Wait what
Let me change that once I get home later
Wait what
Let me change that once I get home later
LMAO All good
I haven’t heard the Odyssey, but Arcadia might be my current favorite set. I find the treble on Arcadia to be very good, but it is more present than the Explorer. I tend to describe the Arcadia as the love child of Doscinco and Explorer, which were 1 and 2 in my collection for most of 2024, at least until Arcadia came along.
The other comparison I make is that Arcadia is basically a Doscinco with some treble pulled out in the 3-7k range, and with a bit more mids ( 300-1k ).
I feel seen.
I definitely put in my list of sets that I am not worried about the quantity of bass.
Just based on graph sniffing, the Odyssey seems almost like the Doscinco with a bit more treble, and a bit more mids. I am betting it sounds good, but the treble will probably be more than treble sensitive folks want.
I find that most of these non budget ZiiGaat sets can be boiled down to tweaks on the Doscinco or Cincotres. I appreciate that they seem to be bringing the price down while they are experimenting with the tunings. I know that many brands stepped up their game in 2024, but ZiiGaat was my favorite brand last year.
The CK2V is just a better (and probably cheaper) version of the Braindamage lol @domq422
Not as sizzly, fuller, better vocals, no scoop, and no uppermids/treble tilt
Damn, looks like a very fun tuning.
Any idea about ehat BA is this set using?
Heard from someone it’s 2 knowles 2 custom but don’t quote me on that
Tuning looks good but that custom shit ain’t gonna fly, I’m guessing the price is higher than $200.
Under $200. I’m not expecting branded stuff at that price especially with how many drivers they’re stuffing in there
My favorite budget brand. Someone wrote not to buy MYER because of the custom BA. I don’t really agree here - they are almost unbeatable for their price. Undisputed tuning masters.
BTW custom BA doesn’t always mean bad - check out Glacier and Majestic… they are expensive, but still for the unbelievers
I was Expecting $350-$450. that Price looks good. I’m still thinking about Odyssey
Odyssey lives in everyone’s head rent free
Stealing Video Idea in 3…2…1…
The car video for low attention spans
for the zoomers and their adhd