JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Again, this is an awesome tool. Thanks so much for putting it together! :partying_face: You could link to it from your graphs so more people learn about it!


Oh also, you’re still linking to ESTRELLA “prototype” rather than “final” on iemfit :slight_smile:

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Appreciate all the feedback :pray:

I still need to do the scans for the final once I get them in again.

Will take a deeper look into the color distribution reset thing.

And ya it’s the widest part of the actual nozzle (red arrow) not the blue one. I thought of adding more stuff on the right but it’s gonna look too busy on mobile @Rikudou_Goku


Widest part is indeed the best one to measure I say.

As for mobile…what about having a “more details” button that is hiding the rest of the info that would have cluttered the screen?


It doesn’t look good UI wise, if you need more detail scrolling down would work better :ok_hand:

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Widest part for sure is the best place. :+1:

I know it’s a work in progress, if you want some additional measurements for data points, I have a bunch that I measured with my calipers.


Re you using ShadCN ?

Dunno what that is and this isnt my site it is @VIVIDICI_111

1 Like

Yo @VIVIDICI_111 can I submit a request to add the 10dB and IEF Comp targets to your Github thingy? I have my own target that I use and I’d love to be able to extrapolate it to your database.


EW300 3.5MM VS DSP :eyes:

@anaveragebear ya I’ll see if I have time


The Non DSP pink nozzle looks interesting


Good lord you have some fantastic info on there.
Thank you


Non dsp pink nozzle for me as well.

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@VIVIDICI_111 Have you heard RoseTechnics QT9 MKIII ? I got it from a retailer in India, kinda badass

Looks like Ziigat is going to be at Socal Canjam, you being invited there @VIVIDICI_111 ?

1 Like

Not sure, but I might be going to one in September (not sure which Canjam that is)


That’s SoCal



The EW300 is one of the best IEMs under $80 right now; and the DSP version has one of the best implementations of DSPs I’ve heard so far. Timbre wise the Piezo drivers are also very refined, and well-done for a tribird under $100 as you won’t find them to be “too Piezo-y”. And for those who own the EW200, the 3.5MM EW300 is a direct upgrade to the EW200 both in-terms of tuning and technical prowess, as well as trading blows with the EA500LM (HBB version on the way).

EW300 vs EW200

Starting with the RED NOZZLES on the 3.5mm version, the overall sound is very familiar to its younger brother the EW200. Both are all-rounders with good low-end slam and impact, but the EW300 is just a more refined, smoother version of the EW200 while being better in the layering, as well as having a small resolution bump. Depending on the unit of your EW200 (because some of them can be too bright because you know chifi) the EW300 is smoother, tamer, and not so in your face with the uppermids and treble, but still being very well extended. Vocals pop out just enough, and the highs are less peaky and sharp, and it’s just overall a more mature version of the EW200, so if you liked that sound then the EW300 would naturally be the next step.

There’s also a pretty noticeable difference with the pink nozzle. Where the red nozzles have a more dynamic all-rounder sound that does every genre very well, the pink nozzles on the other hand change the sound to a warmer, more comforting, and bassier presentation that’s better for rock, hiphop, and metal. You’re not only getting more thickness and body to the low-end, but the 1-3K region is tamer which helps with vocal scaling and fatigue, as well it shifts the focus more on to the low-end.

EW300 vs others

So for those who like bass the pink nozzle reminds me of the OG Delci and Artti R1 which are both warm leaning sets and have a more relaxing presentation, and compared to those the EW300 pink is imo a better version of them, also slightly warm, nothing bleeding, relaxing listen, but you just get better instrument separation and resolution now. And as for the red nozzles that’s also just a better version of the Delci AE Silvers with better layering and separation (we don’t talk about the bronze nozzle).

Now versus the LM the LM is still going to be more resolving and detailed as it’s still one of the best value iems you can get if you just want resolution. But it is going to be brighter and more exciting than the EW300, my unit at least is decently smooth, but again depending on the unit you get, the LM can be a little bit much for some people in the highs. Which is why I can see how someone would prefer the red nozzle of the EW300 over their LM since it’s just less in your face, less energy, you can listen to them for a longer period of time, as well as having the option of the pink nozzle for a warmer sound.

That’s why I said in the beginning it trades blows with the LM because tuning is more preference based, whereas tech wise if you’re coming from an EW100 or 200 the bigger resolution jump would still be upgrading directly to the LM. If you own the OG EA500 you don’t “need” to upgrade. I would say the EW300 3.5 is overall smoother with better separation, similar resolution, but it’s not a huge update. I would still jump to the EA500LM or the Supermix4.


