JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

That’s a hefty increase over the ea500. I think Chris is cooking something with Simgot, that has piqued my interest


From what I’ve heard, it’s an EA500 retune. But if the tech is there with EA1000, whatever it is will come below EA1000.

Simgot won’t outdo their own “flagship” 1DD with a collaboration


I dunno about that. Simgot EW200, in a sense, is better than EA500. Simgot is a wildcard.

EW200 is better tuned, especially in the bass. Which makes sense as they took the feedback about the EA500’s tuning to heart.

It is not better than EA500 in soundstage and technicalities. EA500 is a complete upgrade in that way


I wonder if it could be an upgrade to HeartMirror…?

Maybe :eyes:

I’m looking forward to it

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O2 upgrade maybe.


I’m listening :ear:

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(it aint my graph if that is what you thought, I dont have it.)

Oh yeah now that I think about it it does sound like a more resolving Olina SE


Good…very good! Come to Daddy!

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Hey guys, happy… Monday? So, Simgot released something that’s finally NOT harman (woohoo), but on top of that - I’m fairly impressed by them.

The low-end texture is, and I don’t use this word often, immaculate (chef’s kiss). The high quality DD combined with the passive radiator results in very resolving bass notes, clean, fast, but you can also hear the physicality of the air being pushed, and small micro nuances like the decay and reverb from bass guitar strings. Rhythmic section is well separated, but doesn’t float off or feel light in the noteweight - it’s no basshead, so for those who want more meaty mid-bass and warmness look elsewhere, but, out of all the iems under and around $200, or even $300, the Fermat’s got one of the best bass texture I’ve heard so far - Simgot again proving that they just don’t miss.

Midrange timbre is likewise just as natural and clean, vocals aren’t husky and instruments aren’t overemphasised, but they’re not weak and light like most of the harman and planars. Piano keys and flutes for example sound very realistic and clear as you can hear the air and thump pressing down on the keys, as well as the lingering reverb afterwards from the flutes and other woodwinds. Female vocals especially are a standout on the Fermats, sweet, sparkly, airy, but still weighted and extended. It’s not the fullest and most powerful or forward like the RSV, however, it’s the best for female vocals before the Studio 4s and OG Oracle, and even then it’s probably a toss up depending on the song.

Male vocals on the other hand are clear with ballads, indie, and acoustics, but they can get buried by the extra uppermids and treble energy from electric guitars and cymbals in busier rock and metal tracks. I found the Fermats to sound the best with slower genres like ballads, indie, acoustics, blues, and jazz since the boosted uppermids and treble can get piercing on EDM, KPOP, JPOP and even some rock and metal tracks. Cymbal crashes are satisfying and airy, clean, resolving, no weird timbre issues, and as scary as the graph looks, the treble is actually very well-tuned, pretty smooth overall - I didn’t have much of an issue at mid-volume, however you can’t crank these up too much, especially with KPOP and very energetic genres.

However, I did find myself readjusting the volume with songs that have more dynamic contrast, for example, Run away with me by Carly Rae Jepsen starts off slow and quite, but there’s a switch in the chorus where the energy level is suddenly boosted way up, and because of the extra uppermids/treble on the Fermat the song comes off as too loud and fatiguing. This puts you in a weird dilemma where you either keep the volume lower resulting in the verse being less audible, or having to constantly readjust the volume between the verse and chorus. So, although the timbre, low-end, and midrange is top tier even under $500, the treble does become an issue depending on the song… again I think it works very well with slower and less energetic genres, but just make sure your library aligns.

If I could sum it up in a sentence, the EA1000/Fermats would be: Bright and musical with a classy low-end.


Versus the Nova the Fermat wipes the floor with it in-terms of low-end texture, overall timbre, and just musicality and enjoyment in general. Technical performance wise both are very similar with the resolution going to the Fermat because of the extra sharpness in the note transients due to more lively treble, however, the Nova is smoother overall and the better all-rounder, handling energetic tracks better and being less fatiguing, although, too boring and safe IMHO.

Instead, think of the Fermat as a more v-shaped blessing 3 with better bass texture and timbre. A/Bing them the B3 actually sounds “softer” in-terms of resolution, however, that may just be from the extra treble on the Fermat given the perception of a sharper sound, so overall I’d say they’re still very similar which is kinda insane given the Fermat’s price and driver set-up. I would definitely take the Fermat over the B3 - the low-end is just miles better, and the treble is easily fixed if you use the tuning filters (or any) from Simgot. I personally like the black nozzle the best without any filters - I think it works very well with slower songs, adding that extra bit of sparkle to them, but for more energetic tracks the gold nozzle with a 500 mesh filter does the job - the resolution and bass texture is still there, but just a lot smoother in the treble now.

Versus the EM6L, again the Fermat is an upgrade all around in-terms of bass texture, timbre, resolution, but the extra energy can still be an issue whereas the EM6L is warmer and less fatiguing, and the Nova would be the smoothest out of the 3. Same story with the Fudu and P5 - just better all across the board with the other 2 being less fatiguing; and compared to the HeyDay the Fermat’s has much better timbre and better bass-texture, with similar technical performance.

For those wondering if the EA1000 is a DIRECT upgrade to the EA500 - yeah, I’d say so for the most part. You’re still going to get more mid-bass emphasis with the EA500 as it has a little more, and less uppermids taking the focus away, but aside from that overall bass texture, and resolution is a clear step up on the EA1000s. Similarly, the Fermats would also be a good upgrade to the Olina SE - cleaner and better bass texture, better timbre and resolution etc. I have not heard the EN1000 or EA2000.

But lastly, I do want to address the treble energy with the Fermats. I was looking at Chris’ unit, and comparing it to mine and some others, and it looks like there are some unit variations it seems - 1 out of 4 so far (from my limited knowledge). I personally found my unit’s uppermids/treble to be bright leaning, but not nearly as much as Chris’ graph would suggest, so maybe this is something to watch out for. Ideally I’ll be graphing my sets from now on as Mag is taking a break, but I do still recommend some type of mesh filter with the gold nozzles - I think it sounds the best that way (maybe 500 is too much for most unless you’re blasting like me), anyhow here’s how I’d rank them:

Tonality: A+/S- (depending on nozzle/filter)
Tech: A+
Overall: A+

Tonality: B+/A+ (depending on nozzle/filter)
Tech: A+
Overall: A-

I do think these sound the best with slower tracks at mid-volume (and recommend using them that way).

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Considering Shortbus covered all my high-volume needs, I’m looking forward to adding these to my rotation :heart:



that is all.


Sick video, Sick write-up. Nicely done, sir. I am so happy you decided not to step away completely. Your reviews Complete me :sunglasses:



Right back at ya


Great review, but my wallet after the last two purchases looks like this:
giphy (2)


This highlights the importance of keeping the powder dry.

I like waiting out the FOTMs for when the people I trust are like “this will actually move the market”.

No offense to Nova or Chopin, and I hope you do well and find the ears that will love you, but I’m not expecting you to break the market or anything.

In this house, killers only need apply!


Simgot just casually strolled in and broke the sub $500 market lol

I’m using the Fermats with the gold nozzles+500 filters and ohhhh mannn it’s so beautiful :face_holding_back_tears:

Natural, full, clear, and oh so musical