JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

As @GooberBM mentioned, I did not experience any pressure issues with the Tape Mod (using standard Scotch Tape) but I am also not typically bothered by pressure issues with un-vented IEMs so YMMV. I have also seen some people report a loss of dynamics and soundstage with the Tape Mod and that was not my experience at all; the sound becomes more balanced and the stage “positions” of instruments and vocals change a bit but everything seems to maintain the same gradation of scale. I think personal taste > all when it comes to whether people prefer it or not.


Did you only flip one side? if so that is out of phase.


A fun little $100 tournament shootout vid I did :sunglasses:


No just for the picture, to showcase the difference of ear hook


Confirming my idea of maybe getting Explorer (demoed it and liked it) and EW300.


I can’t lie, Aful Explorer has kind of become my “Bottom Bitch” ie a go-to value IEM that I don’t think that I’ll ever get rid of, or not for a long time at least. It has a somewhat unique tuning that’s perfect for long-listening and may actually be my favorite overall IEM for Metal. It’s also super light, small, and comfortable.


True. Comfort is big for me because so many iems don’t fit me. Explorer fits great it’s so small


I can’t even recall where I first saw that graph on the Explorer, but I bought it without seeing any reviews, and it is a solid top 3 for me, despite being way less expensive. In many ways it has some of the same “not like the others” that the OG Tea has.


Same. I’m also starting to wonder if I need the Kefine Delci anymore due to the Explorer.

Both the Explorer and the Delci are warm, with all-day treble smoothness. The Delci is more V-shaped than the Explorer – a bit more of a party for the ears. But it also has FAR flabbier sub-bass and less mid-bass.

I enjoy the Delci quite a bit, but the Explorer is starting to make it feel superfluous.


All the love towards the Explorer warms my heart. I think that IEM was looked over when it was first released but now it’s picking up some steam and everyone that’s heard them and/or owns them has nothing but good to say about it. It is a very unique tuning done extremely well. I’m super lucky to have gotten my pair.


Gotta agree with all the Explorer love - it’s a legit set that’s slept on, again, don’t be AFOOL, and sleep on AFUL (explorer) :joy:


Unique tuning, included tips not pairing well with the set (I would’ve returned the set if that was all I had to listen with imo) makes it one of those that could’ve easily fallen through the cracks.


I go through this a lot, man.

I enjoy variety but when something becomes redundant in the line up, it’s so hard to justify keeping it. I’m also all for keeping the main roster as limited numbers and once I start going “Okay, what should I put in my case and what should I keep out because I don’t have space”, I know I gotta downside.

Probably to the point where I should give away the more budget friendly ones and sell the others.


@John_W_Clark Have you tried the QKZ x HBB? I can’t A/B with Kailua since I lost it but from memory I found the QKZ more versatile and to have better technicalities. Kailua bass might be a bit better in terms of quality however.

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oooo good call - I never tried the stock tips so I didn’t get hit with that but I could see a newer member of the cult getting put off because of the tips. I rolled and rolled but ultimately ended up with the clarion tips which honestly just work wonders on LOTS of IEMs for me.


Has anyone received with Estrella a parcel from Aliexpress from Apevoix store? they say shipping in 4-6 weeks?

Estrella’s bass is by far the most mature bass I heard under ~400/500


It’s very satisfying.

It’s only when I go to Xenns UP that Estrella has to concede mid-bass texture capability. Sub-bass though? I think it’s better than Doscinco. Doscinco I remember as slower, more bulbous with a little more weight and slam, but inferior in every other metric such as speed, tone, texture, separation and dynamism.

The only thing I want more out of Estrella is ethereal, airy spaciousness (which is missing pretty much altogether) but that’s a party trick I’ve only heard done by EST sets, so I’m not going to fault it for that whatsoever at $300.

I gifted my Estrella to my SO together with my Onix Alpha XI1, she’s over the moon about it lol


You’re a good partner, sir


How’s the pairing with X1 ? Guess it will roundoff the Treble a bit