JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Try the Xenns Mangird Tea Pro with different cables. The factory cable isn’t good. It’s nice they provided a modular cable but the quality sucks. It’s leaning towards a U shape sound. Once I hooked up the Xinhs HS68 dark blue cable it was a revelation. It provided a linear presentation where the treble is smoother without losing details and the bass widen up. The soundstage is much bigger. The singer went from performing inside my brain to in front just outside my ears. Instruments and vocals are elevate with more depth.




Tbh flipping the cable probably does more than cable rolling, also I’m not a cable guy lol


Ignorance is bliss.

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I’ll take that, especially in this hobby :joy:


How are the driver mounted in the Estrella? What does Coaxially mean? Side by side one on top of each other stacked or face to face ?

Sorry if this has been answered , i searched but was unsuccessful in finding the answer.

My experience of coaxial with DD drivers so far has always been stacked facing the same way, (at least based on exploded diagrams when “coaxial” is being thrown about) so sharing an ‘axis’, but I don’t want to answer for the Estrella specifically.


Tea Pro specs apparently only 13ohm, wouldn’t surprised in that case; source oi + cheap soldering job on the cable