Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Yeah, I sure hope nobody hits that, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

althoughā€¦ those tubes are kinda mesmerizing :eyes:

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Pavarotti was once asked if he thought his voice was better than Jussiā€™s, to which he replied, ā€œI am not God".

But Iā€™m swedish, so take my super biased opinion with a huge pinch of salt. And a meatball.


I put the 11.11 deals from Hifigo in a google sheet. Lots of good deals going on.

Linking as a Google Spreadsheet as I think it is easiest. Good stuff going on.

Brands for sale Nov 11, 2023

Product Prices


Thanks for the list! Got the Phoenixcall. NICEDAY$5 removed 5 dollars more, so $105 in total.


Awesome, that has such a great sound.

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Does that sub-bass over mid-bass and lower-mids bump sound as dry as Iā€™m imagining it would? I guess thereā€™s still a little something stretched to 200-300 in there.

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It sounds awful past the 10 ohm adapter. But I thought it would be good to graph. I have 10 ohm, 80, and 220 adapters, so I could do more combinations but I feel this is plenty.

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@Kenyon Bringing this to another thread for reasonsā€¦

My reviews on head fi have got basically nothing. All of them save two were bought with my own money. A reviewer? Iā€™m just an idiot spending money on products. I spend my own money on the Butasurr it wasnā€™t a sample.

I got my Butasurr in late August and wrote the review soon after. I was having fun in the hobby of writing reviews there. Yes, I wanted to support American Spirit, and I am not sure how much of this is HBB pissed about his set being poor, because I bought this set as he made the comparison that it is close to Supernova and possibly a top 10 set. My Supernova was on backorder as they are all and it finally came in. Itā€™s night and day in comparison. Supernova is a good set, but not perfect either, but it is better than Butasurr.

My only point was that I sold my set due to not liking it before all the drama happened. Heck I was done with quickly. As I have other iems in my ears and have had more time Iā€™ve learned a few things. To be honest, the more I learn about the hobby the more that I think a great deal of it is BS, shilling, and crap. I put my Butasurr up for sale in early October around the 1st. It took almost three weeks to sell. I found much cheaper iems that sound better. But I still hold by that Butasurr is a nice sounding iem, but not worth 520 or 600.

Certain people will buy a set if it has the right presentation and backstory. Part of the reason that I donā€™t quit the hobby is so that I can give honest takes of products. Iā€™ve been pretty damn harsh in my last few reviews and careful how I say things and what I do say.

Is it easy reviewing products that nobody has done especially when you donā€™t have a ton of iems to compare them to? No, itā€™s very difficult. We do what we can. I was wowā€™ed with my first listening impression of this iem. Will I tank that on the chin as someone newer to the hobby, and learn from this? Yes, I definitely will. Thanks for the post and the thoughts. Iā€™m not perfect, and I still think the Butasurr is a good iem, but I think maybe no iem is worth more than 300 or so. The level of branding involved in iems past a certain point makes no real sense.


Reviewing is hard, true.

But still, giving a greatly positive review of a set to sell it quickly because you didnā€™t like itā€¦thatā€™s sus

Thatā€™s not a very objective way to review anything.


Chapā€¦ You are not helping yourself here

It is clear from a 2 second glance at your head-fi reviews that nearly all your recent reviews (far more than 2) have been done with review samples instead of purchases - you are a new reviewer - you cannot have expected to have free units from the get go (similarly as someone who has purchased all of my own audio equipment with my own money - stating that you have had to purchase the items yourself is not a badge of honour as that is how the majority of people in the hobby get to sate their curiosity - as they are not holding themselves out as reviewers with access to free samples in return for a review) but within 4 months and within 10 IEM purchases of starting in the hobby and providing reviews, you have free unit samples out, before production releases available and are starting IEM specific threads with links to specific stores for purchase (especially when that review has been provided as a sample). So yes, I would hold you out as a reviewer - that being someone that makes reviews and offers purchasing guidance when people are looking for information or recommendations.

Whether you buy something or have a review copy it should not make a difference to how you hear things if you are trying to judge the item honestly & objectively as you have stated is your intention in remaining in this hobby - to give real unbiased reviews (as a reviewer) to help cut through the BS in the marketingā€¦

@hawaiibadboy may be rightfully pissed about the QC of his set and the lack of promised aftercare and replacement (as he should be, and as I would also be) but as you said that is his gripe and what he is commenting on is the process @AmericanSpirit_JP had regarding the selling of this IEM, itā€™s marketing, itā€™s origin, itā€™s unique features being copies, etc he isnā€™t drastically revising his SQ takes but pointing out the other issues surrounding this set and so it is not something he would recommend and consequently did not make a video or review regarding it.

