đŸ”¶ Koss KPH30i

Idk about solid vs clear but stock or porta pro foams are the bassiest cause it’s closest to your ear, get creative aurvanas if you want a bassy cheap compliment though

Definitely Ultra Mod, I’ve done both.

Yaxi pads just add comfort but not the distance between the driver and your ears, and definitely not the pad walls that a good bass reflection should have. The Ultra mod does just that.

However, if you want a middle ground between the two without compensating on the details, I recommend this mod I did, and it’s compatible with any oval shaped pads out there:


Sheepskin ultras baby :sunglasses:

Basically took a random piece of plastified cradboard and cut it to fit these sheepskin pads I had lying around (i think they’re for fostex), then just made holes for the back of the driver and the little tabs, profit.

Took out the little spikes for the foams too cause I hate them, but idk if it’s actually necessary (might be), also one side has a bit tape cause I broke one plastic tab (be careful).

Sound wise it’s slightly less airy/bright than ultra(which is good) but really, I did this one to finally get rid of random scratchy foams, thinking about it Maybe I could try and get the stock foams back under the pads and make the sound a bit warmer
 sounds fine like this though, pretty airy, reminds me of the hd560s but a bit less harsh imo.

Comfort wise I legit could wear this forever now 10/10

Update: put some foams that came with some bootleg sennheiser pads under the pads, bass sounds just a bit fuller, spot on warm neutral now.


If the Kph30i would use MMCX cables it would be soo perfect.

Bruh, I can’t help but think about how I added this ZMF Co-Pilot pad onto my KPH30i’s, now that I’ve seen this mod. Also, what did you use to cut the plastic packaging so cleanly?


I just used the Brainwavz pads to trace it onto the plastic packaging :joy:
Then it was just careful cutting with a pair of knife and scissors, that’s all

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The MMCX mod is pretty easy to do, I added it to my pair a while back and love it! đŸ”¶ Koss KPH30i - #621 by bogwater


I finally broke down and got a pair of clears and the Bokie G cushions, good lord how? They shouldn’t sound that good, that is a wonderful rich bass for very little money, and nothing is more comfortable for on the ear.

If I had discovered these a few years ago, I might have saved myself hundreds of dollars. No, I am just kidding myself, I just would have spent it on tube amps and power to cool my apartment.


@John_W_Clark Old pads left in or torn out?

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I left them in for now, but was thinking about removing them today. What do you cover the driver with if you take the stock pads off?

I left mine open for now, trying to keep mids, but cover the phones when not in use. I’m
not as impressed as others so wondering. I have seen mods for other phones where people have used a piece of thin curtain material from a fabric store.

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I may not do anything for a while, I am enjoying the darker and looser tone on these right now.

The mod I am pondering, is the over the ear, because that is my preferred style, and would put my ear closer to the driver. I have a set of Brainwavz ATH M50X pads sitting around, so it would be just cutting the plastic and fitting it. So I might have to see what goes into that.

My other two open backs are : the SHP9500, which are bright and mid forward, and the HE400se, which are dark, fast and tight. The three compliment each other well.

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Looking to get my 4 year old their first pair of headphones. Which model and mods are the most durable? I’m thinking of just buying 15 parts express headbands and letting her break them as she goes.

Would the Grado pads help them fit her small head? Is this the default recommendation? Geekria Comfort Foam Replacement Ear Pads for GRADO SR60, SR80, SR125,

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Wait for a bit and see how the new KPH40 Utility performs. Steel frame and twistable yokes seem more durable than the plastic of KPH30i series. Smaller headphones for a 4 y/o too


Thank you!

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Please, no headphones for the young UNLESS you have a quality player which properly limits volume!


Good point. She’s using a fire tablet. I think it has volume limiters.

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I’d worry more about her just ripping the cable off than the headbands

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I ordered the KPH40’s yesterday and should have them in a couple of days. Looking forward to comparing them to my 30i Yaxi’s and 30i Grado Ultras.

Has anyone seen a new thread for the 40’s? Or will we continue in this thread with them?

Edit: Of course, right after I posted this I saw there is a new official KPH40 thread. Should be another fun one.

No worries there, her dad can solder :slight_smile: