JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

I assumed these were like $40-$60, but $80… bruh :skull_and_crossbones:

Is there any standout characteristic? I feel like $80 is asking a lot for these.


I am so freaking ready for this video :handshake::handshake::handshake:

Jay abouta make some serious Crin-kings ANGRY with this one.

I too was in the camp these were like $50, no more than that. I was convinced he was shitting on Simgot, purposely, just to try and undercut their market share with a lower price point. But instead, he openly says the Simgot fam is mid and goes right for the jugular.

Yo I gotta say, the man has balls. I kinda respect it hahah


Nah. If you want sub-bass scoop just buy any cheaper IEM like even the KZ Castor bass.

@domq422 He doesn’t have balls because there’s no threat from his fans as most of his audience are simply too brainwashed, but hopefully that’ll change with this video :wink:


I predict he won’t even respond, but I could be wrong…



There has been like no hype about this iem it seems…




That has been my position for a while, that is a great set and beats out most of the “tucked bass” anywhere in the 3-5x price range.

I am too.

When I saw the first “mid” reviews showing up, I was day dreaming about ruthless Jay going ham on Crin.


Is the Kiwi Ears Singolo a “revolutionary” dynamic driver that Crin claims it to be? And does the “crossover” actually work, or is it an actual crossover to begin with? Well… it kind of works, but not really, and it’s also not an actual crossover - just a filter applied using a resonator like the one used in the AFUL Magic One, but notice how AFUL never claimed the Magic One to be a true “crossover” because, well, it’s not. In other words, this is mostly just marketing and hype… like the Magic One. But, let’s talk about the pros first.


The Singolo’s got some… decent bass… and that’s pretty much it. The Singolo follows a fun sub-bassy tuning where the sub-bass is slightly more forward than the rest of the frequency. The quality of the low-end is good, around the same as the EA500LM, but just more of it. However, the “revolutionary crossover” doesn’t really stack up after A/Bing it with HBB Khan and OG Truthear Zero which both have actual crossovers and a more noticeable scoop.

The bass on the Singolo isn’t as sharp and tactile in its attack, it feels softer and not as textured, and less “tight”/compact. I’m not getting an obvious sub-woofer like playback like the Khan and Zero, or the newer ZIIGAAT Cincotres, which all have a more obvious scoop and separation in the sub-bass and the lower-mids, which again, makes sense as the Singolo doesn’t actually have a real crossover and is more relying on a filter.


What Kiwiears have done here is add a resistor in the 250hz region which then decreases the sensitivity or volume in that region, and essentially cancelling out and removing whatever was there and thus creating the scoop. There is no actual crossover happening, it’s just a filter - think of it like a built in EQ. A good comparison would be to the 10 Ohm adapter on the RED, but instead of a plug outside the IEM, the resistor is now inside the IEM, and instead of increasing a region like the 10 Ohm adapter, the Singolo’s resistor is now decreasing a region and creating that scoop.

The resistor also creates an unnatural bump in the 500hz region which affects the already blunted vocals (but more on that later), so it’s not ideal, and imo it’d be better if you just EQd, or get an IEM with an actual crossover. Now, this does bypass the need of having more drivers, but it doesn’t make sense if you’re charging more for this 1 single DD IEM versus IEMs who actually have multiple drivers with actual crossovers that are cheaper, like the RED. To me, it just seems like Crin ran out of ideas to sell stuff, so they made this work-around in order to try and make it exciting, but it’s just very misleading.

Now aside from the bass being decent… there’s not really much else for praise…I guess the plating looks nice? Like I can’t even justify the Singolo with any accessories because it doesn’t even come with case, a pouch, or any waifus, the stock cable is also a cheap $5-10 cable (similar to the one in the $25 Tanchjim One 3.5MM), so I’m really grasping at straws here. The worst thing is, Crin literally has another collab - 2 actually, the Project RED and the OG Zero - that not only has actual crossovers (so not a EQ gimmick), but they both also have an extra driver, and they’re both cheaper.


Resolution wise the RED is pretty close, the Singolo is slightly sharper because of the 2 peaks at the 8-10K region (and updated driver), and it’s a little bit more sub-bass focused because it has less uppermids/treble, but the price jump just isn’t worth it imo. If you already have the RED, the OG Zero, or the Khan, just EQ more bass to them, or in other words as Crin like to put it, “you shouldn’t be paying for tuning”, and in this case the technology isn’t actually revolutionary, so what are you paying for?

