đŸ”¶ Koss KPH30i

Has anyone tried removing the foam pads inside of their standard KPH30is? If so, to the ones who both owned the Clears and the Standards, do they sound similar now? or any improvement at all to the sounds when you removed the foam pads inside of it? Just curious that’s all, since I have thoughts of myself removing the foam pads from my KPH30is, but I am afraid because I might break it.

they have a direct store as well but i’m not sure thats among what you are already referering too

Wait, you only have ONE KPH30i???

What’s wrong with you??? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Technically 2, but the first KPH30i I got, got broken back then due my dumbass accidentally sitting on them. Also, stock of the Clears here in my country are not available yet, so excuuuuse ME if I don’t own an another pair of KPH30is which I otherwise WOULD if they have stock here.

Give me a break.

Sorry man, I guess the sarcasm didn’t come through properly. I was totally joking.


I haven’t gone back the whole thread to check if anyone has done this mod before, but I basically followed what Z recommended with the Grado pads, but I kept the original foam pads on. But as Z said in his Ultra video, the sound signature became muffled in general albeit the comfort being improved.

The original sound signature for me was exceptional with a bit of piercing in the highs; turns out I’m not much of a treble person (KZ ZS10 Pros murdered my ears). I can’t fathom how it would kill me if I torn off the original pads, yet adding the Grado pads were too muffled. Suspecting that the inner opening of the Grado pads were too small and covered a portion of the KPH30i drivers, I managed to solve the problem by cutting out a larger circumference of the inner side of the Grado pads and the clarity came back with boosted width and bass. Another reason I don’t want to peel off my original pads is because Koss isn’t that available and more expensive in the UK. Blue-White is the only color scheme we have, and the Clears are not available. I got mine from Drop and I’m not gonna risk wrecking this powerhouse.

Now the sound signature of my KPH30i mod sounds like a flat plane containing all frequencies placed around 1.5-2 inches away from my ears with clear separation. Although sound stage isn’t particularly wide, imaging is decent. The good separation of frequencies made them very analytical so to speak. I always use these for Z’s sound demos. I wouldn’t use these for background music though; they’re too analytical and clear they constantly distract me from work.

I own:
(1) Yamaha MT5 (for bassy EDM party music, hip hop, and movies for the imaging and sound stage)
(2) Koss KPH30i (for analytical listening sessions)
(3) Tin T2 (BGM for work)
(4) Enacfire Future Plus Bluetooth IEM (bassy and light for outdoor activities)
(5) Sennheiser HD58x (Just received but not in my possession yet)


You can just buy them from Amazon US. They’ll take a bit longer to arrive but the import costs are factored in so you don’t have that hassle.

Yeah, not everything is as available as in the States lol

No, that’s on me last night, it’s my bad. No worries but for real, I would own an another piece if there’s a stock here.

So I got a pair of KPH’s from drop recently. White with the blue pads. Hat the way they look but that’s why I love 'em (so bad they’re good?) and after all the hype by Zeos on this form I was soooooo looking forward to trying them. But like a good kid waiting to open his gifts till after christmasdinner, I had it run 100hours of burn in.

So with high anticipation I put them on my ears (auwhc. That clamp mate) and
 very disappointed. They’re not that amazing? They’re like
 ‘ok’ at best? Am I missing something?

They are the best for the money, thats it


Try the

Try the Beige ones. I’ve heard they sound the best so they are the ones I got. They blew me away. Get far closer to my LCD 2C’s than they have any right to.

I finally received my Drop GMR 54x-ISO today and just had a quick initial listen to them.

Based on what I heard I am glad they only cost $8 (I had a Drop credit I had no idea what to do with). Coming from modded 30i’s they do not sound particularly good.

I do not have any stock KPH30i’s, but the closest I have are Yaxi’s with the inner backing foam removed. The 30i’s sound so much better than the GMR’s. Even stock based on memory beat them.

The GMR’s have crappy hard feeling D-shaped earpads, and they are pretty clampy (granted I have a really big head). Given all the reports of headband breakage I am not messing with it. Also, there is almost no articulation with the earcups so you are stuck if they do not fit you right.

As for sound, these are closed back (which I wanted because the 30i’s are really loud when I am out in public) so the sound is much more congested/veiled than with the 30i’s. The high end detail is good (just short of sizzle), with decent midrange. It is the low end I am not crazy about. It is a bit accentuated and muddy sounding. However, I believe a lot of that has to do with the congestion of it being closed back.

I will not bother sending them back considering how little I paid for them, however I will be modding them to see what kind of improvements I can make for comfort and sound. If anyone knows of any aftermarket pads that could replace the Koss D-pads please let me know. Other than that, it will be about earcup mods and maybe re-wiring for my balanced IEM cables. We shall see.

I am looking forward to seeing if Zeos can get the open backs for review. I have a feeling that they will sound much better.


Well guys, my bestfriend who is looking for headphones that is better than his current one, I got him! Now he is intrigued to get a Koss KPH30i since he got curious and intrigued on what I said about it.

One of us, you’re one of us my pal.

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Best $30 Ever.


can u link a guide to the 2 pin mod?

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You know what? since there are some folks here saying that I should have an another pair of these? Fuck it! I am going to get an another one! But this time, it will be the Clears.

Please save me, I have fallen too far in this Koss rabbit hole.

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much obliged

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