on talking to some peeps they’re very similar, the Dos has better drivers it seems (less sharp grainy according to some), and Sub (DaVinci) vs mid-bass (Dos) focus difference


It seems that they suddenly decided to reach out to a bunch of reviewers. I hadn’t heard anything from them for a long time (I think it’s a couple of years since I reviewed the NM02) but I know of at least 4 or 5 people they have reached out to in the last week or so.


I see you’re here as well. I was taking a break. I’ll read your review for sure. I haven’t made up my mind yet.

I saw hobby talk & Awsmdanny’s vid on the NF. seems like they want some exposure

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Thanks for the reply. I was waiting for your review on davinchi.

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