JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Well ya, I should apologize for mixing up the marketing, but the rest of the “flame” still burns strong

:fearful: that’s crazy because my friend bought it and returned it the next day, to each their own I guess


This hobby is full of "I like it because I was told to like it more than I like it because I like it.

This is why the Harman target is a joke.


I watched the entire headphones.com stream. Dr. Olive basically said the preference curve is wack, how it might fit in the preference curves and still sound like garbage.


For my techno, uplifting, house, dnb, hardcore, etc… portion of my library (and for what I listen for and enjoy) it’s :fire:, I am very fortunate to be able to own different sets for the other genres in my collection.


Subjective hobby I guess.


What’s going on here? :nerd_face:
I thought I was critical…
… nothing personal really, but I’ve never really liked Crin and his collabs, I don’t really like many collabs in general, especially the $1599 ones :laughing:
But it’s good to have someone remind the collab dudes every now and then that the world doesn’t revolve around them! :shushing_face:




What’s not subjective however is the price and accessories. No case and cheap cable for $79 is not a great value.

I felt the same thing when I bought Kailua. The IEM is fine but not providing a case that sells for $2 on AliE and a cheap cable for the price is not so great value.


That is a good point. The last year has solidified my favorite in the price range ( under $100 ) is the Artti R1.

If I want something that leans brighter, the Olina SE is still my pick over the EA500 and LM.

I like the Kailua, but yeah the case and cable probably hurt its sales with some folks. I have a bunch of extra cases that I picked up around the time I got those, and I am using one of the Olina cases from Tripowin, but I put my OG Olina in a different case a while back.


@John_W_Clark Olina SE still going strong for you eh? Nice to hear that

Letshuoer Cadenza 4:


Letshuoer Cadenza 4 - warmer than 12, more musical, less neutral leaning. In the fine but not blowing me away category. Doesn’t have the resolution chops. Vocals are good-forward

Yeah, that vibes with my CanJam notes


Again, if you set the capacitor to 370uf on the driver, it will just play low, and there will be no failure as in the review from Sharur.
That’s just not how it works.

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That looks pretty slick, I like that 10k peak if I’m honest, thanks for sharing brother

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@crinacle As promised


Retirement is delayed… Must have money for hamburgers :nerd_face:.


Now I am just hungry at 3am… for a cheesburger! :rofl:


Can you point out in the stream where he says this? Dr. Olive used the preference bounds in his presentation at CanJam New York. I didn’t hear this myself during the stream so would be happy to see a timestamp where this is said.

I was meming and joking. But Dr. Olive did state that a headphone can lie in the preference boundary and still not sound good. I think that goes without saying.
It felt like a little bit of shade thrown to the preferences boundaries shown. I only watched the stream due to Crinacle being in. No desire to fight or watch that again.
I see value in both preference boundaries or a single line. That’s all I want to say.


On the contrary, this is actually something we are currently interested in improving, and in the live stream we’re asking him what he thinks of different potential methods of doing so. He actually used the preference bounds and the 10dB slope in his presentation, and has regularly indicated he thinks some way of indicating the other preference groups is a good idea.

One option is to do shading or cluster overlays to indicate the largest segments, similar to what Listener has done on his squig, but another option might be to just overlay the tolerance mask for the cluster that best fits the headphone.

Additionally, Blaine raised the point that while intuitively we might consider a more even response to be preferred, it’s not exactly clear from the data where the threshold for goodness/badness is there. The point Dr. Olive is making here is that there were some examples in speaker evaluations where the bounds were so wide it could’ve been anything - and for the record, I personally think we need to have a stronger indication of what’s most likely to be preferred for the largest segment.

Ironically the IEM in question that sparked this discussion was actually one the Dr. Olive listened to at CanJam and enjoyed.

This is the timestamp for the overlay bit for that discussion:


Too scientific for me, glad I’m not this type of listener, I just enjoy the melody, lyrics, chord progression and such.