Let's talk about computers

Uh guys, sorry about messaging here too much but goddamn I just saw a Samsung 980 EVO 1TB for sale and it’s up for grabs right now for the price of $130 and I think that is a good deal here in my store. A steal imo but I am not sure if I will be able to make it since the sale is ending today, and I have yet to receive my paycheck.

Welp, better luck next time.

Don’t sweat it, they go on sales every once in a while.


Anyone have any experience with this thing?
ID-COOLING SE-226-XT Black CPU Cooler LGA1700 Compatible 6 Heatpipes CPU Air Cooler All-Black 120mm PWM Fan, Intel/AMD https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FDXJV3M/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_EBSNHXMTV63V9X6T1W7V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Nope, never even heard of it before now. Reviews on Amazon seem to suggest that it’s decent as long as you aren’t trying to use it to stress Alder Lake.

It proablly depends on which 12th gen you are trying to cool, but i’d stick with stuff that has been tested by outside sources personally i always look at Gamers Nexus or Hardware Canucks first.

Gamers Nexus is pure data driven, very extensive testing with zero BS or fluf but can be very boring. (Because of their and a few other reviews i took my EK AIO and i couldnt be happier )

Hardware Canucks - a good balance between looking at pure data and also looking at esthetic while still keeping the format intersting.

Are you shopping for specifically a black tower cooler?

Not necessarily, more something that’ll look decent.

That’s my current set up, cooling a R5 1600 OC to 4.1Ghz @3.3(?)V
I’m planning on moving to a different case and upgrading the RAM to a faster speed (2666, can’t get it higher, though i was able to tighten the timings) and up to 32GB from 16
Also need to upgrade the storage… I’m kinda running out of space

What’s your budget?
A really good afordble and very good option is the Fuma 2

Around $50 for the cooler, keep it under $100 for the case.

Then the Fuma 2 is diffidently hits the mark, just make sure you have the clearance in terms of height

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Yep, that was my thought when I saw the price of the 226 XT. Anything at the ~$50 is competing with that and the U12S, dependent on use-case.

I love noctua and i rocked a bunch of their case fans and the U12S for a few years im just not a fan of the tan color :slight_smile: so i ended up swtiching to something a little more eye-pleasing but still solid

What about the Mugen Black Edition? Allegedly better then the non BE and would probably be easier to swap fans if i ever decided i really wanted them all to match and the same price as the Fuma

Ya from what iv’e seen its a solid cooler.

BTW going in on esthetics is a rabbit hole that i normally advise going for only for a brand new build in a lot of cases you’ll end up spending a lot more than you think just to match your current stuff, i would suggest saving that budget and then building looks in mind from the get go, a better solid look and still getting good bang for your buck

For your CPU, I can’t imagine you’d notice a difference. If you were going to be putting it on a more demanding CPU, then I’d say get the Fuuma 2, but for a 1600 it won’t matter which. That’s not going to put out enough heat to matter.

I mean… i know my CPU CAN go a touch higher, but the lil 92mm cooler thats on it right now can’t take the heat.
At current settings, it works
Edit: I can’t say I’ll never upgrade the CPU, but until i can see how Zen 4 is(and can get my hands on a much newer graphics card, i probably won’t be building a whole new system.

With Zen4, you’d be looking at a full platform upgrade anyways, so you’d likely just get a new cooler then as well. Performance wise for a 1600 though, that’s a 65W part and even OC’d like you have it it probably doesn’t draw much over 100W if I had to guess. I could be wrong on that, been a while since I really looked at Zen1 numbers, but I think I’ve got that right. And if I do, the Mugen 5 will have no issue cooling that with room to spare.

Okay, forgive me if I come across as being a little irritable. Still recovering from taking an axe to my foot, got my 4 year old nephew dumped on me earlier today, and I just got back from grocery shopping.
I am fully aware of Zen4 being a full platform upgrade. I anticipate building a whole new system from scratch at that point. I’m not new to this game. I was only curious as to if anyone had any experience with the ID cooler I linked earlier, or any of their other coolers. If they’re not good or hit and miss, then it’s something to probably avoid. Amazon reviews aren’t always reliable, so I was looking for more information about it or if anyone had any insight on the company. I know my other options.
If I decide I want to put in a 3600X/5600X, and I can do it, awesome! This computer would probably be turned into a home theater PC once I build a new one. Again, thank you for the input, but I know what I have.

No worries. Like I said, I’d never heard of that cooler, or even really that brand. And I really didn’t see anyone with a review that I’m familiar with to point to for an informed opinion one way or the other.

Then they’re probably a no-name “Amazon Special” kinda brand, which tend to be hit and miss, leaning more toward the miss.
Wasn’t joking about also wanting to upgrade my storage.

Drives E and F are both nothing but anime.