On top of that the RED has better extension when it comes to the vocals and the air, so not only does the Singolo get out competed by its own collab, but when you compare to other IEMs in its same price category it’s not nearly as resolving and technical like the Hexa and the EA500LM - there’s a night and day difference compared to the Hexa & LM when it comes to the resolution and extension. It’s just funny because if Crin is going to call his competitors “mid”, then the Singolo should at least be at the same level, not below them - because even the RED is better tuned, and it gets out classed by the Hexa, the LM, and the Nova.


For example, the first thing I noticed on the Singolo is the blunted vocals - it sounds stuck, not open, and lacking detail because of the scooped out 4-8K region, now some of you guys who are sensitive in those areas might prefer thiS, But the vocals just don’t sound very clear, open, and airy, because there’s no air on top of the uppermids scoop, there’s a big roll-off at 15K combined with the 4-8K scoop.

Female singers especially sound dead, boring, lacking dynamics, detail and airiness, no sparkliness, and they just lack that final extension and openness making the sound feel like you’re missing parts of their vocal range. Idk how it’s possible, but Crin managed to make a worse sounding Truthear RED at a higher price, which really, is a feat in itself - THAT’S what’s truly “revolutionary”. Male vocals aren’t as affected as much, but they’re not amazing, they’re ok, they just don’t sound very powerful, extended, or textured because of the 500hz bump + the 4-8K scoop.


As for the treble - there’s just simply no air because of the 14-15K roll-off, cymbals lack the decay, they’re not very splashy, and because of that ontop of the scooped out uppermids, the soundstage is below average, and feels closed in, or “intimate”. Then you also got the 2 peaks at 8-10K that becomes an issue when you try to turn the Singolos up - they become too sharp, and affects the overall scaling and immersion; I can understand if you killed off the air and uppermids for better scaling, because you know, BASS, but if that’s the case why have the 2 peaks then? Because now even if I wanted to blast the bass, I can’t because of the peaks.


All in all, the Singolo is just not very competitive aside from the sub-bass, especially for the price, like the Sonus, EW200, ARTTI R2, and RED are all better in the mids and treble and they’re cheaper. And if you just wanted good bass quality in general the LM is literally that but with actual extension and resolution.

So, I don’t know who the Singolos are actually for because the “new tech” isn’t actually new and “revolutionary”, it’s not an actual crossover (a resistor) because the term crossover by definition means you need something to cross-over to, but the Singolo isn’t crossing over to anything (maybe aside from your wallets), and the resistor is simply turning down the 250hz like you would do with EQ.

At the end of the day this is all just marketing and hype - very misleading and dishonest behaviour from Crin (surprise surprise), and I do NOT recommend the Singolo as there are better options for cheaper that does what the Singolo is trying to do but better (Khan, OG Zero, RED, Castor Bass) - maybe if you can find one at $20-40? But even then I would probably still take the RED or the EW200 as the better all-rounder.

It’s just very disappointing because not only did Crin boch the tuning (since the RED is better tuned if you do want something similar), but the Singolo “revolutionary crossover” doesn’t actually add much aside from being marketing bait. I just hope no one gets tricked and misled into thinking the Singolo is actually something revolutionary - because it’s not - and now I’m mad because I wasted $80 lol.

Anyways, huge disappointment aside I hope this review was helpful, save your money, and thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Say it like it is, brother! Love it.

We can’t let these guys get away with these money grabs anymore. Kiwiears saw those $$$$ and took the opportunity to go full Crin.


Did you mean to say resistor? This set uses a resonator to essentially cancel those frequencies with to create the scoop

I’m not surprised its a meh set but I do think the use of resonators is interesting as another mechanism for tuning sets


Word, never go full Crin

Edit: I got them mixed up oops


They are different. Resonators are purely acoustical and generate sound waves of specific frequencies to cancel out of amplify said frequency. Resistors change impedance to lower amplitude across the board . The outcome can be similar but method is different and resonators can target more specific frequencies.

Also when people hear resistors in electronics it’s usually always in reference to an actual resistor like in the impedance adapters. From my understanding a single resistor would not be able to do what this resonator does on a single DD since a single DD normally has a flat impedance curve and the resistor will affect all frequencies equally


I’ve been waiting for this one. Great job, Jay!!!

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You are very wrong.

