JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Is it only one side that is incorrect?

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Both, but to be fair, it’s not just the Singolo, most IEMs have incorrect polarity. I kinda just ignored it because people told me it didn’t matter until recently when I actually A/B tested, and holy moly, I’ve been missing out on “free resolution” :joy:

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Then it really does not matter.


Go test it yourself. I can hear it.

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Get a track from REW, one with correct polarity, and one with incorrect polarity, and A/B them

Well, the ~200-300Hz recession that is the subject of criticism is a result of the resonator cancelling out those specific frequencies, so I would say that the tech absolutely work. It’s just that you don’t like the results, which is fine. Subjective opinion and all.

Even if you don’t like the results per se, the fact also remains that you have called the resonator something that it’s not, and using that fact to call foul at the technology used. I think that warrants a significant do-over of the script, at least. It’s like if I called the Cincotres $5000 and said that it sucks because it’s overpriced, then when I’m (rightfully) called out I just handwave it and say “well I still don’t like it”.

For the graph database, I’ve one of the few providing graphs of the B&K Type 5128/4620 as well as the GRAS RA0402, so I think charging power users a small fee is alright given that I had invested tens of thousands of dollars in these rigs. That said, making the 711 database completely free is something that I’m considering.

As for reviews… I’m pretty much retired now as you can see from the upload schedule. Guess the only thing that’s missing is to officially call it, though it’s more “hey, don’t call me a reviewer anymore, I’m just talking about my opinions” and still occasionally talking about IEMs I want to talk about, than a complete stop in content. Sorry if that’s not you want, but it’s what I want.


That is on the track side, not the iem…


Been out of the loop awhile and finally coming around to catching up this last week. Ya’ll are getting wild in here! It’s starting to look like a whole other thread that I stopped visitng. Everyone to focused on the tech talk forgetting what it’s really about. Sometimes I wonder if anyone deep in this hobby actually just listens to the music and enjoys it or just spends all day A/B’ing and nitpicking over nuances. Lets get back to the core of why were here, the music, and let it bring us together not tear us apart or create tension amugst us.



No like, get a track, invert the polarity, and A/B the one with the incorrect polarity with the one with the correct polarity

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Agreed, Mags. Well said, good sir.


Like everyone else, you should always do what you want (or feel is best for you). I know that a lot of people will be disappointed, but that’s life!


That’s totally fair if you’d no longer want to do reviews on the regular. you should follow your heart, that’s the most important thing. But I think letting the general public know you’re following that path is important because on the surface, it can look a little strange when you’re only choosing to review IEMs from brands you have affiliation with - but that’s just my opinion.

At the end of the day, as long as you’re happy and enjoying life and the music within it, that’s all that matters.


It kinda works, never said it didn’t. It’s just doesn’t live up to the hype of a “revolutionary tech” you’re selling it to be, especially if you have the word “SUB-WOOFER?” plastered on your thumbnail which mislead my expectations of the Singolo having that sub-woofer like feeling, but it doesn’t. Again, even the OG Zero is better in that regard.

Not quite the same as mislabeling the price, but I understand your point. If the “resonator” actually worked better and gave me that “sub-woofer” like effect as advertised, then I wouldn’t have thought it was a resistor gimmick with EQ. Again, I plan to correct this part.

Fair, but you not having a lot of the other stuff on there is sus along with missing a lot of the IEMs on your ranking list but just so happen to have the Elysian stuff ranked very high lol, especially if we taken into account of your affiliation with other brands leading to potential influences.

You do realize that you pretty much just admitted that you’re going full business mode right? Your “opinion” happens to be very positively convenient when pushing those brands hun. Which is fine, go get your bag, but you officially NOT calling it and letting others know publicly is a huge issue when it comes to integrity because people still think you’re a reviewer, but you’re already not operating on reviewer terms as you just said. If you’re going to just sell stuff, let your audience know you’re not a reviewer anymore… but I can see why you don’t.


Sure. I’ll announce my retirement in a few weeks. The next few videos before then will be about discontinued products and collabs so there’ll be no integrity issues with them.

Hope that solves all your burning issues and questions. Have a great day everyone, and goodbye.


Sounds good. Would like to hear your perspective.

If there is misunderstanding I will reach out and apologize to you personally. Cheers.


Bought the Variations based on your rec (most I’ve spent blind buying an IEM/headphone), 3 years on still one of my favs :clap:


Flame then apologize, seems to be the trend these days.


Crin you should not do collaborations you should do full on Crinacle Branded IEM’s. On the business end doesn’t that make more sense. Go to the OEM cut out the middle man.

My Opionion on whether or not Collaborations are good for the hobby stems from the dishonesty and reasons
others unlike yourself have stated why they choose to partner with a brand.

We have heard getting the volume to make the release affordable. Really?

We have been told to help manufacturers influncers needed to inject thier input to make proper tunings and I dont think :thinking: so either.

When something goes sideways KZ , KZ again … or whoever accountability seems to flow in only one way and the consumer gets the shitty end of the stick.

I give you full credit for your transparency kudos to you we all have a right to earn a income.