Do I think the Butasur is as good as the Supernova - they are similar yes (I believe you previously said they were 95% the same but now it is ā€œNight & Dayā€), but Supernova to me was my preference (I equally feel this way regarding the Neon Pro vs the Butastur) - however Butastur is 2/3rds of those price points. As I have already stated - Butastur is no giant killer - but it is very competent in its price bracket and plays equally with sets like SA6 Mk2, RSV, Top, IE600, Meteor, EJ07M, etc (the top performing staples in that price range - looking at a vast array of different preferences in tunings/genre specificity).

The issue isnā€™t with someone having a different preference - as that is what this hobby is all about - the issue is that you went from saying how great this IEM and overly singing itā€™s praises (I will refrain from screenshotting these from the multiple reviews where you reference how exceptional the Butastur are, and how for some genres you have never heard better) to all of a sudden saying you never liked it (but you didnā€™t revise your reviews accordingly to reflect that). You can state that perhaps you were new to the hobby and didnā€™t have a body of experience but to that I would say

  1. you made a detailed review and compared to Meteor, SA6 Mk2, Oracle Mk2 & Monarch Mk3 - if you already had experienced these IEMs then you had a decent grounding on what is good sound.
  2. if you didnā€™t feel competent to make reviews then why do it? And yes reviews may be hard but so is everything in life if you want to do it well. You are offering people purchasing guidance that you refuse to stand behind as you say you didnā€™t know betterā€¦ Should all your early review also then be disregardedā€¦? Since you only reviewed the Supernova around a month after the Butasur is it safe to assume all your growth and knowledge took place within that period? And do you no longer think that the SA6 Mk2 or Meteor which you both gave 5 stars to but stated that the Butastur was an improvement on, are also no longer decent? Are we to think that using IEM math that the P5 is then on the level or an improvement on the SA6 MK2? Whilst we can all have different tuning preferences that is quite the jumpā€¦

I am not sure what critical reviews you are referring to as in the 7 reviews since Butastur there are:
5 stars - Aful Magic One, Binary Chopin, 7th Acoustics Supernova, Thieaudio Monarch Mk3
4.5 stars - Rose Technics QuietSeaā€¦
4 stars - KZ Krilaā€¦
3 stars - 7hz Sonus - the only middling ranking but of which you removed the review in itā€™s entiretyā€¦

As you said you are new to reviewing so I hope you take this constructively just as I hope @AmericanSpirit_JP does from the criticism he is rightfully getting, and I look forward to your future reviews.


Thank you for the feedback.


There will be a drastic reranking. Iā€™ll be making a video and it should be up in about two days.


From my ranking list:


Btw, just a suggestion, you should change the colors based on the values you have in them.

Like, a value of 1 looks the same as a value of 7. If you have more distinct colors it would be much more clearer overall on a glance.
you could group them into something like:
Values 1-3 = low tier ā†’ color them red
Values 4-6 = mid tier ā†’ color them green
Values 7-10 = high tier ā†’ color them blue
If you dont want one specific color for every specific value.
(something similar can be done for the letter rankings you got.)

You can automate that with Conditional formatting if you werent aware.


Thanks, thatā€™s helpful. Iā€™ll do that soon.


I updated the colors a bit. Not finished, but the formatting of it is kinda challenging.

Feedback is always welcome.


Thanks for hearing us out!!

Just last thing Iā€™ll say about this topic (but itā€™s more of a general feedback):
There is a difference between:

  1. buying MMk2 ā†’ reviewing it ā†’ selling it so you have funds to buy something else

  2. buying NOB ā†’ reviewing it ā†’ selling it because you didnā€™t like it, but that fact did not make it to your review (edit maybe) or to your ranking. this can be confusing for the consumer using your video for buying advice.


I appreciate the feedback. Your feedback is very valuable.


You could always take a look and see what colors I use on my own Database.

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These are my conditional formating rules for my tip page (which has values between 0-5).

Value is less than or equal to 0

Value is between X and Y

Cell is not empty

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