Resonators are a physical part of the design that will have an acoustical effect.
Like this:

“Resistors” are physical objects that affect the electrical resistance, as in a way to change the flow of the electricity. Dumbing it dumb for iems, imagine if you have 2 drivers, one is a full range DD and another is an sonion electrostat. The electrostat normally has a MUUUUCH lower sensitivity than the DD, so if you just connect them like that, you will not hear the electrostat over the DD. If you however wire in a resistor connected in a way that it ONLY affects the DD, you can essentially tell the DD to shut the fuck up and thus you be able to actually hear the electrostat.

Now with how resistors works in multi driver iems to actually SHAPE the FR, that is done by putting the resistors in crossover boards via specific ways (not an expert here so wont go in depth). For example, if you want a DD woofer to ONLY deal with 80hz and below, that is done via a low pass filter which you can do via a crossover.

There is another meaning for resistance and it is “acoustic resistance”, which is essentially a value on physical acoustic damping.



100% I think theese colabs with $2 drivers getting marked up to the moon its craziness.

I aplaud Crin for bieng 100% open and honest about his reasons for doing the collaborations cant fault that.

Vote with your wallets only way this ends.


Thanks for the lesson :pray: I must have got it mixed up


Okay. Let’s make it very clear now: I have no issues if you find my IEMs lacklustre. That’s a matter of opinion, and as I’ve made it clear many many times over the years (and in my Disclaimer video that everyone here seems to hate), that is FINE. The hobby is subjective and if I can dish out criticism, I should be able to take it too.

That said, there is a massive difference between sharing your subjective opinion, and shooting out claims that are objectively, unequivocally false.

@Rikudou_Goku and @cal_lando had explained the difference between a resistor-capacitor filter network used in multi-driver IEMs and an acoustic resonator used in the Singolo (Thank you!) so I won’t beat that dead horse. I’ll only emphasise again that Kiwi Ears and Linsoul did not once claim that the Singolo uses any crossovers, quite the opposite (“unlike traditional crossovers”, meaning that it’s NOT being used).

And given the reply, I suppose @VIVIDICI_111 also understands the difference now. Live and learn.

But since Jay now champions integrity and honesty, I’d like to see that in practice now. Will he keep the video up with all the misinformation he now acknowledges as false still blasting out in public? Or will he redo the video, this time with proper facts (and maybe even issue out gasp an apology)?

Again, I won’t address anything else because everything else is a matter of subjective opinion. You don’t like something, you just don’t like it. But falsehoods are a different matter altogether.

Ball’s in your court, Jay. Let’s see how much integrity you have.


Hey Crin,

Apologies for getting the resistor part mixed up. I assumed it’s an resistor and not an actual resonator because of the marketing hype, and because, well… it doesn’t really work. A/Bing it with something like the ZIIGAAT Cincotres that actually has a crossover and scoop, there’s a noticeable difference in bass quality. Heck, even if you compare to your own OG Zero or HBB’s Khan those have a more “sub-woofer” like feeling. I planned to redo the review after @cal_lando and @Rikudou_Goku has pointed it out, but, the overall sentiment remains the same, the scoop isn’t noticeable enough to create that sub-woofer sound, and it lacks air and treble, also very expensive - no pouch, no case, cheap cable. You shouldn’t be charging people $80 for it.

Also, my sentiment regarding integrity remains the same about you not reviewing other products and only pushing the ones you’re affiliated with, as well as your dishonest behavior calling the Simgots “mid” even though the Singolo is audibly worse - your other Collab, the Red is better than the Singolo. I understand you’re trying out a new tech, but I don’t hear much of a difference especially if it comes with incorrect polarity.

Everyone would also love to see you review some other IEMs aside from the brands that you have connections with.

And please update your graph database if you’re going to charge people for it because it’s severely outdated.

I will update the video tomorrow, but TLDR the sentiment remains the same:

  1. It doesn’t really work - I’m not getting a “sub-woofer” like feeling in the sound
  2. The tuning is off in the uppermids and treble
  3. Khan, and OG Zero are better and cheaper
  4. It comes with incorrect polarity, noticeable after you A/B flip the hook

This doesnt really matter though fyi.

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Yes it does. I thought it didn’t at first either, but you can hear the difference. I A/B tested this multiple times. The attack in the bass feels sharper, and the vocals are a little clearer. It’s subtle, but the difference matters in this hobby as everyone is trying to squeeze out the last bit lol

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