JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Thank you man!
Link me some songs and I’ll take a look later, but I don’t recommend putting it on credit just to get it. Smarter move would be to save up :+1:


Right on man!
Eyes of the World
Song starts really cooking by 12 minutes in.

Playing In the Band
Annoying scream at 1:56 or so.
Jam starts at smoking at about 6:30, insanity at 15 minutes, another weird jam at 22 minutes, normalcy regained at 26 min, scream (horrrible) at 26:45.

Just listen to a few minutes of each, should be able to see what it is like (both songs combined are over 48 minutes!). While typing this i played a bit on my galaxy 22 ultra speakers and it sounds meh at best. Put on the 61t and it is so much more. If Estrella comes close, it is an instant buy as i want a 2 dd set (one for each drummer???lol) below $500.

Thanks a bunch, super appreciate it!!!


Used obsesian, too much for too little work.


AI-generated writing still isn’t very good. Wooden, stilted, mixed metaphors.

Some reviewers may think they’re not good writers. Still, I would bet most of the copy generated from their brains is almost as good or as good as AI-generated copy. Might even be better!

Full disclosure: I’m a professional writer and editor, so copy is my jam. And I know the day is coming – thankfully after I’m retired – when AI copy will approach that created by the human brain. We’re not there yet.

If you’re a reviewer in the medium of the written word or even scripts for videos, you should strive to become a better writer. The only way to do that is to write, self-edit and learn, not use AI.

It’s imperative that YOU develop YOUR voice. Don’t let a machine do it. That’s not you.

Another way to become a better writer that also is going out of style in this era: Read other professional or well-done amateur writing. Read for more than just information. Look at how writers vary the length of sentences and paragraphs. Look at how their sentence construction mainly is subject-verb-object. Look at how they trim the fat and write with economy, making every word count.

Most good non-fiction writing, like reviews, is simple and well organized. One or two thoughts per sentence. No run-on sentences. No massive independent clauses in the middle of a sentence separated by commas. Etc.

KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid (or Silly, if I’m being nice)). :slight_smile:


Damn, I’m all in for the TED talk!


That’s where you use custom prompts. But yeah, agreed. I am an in IT and writing is my weakest point. Reading good audio blogs is very beneficial.


English 101 coming in clutch :handshake: I guess going to uni wasn’t an entire waste of money after all :joy:


Sorry for my professorial raving … Throughout my career, I have always enjoyed mentoring and teaching young or novice writers.

Again, most people who think their writing sucks try to compensate by getting more fancy or complicated. Do the opposite.

The best writing is direct, simple, clear. One or two thoughts per sentence, max. Subject-verb-object. Lay off the cliches and flowery BS language. You don’t need adverbs if you use strong action verbs. Adjectives should be used like hot sauce – sparingly and for flavor.

Class dismissed! :slight_smile:


But I wanna get paid by the word like Dickens!!!

I don’t like your advice!!!



If you ever come by a guy named “Redcarmoose”, you’re gonna have an aneurysm.


Not here….


LMAO I’m so happy you said that :sweat_smile:

@pk500 Thanks for this advice, man. Sometimes, I need to hear this. I don’t feel like my written word has improved over the last few months, instead, it’s gotten more jumbled and sometimes has a run-on quality to it. This advice kind of brought me back into reality.


Oh, I know who he is. The Penon Pimp. :slight_smile: Very knowledgeable guy!

He has a writing style that’s anathema to me, but he makes it work. I still enjoy reading his copy.

Writing is like fingerprints; everyone is different.


Always happy to help, Dom. You write better than you think, and your photos are sublime.

Simple is better: the mantra of all good writing. Direct, clear. If the reader has to stop due to confusion or run-on sentence structure, you’ll probably lose them.


Man I am so happy that I found your posts. English is not my native language, but generally it should not be an excuse to write multi-complexicity level sentences I really tend to write. And before yesterday I never have thought of it as a potential problem for the reader discouraging them from reading further.
Thanks for the words of wisdom! :ok_hand:


Does that apply to length? Shorter is better?


Apparently the girth of your writing matters more than the length. :man_shrugging:


You can always count on @rattlingblanketwoman to class up the joint!


Unreal, John :joy:


I appreciate that, brother. Maybe I’ll have to sign up for your classes to sharpen my pen skills a bit. I’ve always wanted to have better writing than I do, I remember taking a lot of pride in my writing during high school but there were years and years where I just didn’t use it.

Reviewing and being a part* of the forums really helped me out for sure.