JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Listening to the Tea Pros, and thought hmmm this sounds very familiar and then I checked the graph… no wonder lol:

Teas have lost their magic :pensive:

It’s basically a more resolving version of the Davinci without the timbre issues, so, good, but…

A/Bing them with the Estrellas right now, and let me just put it this way… rip Tea Pros


Gosh dang it, you write those first lines almost identical to my unreleased review lol

And yes, the Tea Pro is an incremental upgrade over the Davinci. Looks like i’ll have no problem selling it.


Hahahaha letsgo

They’re pretty nice, but not Estrellas levels of nice, mainly in the resolution and treble the Estrella is a noticeable step up, and dynamics as well, it’s just more engaging and different :man_shrugging:

If I were to rank them:

  1. OG TEA/Estrella
  2. Tea 2/Hype 4
  3. Tea Pro
  4. Davinci

They’re all so similar so once you find your one, the rest are :see_no_evil:


Brands are discovering low pinna, which is good.
But i do worry about the low midbass/low mid and the now anti shout dip in the KE4, which may now be introduced more and more


Give it six months. There will be a new tuning flavor du jour, just like Harman IEM tuning was all the rage nine to 12 months ago.

Guaranteed. The Chi-fi IEM business is full of lemmings.


That Blanc though, that peak looks like a middle finger up lol.


Actually lol I’m scared to try it after just getting fricked by the Cantor


Was supposed to be testing the Tea Pros, and not trying to suck my own :chicken: here, but while I was A/Bing it with the Estrellas I kinda just forgot about the Tea Pros so I’ve been just listening to the Estrellas for the past hour :joy:

High Five Myself GIFs | Tenor


Close to Aphex but the 6k might be murder…

Fun fact: blanc means white in French. But it comes from the English word blank (meaning nothing is there). But in English the color black comes from blank. Different culture have different way to interpret the concept of blank space (white or black).


Oh My God Meme GIFs | Tenor


How many buzzwords do we want?


All of them! We want all the buzz words!


They’re doing this on purpose, absolutely no shot they’re not doing this ironically :joy:


Coming soon from Chi-fi marketing:

“This exquisite, state-of-the-art orgasmic sonic experience will bathe your brain in the finest sativa strain while you are pleasured by 58 horny virgins with Jimmy Page playing solos all night next to you with his Les Paul.”




@VIVIDICI_111 Could you share a link of the IEM fit guide that you made? Thanks


(bookmark it)



So, I have good news, and bad news… The good news is, the Tea Pro is the most refined and well-rounded Tea to date, and is very competitive with the other $300 iems. The bad news is… the sauce is gone, I’m sorry Tea cult.


On the other hand though, if you want a better Davinci then the Tea Pros are literally that because they graph and sound pretty much the same. The Tea Pros are also bassy, and it’s got that heaviness and thickness to the notes like the Davinci, but it has more uppermids and treble extension now with better resolution and detail.

For $50 more, you get better drivers, branded ones from Knowles which helps with the timbre, a bump in tech, and equally good accessories. So if you were eyeing the Davinci, maybe take a look at the Pros because XENNS basically just took Timmy’s homework and changed it a tiny bit like that cool daniel meme.


The Tea Pro has a bassy sound signature with an emphasis in the low-end, but still well-balanced. Bass notes have that heaviness and thickness to the slam, texture is great, and although the low-end speed and separation isn’t the best around its price, they are very satisfying.

The vocals and highs pop out just enough as well, not too forward, and not too recessed as they’re not emphasised like it is with the bass, and I found the Tea Pros to be a step up in clarity compared to the Davinci where things sounded a little too smooth at times. The overall imaging and transients when it comes to the attack is sharper on the Pros vs the Davincis, as well as sounding more natural.

BUT, how does it compare to the other Teas? Well, better, but also not as special as them.

vs OG TEA & TEA 2

As some of you may know the OG Teas are one of my favourite IEMs when it comes to vocals, you crank them up, and the bite and consonants hits just right giving you a clear and highly addicting sound along with its holographic staging. The Tea Pros on the other hand aren’t that, but they’re better in other areas.

The vocals are more balanced, they feel fuller, less dynamic and clear, but also smoother and more versatile with more genres. I know some prefer the slow linear vocal rise of the other Teas, but the Pros are overall more open in the extension without being shouty, and feels more “correct”.

Low-end wise the Tea Pros are just straight up better when it comes to the slam, texture, impact, rumble, not only does it have more bass, but the 2DDs XENNS is using are a noticeable improvement not only over the OG Teas, but also the Tea 2s. Same could be said for the treble and the overall resolution, the Tea Pros are a step up in that department versus the other 2 when it comes to the layering, imaging, and micro-details. Stage feels more open and less wrapped around your head kind of feeling (3D) which is both good or bad depending on your preference.

Basically, the Pros are the best well-rounded version of the 3, and you should either get the Pros for its versatility and resolution, or the OG Teas for vocals and 3D staging, if you can still find them. I would personally skip the Tea 2s now that the Tea Pros are here - ya the Tea 2 scales better than the Pros, but it’s also not as resolving, extended, or textured in the bass, nor as special as the OG Teas in the vocals.


