Wait what
Let me change that once I get home later
Wait what
Let me change that once I get home later
LMAO All good
I haven’t heard the Odyssey, but Arcadia might be my current favorite set. I find the treble on Arcadia to be very good, but it is more present than the Explorer. I tend to describe the Arcadia as the love child of Doscinco and Explorer, which were 1 and 2 in my collection for most of 2024, at least until Arcadia came along.
The other comparison I make is that Arcadia is basically a Doscinco with some treble pulled out in the 3-7k range, and with a bit more mids ( 300-1k ).
I feel seen.
I definitely put in my list of sets that I am not worried about the quantity of bass.
Just based on graph sniffing, the Odyssey seems almost like the Doscinco with a bit more treble, and a bit more mids. I am betting it sounds good, but the treble will probably be more than treble sensitive folks want.
I find that most of these non budget ZiiGaat sets can be boiled down to tweaks on the Doscinco or Cincotres. I appreciate that they seem to be bringing the price down while they are experimenting with the tunings. I know that many brands stepped up their game in 2024, but ZiiGaat was my favorite brand last year.
The CK2V is just a better (and probably cheaper) version of the Braindamage lol @domq422
Not as sizzly, fuller, better vocals, no scoop, and no uppermids/treble tilt
Damn, looks like a very fun tuning.