This is the official thread for the KZ x HBB DQ6S

This thread is for discussion and reviews.

  • Type: In Ear
  • Amp needed: No
  • Driver Type: 3DD

:red_circle: Hifiguides Amazon Link


Z Reviews…


I liked the OG DQ6 but I found it had coherency issues on songs that had a lot going on so far the DQ6s seems to be better but there was one song I came across so far that had a bit of a issue (drum that sounded like it was on top of everything else not alongside) so far I’m a fan I’ll post more thoughts and maybe a vs the Zex pro

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KZ’s current dumpster fire is spreading quick with fury

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I have a pair of these on the way. May as well leave the trash-can out for the post man.

DQ6s sounds different from the DQ6 but still has a bit of the coherency issue so very unlikely it’s one driver
possibly dead drivers? still makes their qc look bad

DQ6s vs ZEX pro, stock vs stock
DQ6s has pretty solid bass not as crazy as most other KZ sets maybe a bit more than the ZSN pro without coming across as muddy or bloated, vocals and treble seem pretty in line so treble sensitives should be fine

ZEX pro is a more balanced take compared to the DQ6s, less bass and impact but still should be enough for most libraries, more forward vocals and a touch more sparkle in the highs

DQ6s seemed to have a bit better separation while the ZEX pro had a bit less intimate soundstage

Oh yeah Akros did a video on the DQs some weeks ago where he suspected something was up.


Chris did a video about the not connected drivers.
I am sorry he is going through this with KZ. They should have done better by him.


It’s a damn shame, really. On top of the recent KZ controversy, he’s getting slammed left and right in regards to the condensation issues that plague the Oline and Mele. Man, I really do feel like Chris has the best intensions. I hope the lava is a hit for him, genuinely.


From @hawaiibadboy

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Just putting on my lawyer hat, so I have no idea if I am correct but just throwing out thoughts. Also in no way do I condone KZs practices and behavior, it’s really beyond poor atm.

If the drivers are operational and are producing sound(inaudible by the ear though), can KZ get away with this? Saying in response - the drivers are present and real, as well as operating.

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if they aren’t connected at all it could be fraud, if they are connected but have minimal impact its technically just false advertising

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Or technically inept :man_shrugging:


That video is amazing, thank you for that detailed explanation. The part about the small drivers being in opposite polarity was a great catch. The OG ZEX has electret timber for me, and the CRN didn’t really have that, so it is nice to have an understanding of why that is. Thank you for that.

It is sad, and I want to assume this is incompetence on the part of KZ. As a gateway brand into this hobby. It would be nice to see them step up and clear the air on what happened. If they just owned their mistake, many people would be willing to give them a second chance.

It sucks the way this is impacting both HBB and Crin. Both have other great collaborations going on, and in a couple months people are still going to be talking about those sets, Olina and Eclipse will be remembered far longer than the KZ stuff will be.

I am with you about not all companies being evil. Every IEM I have bought from Tripowin has made me feel like the price was fair enough that I still said “thank you” after I paid for it, which is how business should work, for both sides.

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I would hate to be the guy/gal soldering in the two mini-drivers into the DQ6 all day, talk about pounding sand.


That’s a big “we are sorry that we are not sorry.”

They might as well say something along the lines of “the drivers passed QC based on frequency response pass/fail criteria. Now that manufacturing defects have come to light, KZ will be working diligently to offer variants with improved tuning, while selling our still great sounding existing offerings at discount for a limited time during our March Spring Sale.”

The KZ brand loyalty bots are the most annoying thing to come out of this fiasco.


^ This.

People are literally defending a company that will rip you off. :man_facepalming:


That main DQ6 driver doing all the work.

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