Now I’ll be doing a full length comparison with the Estrella vs a bunch of IEMs later, but TLDR, the Estrella has more dynamic contrast, it’s more exciting, less safe and meta, and more detailed in the treble with more air and crispiness.

Bass wise both are around the same texture/quality with the Estrella having more sub-bass and a bit snappier in the decay, whereas the Tea Pros are heavier in the slam and thicker in the note-weight. Tech wise they’re around the same, but the main difference is that the Tea Pros are more balanced and thicker, it sounds more traditional, whereas the Estrella is more exciting and crispier, it’s more different and not meta tuned, but more on that later :wink:


Compared to the Pilgrim and the Dusk they’re both neutral with a slight treble emphasis, the cymbals are airier on both the dusk and the pilgrim, you hear more details in the splashes, and the overall sense of space feels more pushed back, cleaner in the mid-bass, less low-end heavy, and lighter in the note-weight with a more laid back presentation.

Stage wise the Teas feel more forward with better extended vocals that are fuller, and clearer, whereas both the Dusk and Pilgrim can be a bit light in the noteweight when it comes to male singers as well as some instruments like violins just sound more lush on the Teas. There’s also just a lot more bass in the Pros with the low-end being more forward, it slams harder and heavier with a deeper and thicker feeling to them which gives it more engagement and contrast, as it’s a lot more bassier than the other 2.

Overall resolution is similar as they trade blows with one another in certain areas with the dusk and pilgrim being a little better in the layering and separation and treble, whereas the Tea Pros are more textured in the bass, fuller, and more clear in the vocal details. So, if you want a bassy set that’s still well-balanced go for the Tea Pros, but if you want a cleaner, more airy and chill listen then go for either the Dusk or Pilgrim, and hopefully you luck out with unit variation.

vs HYPE 4

Compared to the Hype 4s the low-end on these 2 are very similar with both of them leaning on the bassier side, and I would put them on the same level as it really depends on what you prefer more. The hype 4s bass is a little bit quicker and snappier in the attack and decay with overall less quantity, whereas the Tea Pros slams harder and deeper, it’s more in your face, but at the cost of being a little slower in the pull back, and less balanced.

Vocal wise they’re a little more extended on the Tea Pros with a little more bite, but technical performance is pretty similar and it really comes down to if you want a smoother and more balanced sound from the Hype 4s sonions, or a bassier profile with more contrast from the Tea’s knowles drivers, as well as more bite to the vocals.


Basically, you got 3 routes - if you want something clean and neutral you’re looking at the pilgrim or dusk. If you want something more exciting and dynamic you have the Estrella with that deep sub-bass and crispy treble… and then finally if you want something in-between neutral and exciting, then that’s where the Tea Pros would fall into along with the Hype 4s since they’re around the same for me and changes depending on what I’m feeling that day.

So although the magic is gone (rip), the Pros overall is the most refined and well-rounded out of the three, and it will be the clear upgrade to most people who are looking for a bassy, but still well-extended and balanced set with great technical performance.

Here is the Final Ranking for XENNS TEA PRO (at Mid-Volume):

Tonality: S- (8/10)
Tech: A+ (7.5/10)
Overall: A+ (7.5/10)

Thanks for reading :sunglasses:



The Estrella is a collab between Ziigaat and the reviewer Jays Audio. Some of you may know him from the Hifiguides forum and his YouTube channel. The Estrella is a hybrid and consists of 2 DD for the bass and 4 BA for the mids and highs.


The packaging is very compact and the use of foam is kept to a minimum. Only the IEMs have to be removed from the foam inlets and then they and the cable are stored in the stylish black case anyway. I didn’t like the feel of the 3.5 mm cable. It doesn’t look particularly high-quality and twists easily. I had already had better IEM cables in this price range, so I used my own 4.4 mm cable.


The IEMs themselves are extremely comfortable and lightweight. However, I would have liked more pronounced contours on the inside like on my MMK3, which would have stabilized the fit in the ear.


In my opinion, the Estrella is a mini MMK3 for a fraction of its price.

According to the graphs, it is also immediately apparent that both equally prioritize the fun factor over balance. Here, however, the Estrella has the slightly crisper and faster bass, which many certainly prefer for genres such as metal and rock.

I find the mids and highs surprisingly similar in both. Vocals obviously come across a little better. In particular, the treble extension above 10 khz on the Estrella is excellent in its price range.


Anyone who likes the Monarch Mk3 sound will be just as happy with the Estrella. Especially for everyday use and outdoors, this would be an ideal alternative if you don’t want to travel with a kilobuck IEM. The MMK3 can set itself apart from the Estrella with its immersive, enveloping bass. Otherwise, in my opinion, it’s a question of taste whether you prefer BA or ESTs for the treble. Many people say that they can’t hear the difference anyway. So my suggestion: go for the Estrella and save a lot of money :wink:

Many thanks to Rinderkappajoe for organizing this round trip :nerd_face: