JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

That is a really nice bass curve!

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I think he’s saying the Mid bass could use a little more texture compared to the sub bass because honestly the sub bass is probably the best I’ve heard under $500 in terms of pure texture and tactility. The mid bass is good, maybe even great but it does get overshadowed by that sick sub bass so in a way, I agree. Could it use more? Nah lmao shit is already bumpin’ imo.



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Dom probably phrased it better than me.

I think on graph the bass curve looks great but from the various reviews I’ve seen mid bass was brought up many times. I’m not trying to be negative or deny the fact that Estrella is a good IEM since I haven’t heard it. But since I’m shopping around looking at graphs and listening to reviewers, it might lack the mid bass impact that I AM looking for.


It’s not that you’d add more midbass but you need to pull the subs back a touch to get more midbass emphasis…which is accounted for with Estrella


Texture wise sub-bass would be more prominent and you hear it better over the mid-bass ya, but it’s no slouch texture wise in the mid-bass, just not as good as the sub, but given that the sub is the main focus that’s the trade-off you’ll be getting

If impact is what you’re looking for then it’s more than enough haha


btw Estrella now up on amazon :sunglasses:


Thanks, that’s much better phrased! :pray:t2:
It’s not lacking in amount but could be more pronounced and textured


Some impressions (without mod) of Estrella:


:gem: Good tuning throughout FR
:gem: Good sub-bass over mid-bass
:gem: Mid-bass is not cut
:gem: Separation of bass from mids
:gem: Lower mids are neither thin nor too thick. They have very good quality.
:gem: Upper mids have a unique tuning and interact well with the rest of the FR
:gem: Very good dynamic images
:gem: Treble extension is made with taste. The cymbals sound realistic
:gem: Textured drums section
:gem: Good male and very good female vocals
:gem: Textured and well layered sound, well above the price point
:gem: A sense of space and 3D stage that rivals some EST IEMs
:gem: Very well resolution :zap:
:gem: Easy to drive
:gem: Very comfortable and with a beautiful shell
:gem: Thin and flexible cable and good sound matching. Does not need immediate replacement.
:gem: Good quality of macro and micro dynamics
:gem: Thoughtful selection of drivers. DD is fast and capable. This is an IEM that shows that the quantity of drivers is not always related to better sound quality


:thinking: The bass could be a bit faster and more textured
:thinking: Uppermids may be more in quantity for some
:thinking: A bit more soundstage wide
:thinking: It is not completely universal. Some genres need a slight FR adjustment
:thinking: The cable has no switches
:thinking: There are eartips with a better match

Soundstage A+
Timbre A
Fun factor A++
Tuning A+
Tech A+
Overall A++


vs Thieaudio hype2

Soundstage A-
Timbre A—
Tuning A—
Fun factor A
Tech A-
Overall A-

vs KL

Soundstage A
Timbre A-
Turning A/A-
Fun factor A
Tech A
Overall A

vs Glacier

Soundstage S
Timbre S
Tuning S-/S
Fun factor S/S-
Tech S/S-
Overall S

Estrella like the music and music like Estrella! Enjoy :smiling_face:.


And Estrella vs Hype4or Oracle 3?

Woah S for Glacier eh? I gotta try those some day… thanks for sharing :heart_hands: and glad you’re liking them!


Estrella review done.

8.7/10 - ratings/scores are tabulated based on price bracket.

Great release, man.

Slapped my favorite cable on them, too.

Mood lighting version, trying to incorporate some lighting because @Leonarfd is freaking amazing with his photography


Thank you for the in-depth and honest review man. I’ll include better accessories next time and round up the price to $500 :joy: (if there is one)

Happy listening :notes:


For sure. The accessories part was more of a joke to set up me doing the All-star meme and talking about the glasses. We got that they had to cut costs, it’s all good. :joy:

Someone on Head-Fi just said that Estrella pronunciation would be similar to Paella so we need a Simgot x JaysAudio Paella collab next.


Wow, was planning on getting a mega5est, but guess not anymore :confused:

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Jokes on you my next collab will come with no cable or case, just the iem in a plastic bag, and check this out, the best part is you’ll have to assemble it yourself so we can avoid all QC allegations

Brain Big Brain GIF - Brain Big Brain Meme - Discover & Share GIFs




Which cable is this, looks great with estrella :fire:

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These are the Xinhs S05 cable


Probably my favorite cable!

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