As for the DSP version, the red nozzle on the DSP version is more vocal focused. It has a clean and balanced sound signature, less dynamic and exciting versus the EW300 analog red, and not nearly as warm and bassy versus the pink analog nozzles. The DSP Reds are basically a mini Dynaquattro but less peaky, and for a lot less; it’s very enjoyable for both male and female vocals, very clean, balanced, extended, with no extra coloring.

Even though it doesn’t have any special sauce in its tuning, the vocals however are very effortless and non-fatiguing, very similar to the OG Waners, so if you enjoyed those then the EW300 DSP would be the direct upgrade to the Waners but with better layering and resolution (same as TE RED).

Potential Issues

However, depending on your HRTF you’ll either love the 5-10K cut on the red dsp, or you might find it overly smooth in the end notes of the vocals, almost like something is missing. Simgot tries to balance this cut by boosting the 13K area, which does work, it makes the vocals more airy now instead of sharp while still giving you that extension but just in a different area now.

But, a cut is still a cut, there’s still going to be information missing within 5-10K, especially with the 13K peak which does create some masking in the consonant of the vocals. However the trade off to this is that the DSP is now less fatiguing, especially with the pink nozzles as they scale very nicely, taming the vocals but still keeping that air, making it very good for rock and metal because of this. You still get the satisfying crash to cymbals but things are just less shouty now with cleaner separation in the mid-bass versus the warmer analog pink version.

DSP Implementation

Now as for the noise floor and any small artefacts - it’s pretty good. Simgot is using a dedicated DAC separated away from the usbc, and it clearly works because I don’t hear any small artefacts or any major noise floor or latency issues. For example with the DUSK and the new Quarks DSP 2 there’s like a really quiet clipping noise when I’m adjusting the volume while a song is playing, but with 3.5mm or the DSP version, I don’t hear it, so clearly something is working. Gaming wise I would still go for the 3.5mm since the imaging and resolution is better on that, or just save up for the EM6L.

So basically, if you want something more dynamic and exciting, a better all-rounder, then the 3.5mm EW300 would still be better in the impact and energy while not being overly harsh, but if you want something cleaner and smoother, more forgiving, then the DSP version would be the pick.

vs Titan S2 and Aria 2

Now versus some other stuff like the Titan S2 and Aria 2… Just get the 3.5mm EW300, it’s basically a better version of them technically while being $20 cheaper. Tuning wise all 3 would fall into the all-rounder category, fairly similar in what they’re trying to do with the main difference being that the EW300 has better sub-bass extension and overall separation, making it a much better value because if you’re going to spend around $80, just get the LM.

vs sub $100 Planars

Compared to some other sub $100 planars such as your T10s, Klanars, F1 Pros, the EW300’s timbre (3.5mm) doesn’t feel as light and sizzly while still holding up with them separation wise because it also has a planar, and 2 other drivers. The low-end impact is also slightly better on the EW300 with its DD, but overall resolution and detail still goes to the planars as there’s just more uppermids and treble, whereas the EW300 is overall smoother and reminds me of a better tuned version of the TINHIFI DUDU that’s less shouty and less peaky.

The DSP version with the pink nozzles also trades blows with the S08 as both are going for that low-vocal pinna approach with the main difference being that the DSP is smoother and scales better, vocals feel airier and more “traditional”, whereas the S08 is more energetic and sharper with cleaner separation, but slightly blunted in the final extensions of the vocals because of the cut starting at 2K.

vs Tangzu HBB Xuan NV & Ziigaat Cinno

Then lastly if you want something more neutral with less bass, go for the Tangzu Xuan NV, which is basically just the EW300 with less bass, a cleaner version of it… or save up for the Ziigaat Cinno which is literally dead neutral with good layering and tech around its price.

Here are the Final Rankings:

EW300 3.5MM:
Tonality: A
Tech: A-
Overall: A-

EW300 DSP:
Tonality: A
Tech: B+
Overall: A-

If you swap the DSP cable with a traditional 3.5/4.4 you’ll get a similar sound as the stock EW300, so basically you get 4 tunings if you go for the DSP but have a spare cable lying around.

Thanks for reading :sunglasses:


That’ll be the SoCal/Irvine one - I know Ziigat is an official exhibitor (SoCal usually has a LOT but this may be record breaking)


The market has never been more kind to Students until these releases.