Let's talk about computers

I’m curious as to what the hell makes people think adding stupid shit that will just take up more space on an already cramped pcb, and clearly will have 0 effect to add performance, is supposed to be a good idea.

I’m more interested in hearing about someone hooking up that 5V power connection and blowing something up…

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Yeah, man… I bought 2…



I just want to see the look on their face

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Anyone else hate it when they’re right about something?
So my computer has been making a noise like a fan is going out for a while now, but it’s acted more like it’ll do it for 5 minutes and then stop for a month. Well… It’s been going for hours now… GPU fans aren’t even running, stopped all the other fans… I’m convinced it’s the fan in the PSU… fuck me

What PSU is it? With a lot of PSUs you can just replace the fan with a normal 120mm case fan. Though you’ll want to make sure you completely drain the caps in the PSU before you open it up to do that.

Corsair CX750 Builder series

I know I need to clean it out, but just to show

Yeah, that does indeed sound like the PSU fan bearing going bad. Good news is that it is a 120mm fan. Bad news is that it might be a weird 2-pin connector instead of the more normal 3/4-pin. Worst case, you can always just search for the same fan that is in the PSU if it is a 2-pin. Otherwise you can get any 3 or 4-pin, whichever it accepts.

Worst case, I go out and buy a new power supply. The upside to that, I get one that is fully modular, and don’t have to deal with a non-modular power supply and the ketchup and mustard cables.

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That’s only worst case from a money perspective, lol. Trying to find the odd brand parts that go into these things can be a royal pain sometimes.

Yeah, but then again, it could be the safest route. I think I bought it… 3 years ago? Even then, I bought it used, so I’ve no idea how old it actually is.

Ah, if you bought it used then my recommendation would be to just buy a new one. Last thing you want is for for there to be something more than just the fan going bad and have it kill your GPU and/or other components.

I got a few good years out of it anyways, for about $20. Was living on Job Corps money and only had $500 stashed to build something, so I had to make it stretch. Unfortunately, now if I wanted to upgrade, I’m a little up shits creek.

You certainly got your money’s worth from it then.

Mine is always making a noise. Usually solved by pushing on the sata power cable a little bit lol.

Ehhhh, decided to pick this bad boy up anyways. Better safe then sorry
Seasonic FOCUS Plus 750 Platinum SSR-750PX 750W 80+ Platinum ATX12V & EPS12V Full Modular 120mm FDB Fan Compact 140 mm Size Power Supply https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074NB1PBZ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_FKH2Q4X01KZ9YSFEDCBY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

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That’s pretty sick, I was looking at a Seasonic 850W Gold myself, but decided on a ASUS ROG Strix one, since it has Jap components and later found out that it has a Cablemod -20% coupon, which pretty much counters the +50 euro(or dollar in your case) price tag.

Got some good news for you, you got a Seasonic PSU anyways. The ASUS ROG PSUs are made by Seasonic, specifically I believe that they are the Focus line with ASUS’ branding/tweaks that they request.

Yeah I know, but I heard that they use better quality components(JAP) on the ASUS line. I’m not sure if that makes that big of a difference tho.