Let's talk about computers

To be honest I was just waiting for Stalker 2 for PC to be released, but ever since GSC World had the intention of putting fucking NFTs in that game after so called “abandoning” that plan, the hype I had for it died, therefore I am no longer looking forward for that game anymore, since I was a fan of that series yet “that” is what they were going to do, the love I have for their series is gone.

Not only that, similar thing happened to Metro Exodus back then, and yes to this day I am still salty and mad at Deepthroat Silver, uh excuse me, Deep Silver for fucking up Metro Exodus’ release on Steam, instead releasing it to EGS back then.

After all of that, I am no longer a fan of the Metro series and hell I don’t even want to play it even if it already has a Steam release, for that Steam release should’ve had been there day 1!

Ya i get that, you just need a plate cleanser for time to time.

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I’d planned on replying to this after I looked that drive up, but I got busy doing something and it slipped my mind until just now. Sorry about that, but anyway, I’m of two minds on it. Performance-wise, it looks like it’s just a bit better than the 970 Pro, but it does lack the DRAM cache. Which for that price, isn’t really the best thing. But it apparently can access system RAM to act as a pseudo-cache which seems to mostly mitigate the lack of an onboard DRAM? Not really sure how well it works, or how much RAM it will try to eat when it starts using it. I didn’t really dig that deeply. You do get the Samsung Magician software though, which is a major plus.

Skip the SN750 SE. It’s DRAM-less as well. No point getting it over the 980. For what it’s worth, I agree with you on ADATA. That crap they pulled was just a bit on the shady side and I don’t trust them to not do it again. As for the P5, that’s not one I’ve looked into at all, so I really don’t have anything constructive to say about it. But it reviewers have said that it has issues dissipating heat, then I’d at least be cautious.

Yep, ADATA did a pussy move with that, luckily I got their 1st gen of the SX8200 Pro after that happened, a shame really, for to me it’s like the 970 EVO Plus but Lite Version. Also, after searching for every nook and cranny for a more affordable 970 EVO Plus, I finally found one, and it’s going to take a while for here to get delivered since it’s from Japan.

But hey, despite it from being in Japan it’s from a reputable and verified store therefore I am in good hands and I have more time to save up for more additional purchases. 970 EVO Plus here I come…eventually.


Welp guys, looks like I fucked up. The seller that I ordered the RAM from is right for I did not read the description that I will be getting for it is indeed only a single stick of RAM that is 32GB that I will be getting.

At this point I don’t know what to do with it, and all I can think about is that is to get an another one for that is the only silver lining, instead of a 32GB RAM kit, it will be a 64GB RAM kit which is too overkill for my needs but nonetheless an improvement. Well, looks like I am not getting the 970 EVO Plus anytime soon due to my fuck up, but I better learn this, for sure I have knowledge about building PCs but you still screw up sometimes regardless of experience.

There is no return policy for something like “buyers remorse”? Not even if you pay for shipping?

^This. From the pics I saw, it didn’t even look like you opened it. So I’m not sure why they’d refuse the refund. Don’t feel too bad though. I’ve done the same thing myself. When I was helping my brother pick and order parts for his PC, I thought I was having him get a 4x8 kit of 3200 c14 only for it to come in and be a 2x16 kit instead. That’s been nearly a year ago now, and I’m still at a loss as to how that slipped by me.

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I mean it clearly said in the description that I will be getting a single stick of 32GB and it’s my fault of not reading it, therefore they delivered the item right, and yeah I cannot have it return or refunded. If it was a mistake I have a chance to get a refund but man, this shit sucks.

But the sad thing is, I already opened it and yeah that pretty much eliminates the chances of me giving this to return, even with buyer’s remorse. I should have done it better fuck me, all of that save up money gone to this single stick.

I would check on FB marketplace / other 2nd hand markets, if you could trade it for a 2X16 kit, some folks (like me) need 64Gb, and would mind swapping

I posted mine on FB Marketplace but I am not expecting much, since I don’t think a lot of PC users need a single stick of RAM for most of them would prefer getting a RAM kit aka 2 RAM sticks or even 4 for their builds.

I mean at this point, I have accepted that I would just save up and buy an another one, but a try like that wouldn’t hurt, but I would not expect much.

Interesting, at least in my country you can ship back a product and get a refund for no reason, as long as the package is intact. This is, for example, what Steve from GN did in the Newegg case. Amazon in particular have huge return windows for this and have more open stances. This is why some people return headphones after using them for a while using Amazon.

In any case, the FB marketplace is a good idea, and maybe eBay or other market place similar to it your country can be good idea. Even if you don’t get back all the money, at least your loss is smaller.

Also, don’t feel that bad, this things happens. What’s probably gonna happen is that now whenever you’re shopping RAM you will pay extra attention to this detail in the description. :grin:

Edit: grammar :expressionless:

Or if anyone is not interested on what I posted, I could just save up again and buy an another RAM of the same. Therefore instead of 32GBs, it’s 64GBs instead, though too overkill on what I needed. Also if I did that, no 970 EVO Plus and T3 Plus for me for a while.

Also my payday is coming soon anyway, so I can pretty much get an another one quickly, but I think it wouldn’t be so bad to wait for a potential seller to get the RAM I posted or swap it with the ones I needed, therefore with all of that happening, I can finally get the SSD, if it happens.

So, um… has anyone had to restart their computer while overclocking their GPU, only to find their graphics driver is borked?

How is it borked? Just doesn’t work at all?

Was starting with the memory, using MSI Afterburner while running Heaven in loop… first maxed power limit, then started on the memory on my RX 570… pushed it in increments of 25 up to 2150, and still nothing more then a single flash of a black screen before coming right back. Kind of a blink and you’ll miss it. Pushed once more, and hard lock up. Rebooted and it’s going off the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter driver… Reinstall of AMD Radeon Software, and it seems to be working again.
Can’t say it didn’t give me one hell of a scare…

I know the feeling all to well! That’s good to hear…

Particularly when you’re praying you didn’t just break something

I guess you found your stable limit then…

For the sake of peace of mind, if I were you I’d do a clean install of your GPU driver with DDU, if you didn’t do that already. And make sure that you aren’t connected to the internet when you’re doing it. Windows Update has a nasty habit of seeing there aren’t graphics drivers after you’ve used DDU and likes to install outdated ones at the same time that you’re trying to install the one you want.