La Figaro 339 shows up on Drop occasionally. I think it’s designed by the same person who designed the Dark Voice, but it’s not the same company. Not sure, but I like it a lot:
Off the top of my head since I’ve looked at them recently and not mentioned
Donald North Audio -
ZMF has the Pendant, though I believe it’s made by Amp and Sound
Zampotech makes the SW51 and Bachelor -
linear tube audio - though they are arguably Hybrids
Glen OTL - though the only way I know to get one is to message him on head-fi
Eddie Current -
They are inexpensive but fun. Not what this thread is for. They do NOT compare to the quality or sound of any of these other amps. I own 2 (NoBSOUND, same co) and use them often, it’s just a whole different level and scale of sound though.